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Begin With the End In Mind - Tips to Make Your Life More Meaningful What would you change if you knew you would be dead in 1 day? Would you spend more time at work, pouring over budget figures, and trying to figure out how you were going to make this quarter's numbers? Would you read just 1 more e-mail from a complaining co-worker? Would you check your voicemail one last time? What would your obituary say about your life? Important Things to Know / Remember About Life The Fuel for Creative Vigor Writing a book or creating a killer headline requires a special blend of imagination, inspiration, and knowledge. Whether the ordeal is like enduring a root canal or soaring on a cloud, depends on how upbeat you are. The fuel of creative vigor is enthusiasm. Your Turn On The Holodeck Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth. Smile! Banish Your Fear Changing our physiology is one of the best ways to change the way we think and feel. Smiling (and I don't mean just a little smile - a big grin will do!) has the ability to change how we feel in an instant. Laughter too, is one of the best ways to heal our mind and body, hence the proliferation of laughter classes all around the world. The Essence Of Freedom Life is too hard and too risky in the eyes of many. By contrast, others are such proponents of a virile existence, demanding great courage and giving great pride, that they are ready to leave the coziness of their home to scale Mount Everest and breast the elements for the sheer joy of conquering the summit. Whatever the perspective, the nature of things remains unchanged. There are rules, necessities and duties, and limits, possibilities and impossibilities. Until doom, one can accept them and make the best of them, much to one's pleasure and honor, or one can do the opposite and suffer the consequences. The choice between these two options is the very essence of freedom. Personally, I have no use for the second option: a self-inflicted misery that is without the slightest doubt a pitiable way of life. Nine Things More Important than Capital When starting any enterprise or business, whether it is full-time or part-time, we all know the value of having plenty of capital (money). But I bet we both know or at least have heard of people who started with no capital who went on to make fortunes. How? You may ask. The Beauty of Life "An unexamined life is not worth living."-- Socrates Commitment To The Journey I have been a business owner for about a minute. In fact, that would probably be quite generous if you compared me to the business moguls out here or anywhere for that matter. But in spite of that fact, I probably know a lot about business, more than I realize and much more than you would expect, if you knew my background. It is my life as a business owner that has finally made sense of all the data and observations that I have gathered over the years. I spent 20 years of my life working for others, most unknown, some infamous. How To Walk On The Path Of Peace (Part 2) If you are praying daily for wisdom, for peace, a fuller realization of Truth, for happiness and that which you are praying for is still far from you, then you are praying for one thing while living out in thought and action something else. Begin to think and act in the spirit of that which you seek, and expect it. You will day by day begin to experience the reality of what you are asking for, so that ultimately you will become one with them. Cool Children It's funny how an acquaintance from the past just pops into your head sometimes. Usually the flashback is brought on by a phrase someone says, or a thought you have. Today my particular flashback was induced by the words "this guy," which were uttered by one of the custodians where I work, as we passed in the hall. Innovation Management ? Being Receptive to Inspiration Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Leading a World Class Life Every four years the world is given the gift of the Olympics. For a few weeks nations lay down their arms and come together to let their world class athletes compete on a level playing field to see who the best is in the many events. Such amazing athleticism was on display the past few weeks. It boggles the mind what these young men and women can accomplish with their bodies. Great feats of skill and determination bring them to the pinnacle of athletic achievement. Incredible. Overcoming Fear of Terrorism This week I did a radical thing. I bought a newspaper. To Thine Own Self Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 6, 2004 The Fighting Father This man is an Anglican priest but with a difference. You would not want to offend him put it that way. His online ministry helps to serve the community of street youth homeless/drug-addicted/criminal in a very unique way - by teaching them how to fight for starters. At the end of this article I will leave you with Father Dave's Top 10 of why we need to teach our youngsters boxing in order to make them less violent...What does it conjur in your mind when you think Anglican priest? Maybe a religious person? An old man pontificating whilst shrouded by church incense? Or perhaps a born-again Christian jumping about singing 'Praise the Lord on high' and speaking in tongues amidst wails and shrieks of people being moved by the Spirit 'Toronto blessing style.'Let me tell you that though he wears a dog-collar this man is no weakling. Father dave Smith is the minister of Holy Trinity Dulwich Hill in Sydney, Australia. From his own bio:"My mother died while I was still 16. It was the same day that I bought my first leather jacket. By this stage I'd developed a rather passionate attraction to the 'Sex Pistols' and to the nihilism of the British Punk scene. With my leather jacket and metal studs though I modelled my persona more on Dee Dee Ramone of the American punk group 'The Ramones'."We often neglect our spirituality. You can sign up for Father Dave's free affiliates only newsletter here A WARRIOR FORUM EXCLUSIVE:http://www.fightshop.biz/ezGaffurl.php?offer=samuk1000&pid=ezineFather Dave is the ex-champion of Hapkido worldwide.Now what is the difference between Father Dave and most other persons who use the internet as a shop or store. For one, just check out Dave's shop here and listen to the message. It's honest, frank and you won't get a much better browse on the internet. Only the best on the web here folks.http://www.fightshop.biz/ezGaffurl.php?offer=samuk1000&pid=0Here's what some others have been saying about Father Dave, friends:"He's as comfortable punching as he is preaching - which is just as well for the hundreds of teenagers this fighting father figure has saved from a life on the streets."Greg McLean (Aussie Post)"This nuggety minister has seen life from both sides of the tracks."Steve Lacey (Sydney Morning Herald)"Dave is a man of wonderful vision and never misses an opportunity to help others where he can ... I count myself fortunate to know him personally and to have him as a driving force in my Council area."Barry Cotter (Mayor of Marrickville)"I go to the man. I go to The Man's man. I go to the street, to the edge of the breakdown. I go to a man of God who wouid rather see kids throwing punches than punching heroin into their veins. Anglican priest Father Dave Smith"Jeff Wells (Daily Telegraph)"Father Dave is gifted in providing the young with a sense of purpose."Councillor Dimitrios Thanos (Marrickville Council)"fists of steel, a kick like a mule, the head of a fox and a heart of gold"Ross Willis (Western Suburbs Courier)Father Dave also has two digital products available. One, 'Sex, the Ring and the Eucharist' was in the Amazon Top 500 on the day of release. I urge you to check these out. The second is an inspirational original from the forefather's of America. This is just what our spirit's need. Let Father Dave welcome you. You can even watch him in the ring if you wish. Hee are the links to Father Dave's webpages:'Sex, the Ring and the Eucharist'http://www.fightshop.biz/ezGaffurl.php?offer=samuk1000&pid=1U.S. Civil War ebook libraryhttp://www.fightshop.biz/ezGaffurl.php?offer=samuk1000&pid=3At the beginning I promised you Father Dave's Top 10 reasons for teaching our youngsters boxing. Here they are:When young people are in a disciplined training routine they have no time to cause troubleEven when they have the time, they are too tired to cause trouble after a solid night's trainingYoung people learn to work happily in a structured environment which has positive effects at schoolIn the boxing gym they learn to accept authorityThrough competitive fighting, young people learn to set goals for their livesThrough developing their physical capabilities young people develop greater self-esteemThe training routine teaches them self-disciplineThrough learning to control their response when they are hit, young people develop self-controlBoxing training is very cathartic for persons carrying a lot of emotional baggage or angerWhen a young person joins a gym they join a new peer group of persons not involved in drugs or criminal activitiesTHIS IS A SAM BEATSON ORIGINAL. I DO COPY'S AND ORIGINAL HYPNOTIC SALES LETTERS FOR THOSE INTERESTED...GENERAL TO CONVERT YOUR PRODUCT AND BONUSES INTO A HYPNOTIC PITCH WILL COST YOU JUST $19.97 VIA PAYPAL email me if you interested in tweaking your letters to make people feel really good about your product before jumping on the wagon full and making that purchasesambeatson@yahoo.co.uk Quitting Before It Even Starts Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touch down. --Ross Perot Helen Keller: A Teller and a Seller What are the odds of someone doing extraordinary things if that person lost their sight, hearing and speech at nineteen months of age? Helen Keller overcame enormous disadvantages to influence the world. Although her teacher and mentor, Anne Sullivan, achieved great results with her, ultimately, Keller's success was up to Keller. Order and Law When disorder comes into our lives, we obviously aren't paying any attention to God's laws for us. You may think the 10 Commandments are not for today, but think again. When God gave these commandments to Moses He never intended that they would go out of style. God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Once God says something, it becomes law. Patience - The Antidote for Stress Why is it so difficult to hold steadfast to a commitment to the very thing we desire? I'm sure you've had the experience of challenging your client with something to do, or to be, in service of moving them closer to their heart's desire. As you reconvene again and again, you note that the client can't seem to stay committed to the steps that will realize their dreams. Certainly the age-old response is fear--but perhaps there is more going on. ![]() |
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