Inspirational Information

Consulting Your Soul

Recently I approached a traffic light where a man stood in shabby clothes with a three-legged dog by his side. As I waited for the light to change I looked at this scene with compassion and felt an urge to contribute something. The sign he was carrying indicated that he was homeless. The people in my car commented that he was a strong young man, there were plenty of employment opportunities, and why should anyone give to people who are capable of working. They indicated a kind of mild contempt for this man soliciting funds whom they felt "should" be working. My thoughts were on him and the fact that he cared for and fed this crippled dog. I rolled down the window and gave him several dollars for which he expressed enormous gratitude.

Financial Freedom Blues

Steps to Financial Freedom, roadmap to financial freedom, achieve financial freedom?

Unconditional Love is Absolute Freedom to Screw Up Your Life

In my lifetime, I have never witnessed enduring unconditional love from another human being. I do not believe it is physically possible. I think that once we have reached that position of being able to give it, we have already passed over to join with the one that is unconditional love. I believe that this state is only experienced spiritually.

An Extraordinary Person

I am not going to tell you the story of an extraordinary person, who did remarkable things in life. Why should I? Are you not an extraordinary person? What do you think about yourself? You possess all the assets of an extraordinary person but, unfortunately, you are not an extraordinary person because you don?t think so.

Small Steps, Great Strides

Sacred space, sacred time

Top 15 Inspirational Quotations

Get inspired and lift your spirits with these positive quotations that will surely stimulate your soul and perhaps motivate your mind...

Borne Upon the Wings of Words

How often do you have opportunities every day to exercise your power of communication--encouraging a coworker, appreciating a spouse, guiding a child?

How To Weather Lifes Inevitable Storms

In the Northeast, we have a few months to prepare for winter by gathering firewood, securing windows and doors, and getting furnaces cleaned. As with any change, there is always a period of adjustment required. Often change in our lives doesn't occur so predictably.

What Will I Do When I Grow Up? Says The 45 Year Old Woman

I have always rather envied those people who have a burning vocation; they knew the career they wanted to follow and went for it. If, like me, you have never really known what you want to do, the years fly past and you still have to earn a living. But doing what?

Have a Green Day, Every Day!

Green symbolises growth. Growth requires change and transformation. This article will help you reach your maximum potential. You can have a green day, every day!

The Challenge To Succeed

So much has been written about success that one often gets confused about what success is all about. Success is such a personal thing that it may mean different things to different people. Yet we need to have a simple definition which should apply to all successful people and situations. The ultimate purpose of being successful is to take pride in one's achievements and be happy; and I think one of the best description has been put forward by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Turning Your Life Over To God and Trusting Him To Lead You Is Like . . . . .

. . . . . riding a roller coaster for the very first time. You?ve heard things about roller coaster rides, but what you heard depended on who was doing the telling. From some people (usually kids, or chronological adults who remained kids at heart and kept their iron stomachs) you heard glorious stories about the thrilling climbs and descents, about the twists and turns and maybe even roll-overs. Their words and facial expressions and body language were filled with exhilaration and excitement. Even if they didn?t tell you outright, you just knew from listening to them that they would jump at the chance to do it again and again and again. From other people, such as older folks, the faint-at-heart, etc., you heard about wrenched backs, whiplash, and the inevitable nausea.

Tomorrow May be Too Late

A high school senior, looking forward to going to college, inspiring to become a doctor kisses her parents and dashes out the door to go to school, smiling, and waving goodbye -- never realizing that before day's end, she would meet the fate of a deadly bullet.

Take Out Time -- To Just Be Thankful

While sitting here tonight, watching the conclusion of ?There Are No Children Here,? my heart pulsated as I heard a little innocent boy say, "When I wake up in the morning, I feel good that God gave me another chance to stay alive." This statement as innocent as it was, was true to him because of where he lived, and the lethal possibilities that he faced daily of being killed by someone's bullet.

Persistency - Element In Reality

One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence. Lets clarify the word ?persistence? :- It is ability to be persist on instances. And one of key element in this instances is your main Objective in life.

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