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Get Wealthy With the Rule of 72
When it comes time to retire how many people would like to have a nest egg that is 2 or 3 or even 4 times larger than what they have? With an answer so obvious allow me to explain how you can make it happen for yourself. First we'll explain the Rule of 72. If you divide the number 72 by the rate of return on your investments the answer is the number of years it will take to double your money. If you are getting 7% annually then 72 divided by 7 equals a little over 10 so it takes 10 years to double. A 9% return divided into 72 gives us an 8-year time span to double. A 10% return needs only 7 years to double. Now what return can reasonably be expected in our real world? Over the last 100 years or so the United States stock market has returned 10 to 11% per year on average, depending whose figures one reads. We'll use the figure 10%. Suppose at age 37 you start saving for retirement. We choose a reasonable sum of 110 dollars a month. In 7 years you notice that you have accumulated 13,200 dollars. Another 7 years go by and you see that you have nearly $40,000. At the end of 21 years you have $93,000. By age 65 you notice that 28 years have gone by and you have $200,000 dollars. The rate of return kept steadily increasing. Those of you with some mathematical leanings will recognize this as an exponential rate and also as compound interest. This website has a good calculator: http://www.tcalc.com/tvwww.dll?Save Also notice that 28 represents four 7-year spans, time for the first dollars to double four times. Observe that during the first 7-year period you accumulated $13,000, during the 2nd 7-year period $27,000, during the 3rd 7-year period $43,000 and during the 4th period $107,000. During the 4th period you grew eight times as much as in the first period. All without changing the amount saved, $110 per month. You think to yourself "I wish I could have twice as much". You may have figured out where this is going. Just START 7 YEARS EARLIER. Now at the end of 35 years you have $414,000, just for starting sooner. And if you start another 7 years earlier, imagine, $846,000. You accumulate $214,000 during the fifth 7-year period and $432,000 during the sixth 7-year period. Sixteen times and thirty-two times the amount in the first 7-year period. All for the same 110 dollars a month! Yes, I know. This would require beginning saving at age 23, a very difficult thing to do. I also realize that those people with marginal incomes just don't have money to save and also that younger people usual have lower earnings power and incomes. I'm trying to make the point that to whatever extent you can follow this start-early concept it will pay off handsomely by the time you reach retirement. Albert Einstein wrote that he believed the most marvelous thing in the universe was compound interest. You can put it to work and double or triple your retirement savings. Save as much as you can, save regularly but most of all start as EARLY as possible. Play music like you always wanted. Gain the knowledge you need to cut out most of the drudgery of endless practice. Dr. Moloney is a retired Family Practitioner with a lifelong interest in music and teaching. Empower yourself to take charge of your learning by studying his E-book. http://www.musicsimplified.com/
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Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 2) How to Collect Rare Coins For Fun and Profit Preparing to Invest: How to get started Investments can be a source of great potential earnings. The two most common reasons that a person does not invest are either they do not have the money or they do not know how to get started. These are some ways to prepare for investing and some things to consider before investing. Stock Market Leaders and Laggards Leaders are stocks that breakout immediately when the market confirms a new rally. In the first several weeks, strong stocks with leadership ability will breakout on volume above their 50-day average. Some of these stocks will breakout on the largest volume ever. Typically, newer stocks that have come public in the past few years will have the most strength for sizable gains. Investing in World Markets There are many different ways to invest in world markets: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, commodities or currencies. Sometimes people refer to these options as investment vehicles (or method of investment). Some of these vehicles may fit your personal characteristics or lifestyle better than others. The point is that no matter the method you choose to invest, the goal is always to put your money to work so it earns you a profit. Even though this is a simple idea, it is the most important idea you should understand. Better Investing Made Easy If there were one piece of advice that an investor could ask for, the question would probably be something like "What do I need to do to invest better?" Better investing choices are sought by investors every day. Some find them and succeed, others do not. The difference clearly lies in better investing, so investors are on the right track. They are, however, asking the wrong questions. The Myth of the Earnings Yield Abstract Getting Started In Investing Are you ready to open your pathway to financial independence? Beginning Investor - Investment Terms Over the course of the past two months, readers have brought to my attention that there is a steep learning curve for investment terminology. That's why the focus of this month's Beginning Investor column will be investment terminology. The world of finance can be complex. This article doesn't intend to provide an all-encompassing set of definitions, but rather, as a general guide to help you understand the most frequently used financial terms. There's no way we could cover everything - and I'm sure that we wont - but this should clarify some things for those new to investing. This month, we'll be looking at stock-related words in particular. Shareholders Meeting Changing With Times A significant number of corporations that settled accounts in the past year are ready to hold their annual shareholders meetings. It Must Be Joe Cockers Market Agonizing displays of poor theatrics failed to entertain my mind one recent Saturday evening. I scrolled across several television channels hoping for an engaging program. Finally, one particular concert intrigued my senses. There on the stage performed one of rock and roll's most expressive singers. How to Analyze the Veracity of Investment Newsletters When trying to analyze whether a promotional ad for an investment newsletter or a market timing investment trading system is worthy of investigation, the following questions should be asked: Trading Tips No 4: Technical Analysis The Holy Grail Syndrome Everyone knows that the Holy Grail of investing and trading is a myth. Finding a good technical analysis tool that will give you a trading system that wins all the time is called the holy grail of trading. This means that one would never have a losing trade, not to mention consecutive losing trades, never have an equity curve drawdown, and after five winning trades in a row will just keep on delivering winning trades forever! There is simply no technical analysis or system that wins on every trade. Consolidation Period The economic data reported Fri showed continued above trend growth with disinflation (at the core level, excluding food and energy) in the second quarter. Real output growth has slowed from about 4% in 2003 & 2004 to just over 3 1/2% so far this year, while a core inflation rate fell from 3% last quarter to 2%. Consumption growth slowed from 3.5% to 3.3%, investment growth jumped 9%, and net exports increased over 12%. Also, business inventories declined. July 2005: Hurricane Forecasts for Weather Traders Tropical Storm Arlene formed as a tropical depression on June 8, 2005 near 83 West Longitude and 17 North Latitude. Although Dr. Bill Gray's updated hurricane forecast for 2005 calls for 15 named storms, with 8 of the 15 being hurricanes, orthodox meteorology cannot pinpoint the time and place for the origin of any of those future storms. My June forecast published on Ezinearticles.com entitled "June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Weather Traders" called for tropical storm or hurricane formation between June 7 and 11, 2005 around 86 West Longitude and 24 North Latitude. This forecast was prepared in May 2005 long before conventional meteorology had any indication of tropical storm activity for June. As can be seen, Arlene formed near these coordinates. It then passed close to them on June 9th and 10th. Going Against the Conventional Investment Wisdom First of all, I want to give everyone the disclaimer that I am not a registered financial advisor and I don't play one on TV. Therefore, I cannot legally provide financial advice and I will not do so. This is for informational purposes only and I'm not recommending any of my personal investment strategies to anyone else. Now, with that being said, I will outline some techniques I use for my personal investment strategy, without going into a whole lot of specifics. I generally go against the conventional investment wisdom that you are accustomed to hearing, although I do use both a conservative and a not-so-conservative strategy. Larry, Moe and Curley, Investment Brokers Larry, Moe and Curley were sitting in their favorite restaurant just off Wall Street having their usual 3 martini lunch and were discussing the day's events and their client portfolios. Trading Expert Discovers Ways To Beat Stock Market Odds With Money Management The first point to mastering money management is that you have to understand when you're trading on the stock market is that you are playing the odds ? but unlike many forms of gambling, you can make money. The key to making this money is to respect the risk that is part of the market, and manage it. Money management is a set of rules and guidelines that enables you to turn a profit. By being triumphant with your money management skills, you can keep your risk at a level at which you're comfortable with, keep from making poor trading decisions, and ensure you don't loose your trading capital. This is why it is so important to follow money management rules. Dont Catch a Falling Knife One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced investors is trying to "catch a falling knife". This is the phrase used to describe the habit of buying stocks that are in "freefall", and is a poor strategy, albeit common among new investors. Sadly, it is a common practice even among old and experienced investors. I've even fallen prey to it myself. Angel Investors: Who They Are & When Are They Appropriate Angel investors are individuals who invest in emerging business ventures. Angels typically provide both capital and know-how to companies who are in either their start-up or expansion phases. To reflect the increased risk of investing in such firms, angels seek a higher rate of return versus traditional public stock investments. Success Trading: Yet More Basic Terminology for New Traders In this day and age of online brokers for virtually every market out there, there are some very useful tools that will help protect your account and lock in profits when you have them. It is our recommendation that you use a good online broker and take advantage of not only the low commissions they offer, but also the automated tools that are available. These tools are virtually idiot proof if you use them. The number one reason that people's accounts go belly up in the markets is because they lack the discipline to stick with their trading plans and let emotions drive their trading decisions. This approach is a guaranteed way to lose in the markets. Oh, you might get lucky on occasion, but eventually the market will take your money. Let discuss some of the trading tools we're talking about. ![]() |
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