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Investing in Car Dealerships: Doing Your Homework
This article attempts to help give the investor a broader basis upon which to decide whether a dealership merits their time, money and attention. Interviewing Factories and Financial Institutions Lenders have an affirmative duty not to promiscuously disclose the financial condition of their debtors. In addition, most Sales and Service Agreements contain confidentiality agreements, with respect to the unauthorized disclosure of a dealer's business. Consequently, questions directed to factories and finance companies should be limited to pertinent, non-confidential questions. The Buyer's Responsibilities 230 Kan. 684, 640 P2d 1235 held that not only was a bank under no duty to disclose information to a borrower intending to purchase a dealership, but that the investor could not avoid responsibility of exercising reasonable diligence for his own protection. See too: 387 NW2d 373 (Iowa) and 773 F2d 771 (7th Cir.) A buyer may not abandon all caution and responsibility for his own protection and unilaterally impose a fiduciary relationship on another without a conscious assumption of such duties by the one sought to be held liable as a fiduciary. 724 SW2d 343 Courts have even held that a seller's accountants upon discovery its client's financial statements were misleading at the time they were given out, had no duty to correct them, even though they were included in a prospectus. See: 513 FSupp 608 N.D. Ga. The Physical Inspection of the Dealership Due diligence requires more from a physical inspection of the dealership then searching for defects in the facility, or potential EPA or OSHA problems. A skilled advisor can surmise how well a potential seller is operating by a visit to the facility. Such things as whether the sales people are energetic, or lethargic; the amount of time it takes sales personnel to greet customers; whether the store is clean and well maintained; whether awards plaques are kept up to date, all indicate the financial condition of the dealership. Public Information Data can be obtained from public information to determine not only the financial strength of the dealership, but it can also suggest how to structure an offer more attractable to a seller. Sometimes a seller will accept less money because of the manner in which the offer was structured. Determine what a seller needs, then find a way to enable him or her to get it. UCC-1, title and mechanic's lien searches all supply information without having to seek permission to obtain credit reports and without violating contractual relationships with lenders. The Fallibility of Dealership Financial Statements Dealers are required to file financial statements each month. These statements, however, should not be materially relied upon in making projections. A profitable parts department and a losing service department may mean the service department is doing poorly, or that a strong parts manager is intimidating the service manager into paying too much for the part. Industry Guides are available for each area of a dealership's operations. Guides, however, are good servants but bad masters. They are prepared by many different groups, using a variety of sources. A prospective purchaser should: (1) Compare the selling dealer's actual performance figures, to the guides and obtain explanations for any variances; and (2) Prepare a pro forma statement, based upon expected sales and forecast gross profits and expenses, based upon personal experience, rather than the selling dealer's experience. (3) Recognize inconsistencies and irregularities in the statements, and pursue a more thorough investigation of those items. Financial statements do not provide answers about a dealership; they present a method to formulate intelligent questions in order to pursue answers. Keys to Analyzing Dealership Financial Statements Basic "flags" when analyzing dealership financial statements: see our website: http://www.automotiveadvisors.com for a checklist of some basic flags. Consistency should exist from month to month in each individual account. All inventory and expense accounts should be compared. Note and receive an explanation with respect to major fluctuations. Buying Without Relying One buys a dealership without relying solely upon a seller's financial statements in the same way in which a manufacturer opens a new point. Major differences in these approaches generally inure to the buyer's benefit. For example, when opening a brand new store, there will be no existing wholesale parts business, retail sales base; yellow page advertising; or vehicles lined up for service the day after the escrow closes. Buying an existing business, on the other hand, provides all that, as well as "historical" versus "projected" data to use with forecasts. In addition to reviewing financial statement, three additional questions should be answered before making projections for a new dealership: (a) the current retail sales volume; (b) the planning potential, at closing; and (c) the new rent factor. With those three figures, one may guesstimate the dealership's earnings under proper management; and, he answers to those questions may be obtained from the factory and a reading of the lease. Officer, Director and Shareholder Approval Most dealerships are incorporated, or LLCs, and a check with the Secretary of State or Corporations Commissioner will reveal the shareholders, directors and officers of the corporation, and the members of an LLC. A check of local records will generally reveal a d.b.a., or general partnership, whether or not a partnership agreement or stock has been pledged or encumbered and, if so, to whom. Information, regarding shareholders and officers should be acquired from sources in addition to the factory, as the factory may not have all the information needed to assure the buyer he or she is actually negotiating with the person who possesses the authority to make a contract. Dealers sometimes have silent partners, or sell an interest in the business without informing the factory. In either instance, a potential purchaser could be misled into negotiating with the wrong party. You need that information to be sure you are negotiating with the right party. In 796 F2d 345 (10th Cir), Michael Gage, president of Michael Gage Chevrolet, signed a "Memorandum of Agreement" to sell his store. He had no approval from either the Board of Directors, or the shareholders of the corporation. Subsequently, the Board and the shareholders rejected Gage's agreement and entered into and approved a Buy-Sell Agreement, with another party that was consummated. Gage sued the Board and the shareholders. The state court dismissed and Gage re-filed in federal court. The federal court held that when Gage (the dealer) signed a "Memorandum of Agreement" to sell, he had no approval from either the Board or the shareholders and "without such authority (he) could not validly contract to sell the corporation's assets." Be aware too: states vary with respect to the number of shareholder votes required. Some require 100%, some a two-thirds vote and some a simple majority. Attorneys, Accountants, Brokers and other Automotive Advisors Attempt to determine the other party's advisors and whether they possess talent; are knowledgeable with respect to the automobile business; and their reputations for veracity and keeping their word. After an investigation is completed, a decision should be made whether or not to proceed. Some purchases are better avoided, regardless of the attraction. Questions to Ask about the Business Why did the Dealership Fail or Succeed? As in "Valuation of Dealerships" (a topic for another article), the critical question is not whether a selling dealership's financial statements reflect a profit or a loss, but rather why? The fact a financial statement shows a large net operating profit and a large number of vehicles sold is not enough answer to answer why it is profitable. See our website (automotiveadvisors.com) for a checklist of questions. The questions must be answered before projecting whether new management will make a profit and before deciding upon a reasonable offer for the dealership. Actual Sales vs. Planning Potential Planning potential is important for several reasons, such as vehicle allotment, build-out allotments, capitalization requirements and reasonable expectations. A low planning potential and high volume sales may mean the working capital requirements are unrealistic. It is almost impossible to be profitable when a dealership is capitalized too high, or too low. When questioning the factory about planning potential, not only inquire as to the number, but also as to the manner in which the planning was derived, the date it was determined, when it is expected to be updated, whether it reflects actual sales in the market area and if not, why not. Area of Sales and Service Responsibility The dealership's area of geographic sales and service responsibility is important both with respect to surrounding dealers, and with respect to whether or not the factory intends to close an open store, or open a new store. Past service and sales numbers will be of less value to future projections if the factory intends to add or delete points. Inquire of the factory, as to what the planning potential requirements would be, taking into consideration the newly closed or opened point. Significant Document Checklist Although some of the following items are more important when dealing with a stock sale, versus an assets sale, visit our website (automotiveadvisors.com) for a list of documents the prospective purchaser should have his or her advisors collect. In addition, the advisors should be certain to verify addresses on insurance policies, as we have encountered instances where the address being insured was not the address where the dealership was located. Finally, the appropriate advisors should have an understanding of past, pending and potential litigation, DMV, factory and finance company problems, along with any settlements, payment of sales taxes and whether or not favorable state unemployment insurance rates may be transferred. John Pico holds a Doctorate of Jurisprudence, is a vice president of Automotive Advisors of America, Inc. and in the last 33 years has completed over 1,000 dealership transactions. In addition to lecturing about buying and selling automobile dealerships, Mr. Pico has published two books and numerous articles on the subject. For more tips, sources and a list of references and experience, go to http://www.automotiveadvisors.com © Automotive Advisors of America, Inc.
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Okay, so I can tell you I have sat in front of countless numbers of people who have made mistakes when purchasing and owning annuities. And I have visited people who wish they never got involved in an annuity. And I have seen people who say that their annuity is their worst nightmare...So what is it that makes the annuity such a bad thing for some people and such a great vehicle for others??? Well I am about to tell you...and it all goes back to the annuity owners biggest MISTAKE. Yes, not mistakes but mistake. Top Ten Investment Mistakes 1. Lacking an investment plan a/k/a/ "Don't take a trip without packing the map". A pre-planned asset allocation generates positive results and eliminates emotional panic selling. It?s Never too Early to Start Investing! Remember the old saying, "never too late to start"? Well, try this on for size: when it comes to investing, it's never too early to start. Time really is of the essence here. Those of us who find ourselves between the ages of twenty and forty should make investing for retirement a key priority on our list of things to do. When It Comes To Investing, Asking The Right Questions Can Help You Make The Right Decisions Are you ready to open your pathway to financial independence? Stock Market Money Management Skills Let's start by saying: You can't be afraid to take a loss. The investors that are the most successful in the stock market are the people who are willing to lose money. Short Term Savings Products When you invest, it simply means that you are putting your funds in products, in this case short-term savings vehicles, which will allow you to reap high financial rewards. 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High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) appear at first to be the secret to unlimited wealth and fortune, but as you can guess that quickly changes. However, I have found myself still using them in a very limited fashion as a generator for my digital currency exchange. I will discuss that in a later article. First, you need to understand the concept of e-currency. It is a digital currency that is traded and used for purchases on-line. In fact, it has no national boundaries, is handled in many different currencies and is very liquidible. While all of these factors make it a very versatile tool for the investor, it also makes it anonymous and therefore very attractive to the scammers and thieves. Be warned it is almost impossible to know whom you are dealing with or what they are actually going to do with your money. There are many types of e-currencies but I prefer e-gold for many other endeavors than Help. 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Frankly, you're an inspiration to us all. But to seal the nomination for the financial Oscars, a little work on your investments could go a long way. Everybody Wants to Know How to Invest Those unfamiliar with the process of making and managing investments often have more than a few trepidations about investing in general. They figure that, since they do not know how to invest, they will never learn. Of course the horror stories of investors who lost their life savings on some bad deal don't help people to feel any less secure when figuring out how to invest. What Is A Fair Market Value, Really? If Youre Going To Trade, Be Sure Its Worth It! I've been involved in online trading, specifically with stock and index options, for several years. In this time, I've spent a great deal of time thinking about value and the fact that anything, be it a stock or currency or even a house, is worth exactly whatever someone else will pay for it. Sure, there are a million and one pricing models (especially in financial markets) that will tell you precisely what something should be worth. But in the final analysis, if nobody will pay that much, then it's not actually worth that price. How to Buy to Let Find out everything you need to know about buy to let. Learn what to buy, where to buy and what not to buy. All this information about buy to let won't cost you a penny. Now is the Time to Invest for Your Retirement! Yes, it's the time we've all been waiting for?tax season! We know you've gotten a jump start and filed early this year, right? Of course not, but rather than dreading this part of the year, we should all look to it as a point for new opportunities. Many readers don't realize that even though the New Year has come, they can invest money as if it were still 2004! That's correct, it's not too late. You can invest funds into your retirement account until April 15th, 2005 and have it count as if the contribution were made in 2004! Investors typically choose to take advantage of this through an Individual Retirement Account. ![]() |
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