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To Do or Not To Do: Behavioral Books for KidsJennifer LB Leese If you deal with children on a regular basis, then you know that a great kid with a not-so-great behavior can disrupt activities. As a mother of three children, I understand. However, I didnt always. The Ugly Discipline Mommy Monster had to show up more than she wanted to, and usually during the most inconvenient times. Needing a new approach to dealing with my children, I had to find childrens books to help my children and me with their not-so-great behavioral problems. Nobody wants to take out the trash in ITS NOT MY JOB by Ted Lish, published by Munchweiler Press, http://www.munchweilerpress.com. After moving into their new home, the mother purchases beautiful trashcans and places one in each room. But what good is a trashcan when no one wants to empty it Need-less-to-say, the trashcans quickly begin to overflow with trash, and as the weeks go by, the trash starts to spill out onto the floor. When an emergency occurs, because of them not taking out the trash, everyone decides to work together to clean up the house and find what they have lost. Lishs book would make a magnificent addition to school libraries worldwide. Children of all ages will enjoy this book and, with any luck, will learn an important lesson about cleaning up after themselves. Have you ever tried to teach old dogs new tricks Well, Alison has in Charles Valds CANT TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS published by Writers-Exchange EPublishing http://www.writers-exchange.com/epublishing. However, Tony the dog isnt interested, but Alison doesnt give up. Valds story is inspirational, and is a great way to teach children to never to give up, and that looks can be deceiving. Also available from this publisher is CHIPS SHARING DAY by Linda Derkez. Chip doesnt like to share anything of his, but in this delightful book, he learns that being kind and nice and fair will take him much further than being selfish and rotten. Parents will enjoy reading this charming picture book to their children, as it teaches them the consequences of not sharing. What about doing something that you know youll get in trouble for later Joel, his brother Ricky, and his cousin, Lisa find themselves in that exact predicament in WATCH OUT FOR JOEL: LONG SHOT by Sigmund Brouwer, after hitting a bull in the head with a rock shot from their giant slingshot. Will they lie about it Find out by getting this book from Bethany Backyard http://www.bethanyhouse.com. Another book on the horrible subject of lying is NO MORE GOOSEBERRY PIE by Dorothy Thompson. When the smell of gooseberry pies cooling on the windowsill become too much for one little boy to bear, he swipes them, eats them, only to have a tummy ache later, and then denies it. Children learn from the boy in the story when he tries to lie his way out of a sticky situation. Off the Top of my Head talented childrens e-book authors to check out: Sherry Baldwin, http://beecherbear.com/ Rick E. Patton and Katrina A. Patton, http://www.adnapnottap.com/HomePage.asp Caroline Arnold, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1264/
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