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Information for Kids and Teens |
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Trick or Treating SafetySamantha Olea Halloween is such a fun time of year for kids and adults alike, so its important that we take some precautions to keep it that way! Heres my list of trick or treating tips for your family. Wear comfortable shoes!! Carry a flashlight Wear something with a reflector on it you can even find reflector tape and paint at your local home improvement store. Go out before dark-especially for little ones. The big kids tend to flood the streets later at night making it hard for little ones to trick or treat. Never go into a strangers house, even if they ask you to come in while they go and get some candy. Throw away all homemade or unwrapped treats. I know some people work hard on making great home made treats, but in this day and age its not worth the risk! When walking down the street, have the adult walk closest to the road, and the children closest to the houses. Do not run ahead of the adults-its very easy for children to get carried away and accidentally run into the road. Do not pet strange animals while trick or treating. Though you really shouldnt ever pet someones animal with out being invited to do so, you especially shouldnt during trick or treating where your costume or other costumes may be irritating or confusing to the animal. Do not eat candy as you go. Always be nice, even when people do not have any candy to give out. Do not knock on doors where the lights are off. Watch where you step! Have a plan before you start. If you are walking in an unfamiliar neighborhood, it is easy to get lost. When you approach a treat giving house, make sure to yell "Trick or Treat!" very loudly! When you get home, check all of the candy before allowing children to eat any of it. You are looking for:
If you find any of the above mentioned items, its best to discard them-trust me, there will still be plenty of treats to go around afterwards!! Have a safe and Fun Halloween-and take lots of pictures!
| ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | RELATED ARTICLES Trick or Treating Safety Halloween is such a fun time of year for kids and adults alike, so its important that we take some precautions to keep it that way! Heres my list of trick or treating tips for your family. To Do or Not To Do: Behavioral Books for Kids If you deal with children on a regular basis, then you know that a great kid with a not-so-great behavior can disrupt activities. As a mother of three children, I understand. However, I didnt always. The Ugly Discipline Mommy Monster had to show up more than she wanted to, and usually during the most inconvenient times. Needing a new approach to dealing with my children, I had to find childrens books to help my children and me with their not-so-great behavioral problems. 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