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Variety...even children need itJennifer LB Leese Books and children should go hand in hand. There are just about as many different books as there are different children. Variety is what everyone needseven children! Here are a few fabulously written electronic childrens books from authors who are sure to become favorites in your household. FLY & I by Bonnie Covel and published by StoryPlus.com is a book that teaches children about reputations, trust, friendship, kinship, and the importance of honesty through the sport of basketball. It is full of positive messages, and fun characters. Another creative book that teaches children an important lesson is IN A PARROTS SHOES by Mindy Wilson, published by SynergEBooks. It is a story that any child or adult can relate to. The main character does not like being like everyone else she likes being unique. When a friend from class starts to mimic parrot everything she does, she seeks advice from her mother. Soon the little girl opens her heart and mind and she soon begins to appreciate her friends differences. If your child likes to hear folktales, then STONE SOUP by Alistair Scott is the book you need. Published by StoryPlus.com, this adorably illustrated and well-written storybook for children will delight its readers. The main character is Tyler, a starving tramp homeless man. Using his wits, he tries to trick Farmer Skinflint, a mean old man who never gives anything to anyone, into giving him food for his stone soup! TAKING RESPONSIBILITY BUILDS TRUST by Karen Sue Wiesner, published by Writers-Exchange EPublishing is a book aimed to provide parents with a simple and fun method of teaching their child about trust. The mascot is a raccoon named Reb he talks directly to the reader, giving them instructions on how to use the book, and adds a cool, up-to-date style to an instructive book. Planted within the book are sections that allow children to learn more about responsibility, and trust. Do you read books to your children mainly at bedtime Then THE EIGHTEEN STORY GINGERBREAD HOUSE by Jay Dubya Cyberread.com would make a wonderful book to read them, as it is a collection of eighteen exceptional stories in a wide range of subjects. Some involve magic, others include human-like animals, and some are just plain ole fun. These stories are diverse, entertaining, intriguing, and out of this world. They include culture, daily-life experiences, history and much more. I CAN GROW by Mrs. Mouse, published by Writers-Exchange EPublishing, makes for a fast read. It is a charming story about a little rock determined to grow and change into something spectacular just like the flowers, rain, leaves, worms, and grass around him. Written for children, this adorable book is perfect for anyone who enjoys dreams and life. Remember, just because some books are electronic e-book books, doesnt mean they arent fantastic! Open up an electronic book today and get to know some talented new authors. Off the Top of my Headtalented childrens authors to check out: Charles Vald http://www.writers-exchange.com/epublishing/charles.htm Liam Maher http://www.writers-exchange.com/epublishing/liam.htm Judy Miller http://www.writers-exchange.com/epublishing/judy.htm Janean Nusz http://www.writers-exchange.com/epublishing/janean.htm
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Can that really be true The Three Sure-Fire Ways to Learn About Safety Hey kids, there are different levels of safety and those levels depend on the situation you are in and the decisions you make in those situations.You can even better train your brain to use instincts, intuition, and even fear as safety tools. Here is an easy way to know just how to trust these instincts.Read ‘em up! ![]() |
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