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Options Made Easy and Investor Education - Simple Enough for a 10 yr Old Kid
How many of you out there think that the market is performing well? How many think the market is performing poorly? And how many feel the markets performance is neutral? Actually none of these answers is correct. You see, learning and reading our options made easy articles, you will realize that the market does not perform, you do. You perform! Sometimes you perform well, and other times you do not perform so well. The market doesn’t perform, it moves. It moves up, it moves down and it moves sideways. This is all apart of learning our options made easy article course. It moves along like anything else that travels in a business cycle. If the market did perform, then you would only be able to make money in an up market. As you know, it is possible to make money in a down market, and even in a stagnant market. Thus it stands to reason that the market simply moves and you react to it. So, let’s talk about your performance. You have two ways that you can perform, directly and indirectly. Options made easy means directly, you pick your own stocks. Indirectly, someone else picks your stocks for you, whether it is your broker or a fund manager. In the latter case, the fact that you chose someone else to pick the actual stock does not mean that the responsibility of a loss is theirs. After all, it was you who chose them. In the end, it is you and you alone who are responsible for your performance. Consequently, it is your responsibility to become an educated investor and read our options made easy articles that we post. Years ago, individual investors didn’t have to worry about who was managing their money. Now, things have changed as poor returns from money managers and investment firm scandals have shaken our confidence in these professionals. To get a better look at what lies ahead, you have to go back and look at what transpired to get you to where you are now. From there, maybe a clearer path into the future will become visible. During the Great Bull Market of the 1990’s, many investors, like you, entered the market and reaped the returns of the largest bull market in history. Everyone, it seemed, made incredibly high rates of return. The market’s incredible, unprecedented move appeared to make geniuses of us all - but in actuality, it masked some major flaws with many industry professionals. It also created a misconception in the general public that all market professionals were experts. Suddenly, the bubble burst and those flaws were exposed. Not only did we find out that most of those experts possessed more luck than skill, but we also discovered that some had been cheating us out of our hard earned savings. Many investors were discouraged with these market developments, and to make matters worse, many had lost significant amounts of money. Not to mention, the prospect of regaining these losses seemed slim to uncertain, at best. Furthermore, options made easy does not mean the very people we normally looked to for help in retrieving these losses either lacked the talent to recover them or had lost enough of our trust and confidence that we wouldn’t even entertain the thought of letting them try. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If You Would Like to Learn More About Options Made Easy Click Here –> http://www.options-university.org -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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Chile Leads the Latin Pack Everyone's talking about China. Don't miss the opportunities in the other CHI.. Investing for Retirement - Not an All or Nothing Play In 1519, Hernando Cortes, beached on the shores of unexplored Mexico, made a fateful decision: he would burn the ships he and his men arrived in and attempt to overthrow Montezuma and the mighty Aztec empire. The decision was risky. The Aztecs were meant to possess large numbers of brave warriors while Cortes had only a handful of men. If Cortes had the slightest setback there would be no escape. On the other hand, Cortes had no choice. The powerful Governor of Cuba wanted his head. Cortes had defied the Governor time and time again and his best option for getting out of the situation was to win favor with King Charles by conquering a civilization rich in gold and other treasures. Since Cortes' men might get a little antsy if the going got rough and decide they would prefer going home, Cortes decided it would be best to completely align their incentives with his. He did this by burning the ships. Anything but success would now equal death for Cortes and all of his men. Thus began the famous march from Vera Cruz to Tenochtitlan. Direcway & Wildblue Set to Square Off this Fall? There is a cat fight brewing between Direcway LLC, Starband and Wildblue Communications for the large number of people in the U.S. who can't get some type of broadband internet and are willing to pay $50 or more to get better speeds. The combatants are telling investors there are 20-30 million "potential users" out there in rural or underserved America...true, but the historical fact of the matter is that up to now, only 500,000 or so have been willing to pay as much as $50-$100 a month for the "so called" high speed services offered by Direcway, Starband and now Wildblue. What has changed to stir all the press and advertising hubub by the companies? The claim is that both the Wildblue ka band and new Direcway 7000 offerings will finally give consumers a more DSL/Cable-like internet experience...ie lower latency and higher upload speeds. They expect that tens of millions of rural Americans will flock to their doors to pay over $50 per month to be "connected". To a degree they are right. It has become virtually impossible to funcion as a business without broadband internet and it is more and more difficult as a consumer to do without it. Even retailers (who obviously target consumers) are building sites that are very difficult to navigate unless you have a fast connection to the net. Pictures chew up bandwidth. Your Worst Enemy To Successful Investing - The Media How do you make your investment decisions and where do you get your information? If you're like most of the people I know, you look to the experts. 5 Things To Know About The Stock Market 50% Of U.S. Households Invest In The Stock Market Individuals invest in the stock market directly, through mutual funds, their pension plans, profit sharing plans, 401k's, IRA's, etc. Numismatics are for Collectors, Not Investors As a precious metals investor, you may heard much about numismatic and "semi-numismatic" coins, particularly the St. Gaudens $20 double eagle gold coin. While coin collecting can be an interesting hobby, it is not necessarily related to metals investing. Coins of this type vary in value with the ebb and flow of the collector market and are not strictly tied to metal value. Also, these coins often go for much more over spot price than bullion coins. Rolling your 401k: Contributory IRA vs. Rollover IRA In an ideal world you would start your working career with a great company in your early 20s, steadily climb the corporate ladder, retire at age 65, and draw a sufficient income from your accumulated 401k account to live happily ever after. Creating a Financial Future - Putting Your Plan Into Action Part 1 This column has previously discussed "picturing the future that we desire", and outlining a plan to achieve it. We mentioned that the plan must include goal-setting, measurement, and implementation. That implementation is this column's focus. Commodities - The Next Big Wave of Fortune Building Have you often wished you could have got in on a tremendous money making opportunity before it took off? How would you feel if you had bought Microsoft stock when it first went public and your investment doubled 5 times? Imagine how rich you would be right now? Investors: Avoid These 5 Common Tax Mistakes For many investors, and even some tax professionals, sorting through the complex IRS rules on investment taxes can be a nightmare. Pitfalls abound, and the penalties for even simple mistakes can be severe. As April 15 rolls around, keep the following five common tax mistakes in mind ? and help keep a little more money in your own pocket. Introduction To FOREX The Foreign Exchange Market, better known as FOREX, is a worldwide market for buying and selling currencies. It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars). In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day, and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day. Is Your Mutual Fund the Right One for You? Mutual Funds are considered to be one of the best investments one can get hands on. They're very flexible and cost-effective. An excellent investment for people with restricted knowledge, time or, money. Mutual Fund Returns May Not Be As They Seem! Arthur Levitt, during his tenure at the SEC, experienced many cases where the non-indexed mutual fund manager bought shares for their own accounts before the fund bought the shares. The fund's purchases drove up the price of the stocks and the fund manager's made a killing on the deal. This is called "front running," and is illegal under securities laws. Preholiday Trading The Light Crude Continuous Contract closed at $66.13 a barrel Friday, after hitting an all-time high at $67.95 a barrel earlier in the day. A week from Monday is Labor Day, which marks the end of the summer driving season. Consequently, I believe, oil hit a short-term top Friday or will top next week. Find Your Investing Soulmate on the Jersey Turnpike As a followup to a previous column, "Irreconcilable Differences," I received an e-mail from a reader asking how she could ensure, ahead of time, investment compatibility with a future spouse. How To Start Investing For Financial Independence, Part 1 Today, I am going to start a multi-part series about how to go from being a beginning investor to being "financially independent" in a steady and predictable way. At our website, we get tons of e-mails about how do I start, how do I start with little $'s, etc., etc., etc. If you are asking this question, congratulations because you are ahead of most. All of us have been there at some point. Before You Start Investing There maybe several reasons why you to want to invest your money. You may want to retire early, want to build your own business in the future, or to pay for your kid's education. Should everyone start investing outside their retirement accounts right away? The answer to this question is that it depends on your financial situation. First, you must have a basic understanding in financial management. What would happen if you lose your job, accumulate large medical expenses, or losing money on your investments? Do you still have money to pay your bills? Do you have to sell your investments that you have worked so hard for, with a loss? No one knows what the future will bring. Therefore, you must have a safety net to fall back on in an unexpected event. This article contains 5 concepts that you should follow before you start investing outside of your retirement accounts. How to Terror-Proof Your Money "To drift is to be in hell, to be in heaven is to steer." -George Bernard Shaw When It Comes To Investing, Asking The Right Questions Can Help You Make The Right Decisions Are you ready to open your pathway to financial independence? Value Investing By definition, value investing is the process of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic value. A value investor typically selects stocks with lower than average price-to-book or price-to-earning ratios. Of course, it is not nearly this simple. Value investing is the corner stone of long-term growth. Those who practice it survive the ups and downs of the market and are more likely to emerge wealthy than those who ride the market, in principle, due to the higher quality of the companies falling under the prerequisites of the value investor. Value investing is essentially concerned with getting the most profit at the lowest cost. The basis of value is profit. Value investing is an investment style which favors good stocks at great prices over great stocks at good prices. Value investor extraordinaire Warren Buffett has used this style to become a billionaire. ![]() |
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