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Preparing to Invest: How to get started
Investments can be a source of great potential earnings. The two most common reasons that a person does not invest are either they do not have the money or they do not know how to get started. These are some ways to prepare for investing and some things to consider before investing. Saving Money to Invest * Lower debt Everyone has debt and most will always have some debt, however if you have outstanding credit card debt, then this may not be a good time to invest. Credit card debt can be consuming and the best way to become financially stable and to create and atmosphere in which you are able to save money, you must pay off high interest rate credit cards. If you have more than two credit cards or your cards have reached the maximum limit and you are making minimum payments then you should invest all extra money into paying off these debts before investing in other ways. * Create Emergency Funds Everyone should have an emergency fund for unexpected debts or accidents. Financial advisors will recommend that you have at least three months of funds or 15% of annual income to fall back on in the event that you lose your job or incur unexpected expenses. * Maximize Employment Benefits If your employer offers a 401 K plan, be sure that you are taking full advantage of this plan. Strive to put in the maximum amount allowed each month. You may not think of this as an "investment" however, 401 K and similar plans are some of the best investments a person can make for their future. Before You Invest * Consider Your Options There are many different ways to invest your money. Do not rush into a decision based on advice from friends or family. Research and consult many sources before deciding on the investment plan that is right for you. You should have a goal in mind. Ask yourself how soon that you want to see the return from the investment and how much money that you would like to make as well as how much money you could conceivably loose. * Financial Advisors Financial Advisors can be an excellent source of information when deciding on your investment strategies. In fact, if you are not familiar with the processes involved, they are almost essential. Before choosing a financial advisor, you should interview several to find out what exactly you are getting for your money and always ask for references when interviewing an advisor. Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Debt-Relief-Solutions.com. He provides more debt relief, credit counseling, repair and free financial planning information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
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Global Markets: A Window on the World Economy Expectations drive the market. Every stock price is driven by what people expect the company to do. That's why all the talk about a strong or weak economy has such an impact. But those aren't the only expectations moving us. We've seen the impact of war and terrorism worries on markets and the impact of SARS concerns on Asian markets. What Age Should I Start Saving For Retirement? Ask this question to 100 people and you will receive 100 very different answers. The fact of the matter is there is no right age to start. But don't fret (did I just say fret?) knowledge is power! July 2005: Hurricane Forecasts for Weather Traders Tropical Storm Arlene formed as a tropical depression on June 8, 2005 near 83 West Longitude and 17 North Latitude. Although Dr. Bill Gray's updated hurricane forecast for 2005 calls for 15 named storms, with 8 of the 15 being hurricanes, orthodox meteorology cannot pinpoint the time and place for the origin of any of those future storms. My June forecast published on Ezinearticles.com entitled "June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Weather Traders" called for tropical storm or hurricane formation between June 7 and 11, 2005 around 86 West Longitude and 24 North Latitude. This forecast was prepared in May 2005 long before conventional meteorology had any indication of tropical storm activity for June. As can be seen, Arlene formed near these coordinates. It then passed close to them on June 9th and 10th. Exchange Traded Funds They call 'em ETFs. Keeping It Interesting Some lines from a movie never leave your mind; I don't remember the context always, but I do recall the dialog. "The Big Chill" is one of the few movies I own (VHS). At dinner, William Hurt, Jeff Goldbloom, and Tom Berenger argue about their past like dogs growling for a turkey leg at Thanksgiving. JoBeth Williams brings calm by chastising the men, and to that Hurt replies with a smirk, "Just trying to keep the conversation lively." It's one of those "had to be there" moments. The Real Cost of a Bad Habit What is the value of a good habit? Think of some daily habits, like brushing your teeth, or buckling a seat belt, or flushing. All of these habits have value important to some part of life. Failing to follow through on some habits can lead to some nasty results, and those results could cost us our lives. Inflation Proof Your Investment Portfolio with ETF?s Even though inflation has been relatively quiet in the U.S. since the late 1980's, there now appears to be some strong evidence that it may be starting to heat up again with an expanding economy, combined with skyrocketing oil and housing prices in certain key regions of the country. While the Federal Reserve has been raising key interest rates citing the threat of rising inflation, the cautious message coming out from the Feds are that, inflation is still benign and not yet a threat. Inflation is benign? Excuse me, but the cheapest gas I can find anywhere in this area is $2.23 a gallon, which is up almost 50% from last year and housing prices in my Howard County, MD neighborhood have more than doubled in the past five years. Trading Systems A trading system consists of a set of rules for viewing markets and making trades. The advantages of trading systems can be hidden when they become associated with trading platforms involving trade order submission and processing. A clarification of their roles can help explain the benefits of using a trading system. This can be done without identifying a particular platform or system. Once the platform infrastructure is isolated, a brief look can be taken at why a trader can benefit from a trading system. Online Trading Options Strategies - Rolling Rolling is defined in options online trading as moving a position from one strike to another either vertically in the same month, horizontally to another month or some combination thereof. Which IRA Is Best For You? An Ira is one of the greatest ways to save on taxes currently and accumulate money for the future. Learn How to Lose and Risk Management One of the leading traders on Chicago Mercantile Exchange, because of a single trade lost everything! Delist My Corporation Please It use to be said that once a company was de-listed from the NASDAQ it was the kiss of death, not so any more. With Sarbanes Oxley and all the insane reporting requirements it might save your company from incessant lawsuits from investors and the government regulators who are out to destroy free enterprise. Many small NASQAQ companies have spent over $100,000 initially to set up the controls for accounting compliance of Sarbanes Oxley and now the ongoing scrutiny for transparency runs a good 1-3% of gross sales. But that is not the kicker; the real problem is when company executives make decisions for the regulator over sight compliance and what is best to keep the company out of trouble or from receiving a letter from Elliot Spitzer or the SEC. Once that happens the stock price tumbles and once in the sites of a regulator they are going to have to find something to prove self worth, even if they have to lie a little or fudge their investigation to make something up. Which is all to common as any insider will tell you. Dont Catch a Falling Knife One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced investors is trying to "catch a falling knife". This is the phrase used to describe the habit of buying stocks that are in "freefall", and is a poor strategy, albeit common among new investors. Sadly, it is a common practice even among old and experienced investors. I've even fallen prey to it myself. The Three Legged Stool My paternal grandparents were born near Lake Como, Italy. My grandfather learned how to farm, and he did just that until he died chopping wood at age 88. As a boy, I would walk into the barn where I watched him milking cows. Never got the hang of it, but I liked hearing the ping of fresh milk in the galvanized bucket. In order to get where he needed to reach, Popper would sit on a three legged stool. That wooden stool causes me to think of three investment legs for every household or business endeavor. As you know, lots of things come in sequence or synergy of three, even sneezes. Types of Investment The word 'investments' is one that most of us are familiar with hearing in financial context. For many of us, it may make us thing of big business and vasts sums of money, but there's much to the world of investments than multi-million dollar deals. An Introduction to Offshore Investing Once upon a time, offshore investment strategies were spoken of in hushed tones. They were conversations restricted to the plush offices of private Swiss bankers, or a dinner table topic in the expensive playgrounds of the multi-millionaires. Waiting 20 Years Can Cost You Millions - Dont Wait Start Today Many Young people live for Today. They really don't fully understand the power of compound interest. The Difference between investing as little as $20 a week at age 20 or waiting until age 50 can be over $3,000,000 (yes 3 Million). Don't wait start today! Discipline in Trading and Investing The one thing I can think of that most affects both trading and investing has to be self-discipline. Investor Guide to Financial Health Step 1: Spend less than you earn Short Selling for Investors Shorts. Let's see. If there are shorts there must be longs. Which is best? Longs or shorts? ![]() |
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