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Information for Kids and Teens |
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Children Who Talk to AngelsSkye Thomas What do you do when your child begins talking to some unseen entity How do you determine if its a psychic event, an imaginary playmate, or some sign of a mental health issue You want to handle things in a way that is best for your child and of course in a way that isnt going to harm them in any way. You also want to make sure that you speak from a spiritual belief system that you can believe in. Your child will know if you are uncomfortable with the topic or if you dont believe in what you are saying. Theyll also be able to tell if you are scared or threatened by the subject matter. You will want to fully research the concepts and choices before saying something that you might later regret. The first response should probably be no response. After all, it may just be a fabrication to gain attention. Kids do that. The first thing to look into is imaginary playmates. There is a lot of research and information to be found on the topic. You can ask your child some questions about their little friend and find out pretty clearly if the child is creating an imaginary playmate or not. The research will show you some of the common reasons and scenarios that cause some children to create these friends. Study the topic for yourself and make up your own mind if thats what is happening with your child. If you determine that your child does not fit into the imaginary playmate profile, then you have to decide if theyre actually talking to guardian angels, spirit guides, Jesus, or some deceased relative. As I understand it, imaginary playmates are not named after spiritual entities or relatives. They have their own unique names. If your child is specifically mentioning Jesus, or great grandpa Joe who died last month, then you have to evaluate the chances that theyre either suffering a bit of an emotional problem or they really are talking to spirits. I would also look at your own words and see if the child might be trying to win your favor by pretending to channel your favorite spiritual figure. Also, are you giving them subtle messages that maybe you want them to be magical children that talk to angels and spirits They may be faking it in order to please you. Kids do that. It might not hurt to find a therapist who believes that psychic events can and do happen. They would be able to give you some professional insight, guidance, and reassurances if needed. If you see a therapist who simply doesnt believe in such things, then you and your child may be deemed nuts! On the other hand, there are experts who are so hungry to find real live cases of psychic children, that they may overlook signs that your child is faking it or struggling with other issues. You really need to choose the therapist carefully and one with good amount of common sense as well as an open mind. They will be able to help you find out if your child is really channeling someone from the other side or if theyre suffering from some sort of a psychological issue that needs attention. They can also help you to learn how to speak to your child about the events. If its determined that your child is psychic, expand your research to include information about psychic children. The fact that its Jesus or Joe that your child is talking to may be comforting, but thats not really the issue. The fact that they can possibly hear and see a dead person means that you have three basic choices before you. * Make your child stop so theyll be normal and fit in with everyone else. This is typically done by ridicule, punishment, or logically telling them that what they are experiencing is not real. Telling them its not real and isnt happening is a polite form of ridicule. * Make the child into your personal miracle. Have them show off for everyone you know by channeling grandpa Joe for you, your friends, and family. This will make them feel like a side show freak. This approach could quite possibly backfire on you by making your child quit talking with angels altogether. It can also make them embrace a sense of self who is freakish, causing the child to become a really weird and spooky personality type who doesnt fit in with anyone anywhere. * Behave as if its perfectly normal to talk with those who have passed over to the other side and act as though its simply another form of communication and/or prayer. Explain to them that theres nothing wrong with them. However, you should probably warn them, as they get older that there are frightened uneducated people who will not like it. They will need to learn when is the proper safe time and place to discuss such things and with whom. By not making a huge big deal of it, you help them to feel like its simply a natural part of life. I personally would not want to deny my child such a direct link to the heavens. My overall recommendation is to research psychic children and imaginary playmates. You can find support groups of other parents and professionals who are addressing this topic. They would have more concrete research and data for you. Whether your child has created an imaginary playmate to entertain themselves, is really psychic, is just trying to get some attention, or is having emotional problems, they were given to you to care for. No matter what your belief system, its your job to protect your child and make sure they grow up as balanced and sacred as possible. The most important thing is that you both continue being honest and loving towards each other. Be kind and most things will turn out for the best. Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrows Edge
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