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Making Homemade Gizmos For Fun - Inexpensive And Rewarding ProjectsAlan Detwiler Making simple, homemade devices is fun for any young person who likes to tinker and build. The build-it-yourself enthusiast will get a great sense of accomplishment from creating self-designed items. Someone looking for a hobby or anyone interested in hands-on building and creating, can use common materials and items from around the house. You may need to purchase some inexpensive items such as glue or a small styrofoam ball. Many simple devices can be made with tools that most people already have such as scissors, hammer and pliers. Simple devices can be built in between 15 minutes and 1 hour. Particularly involved projects may take many hours to complete. Some projects could be useful items, artistic, or clever devices and gadgets. A variety of projects can be made: toys and playthings, curiosities and novelties, useful and practical items. Some projects require well written instructions to adequately explain how to complete them. There are books written particularly for the adolescent or young adult who enjoys making interesting mechanical devices and gadgets. Some books are written to make constructing the described items easy. Projects are described using clear wording. Diagrams are included to assist in ease of understanding. Choose a book that has these features. Most casual do-it-yourselfers will have the needed items around the house and/or garage. Only low cost and no cost materials are needed. Most items are made from small pieces of wooden boards, coat hanger wire, paper, used containers, and discarded household items or low cost items found in hardware stores. There are no kits to buy. The projects require common tools such as a scissors, hacksaw, screwdriver, pliers, knife, file or drill. Books are available on a wide variety of projects. Books can be choosen that deal mostly with items that are mechanically interesting, clever or useful. The items may be toys or playthings. They may be simple mechanical curiosities, appealing because of their shape or structure. Building homemade items is fun for the tinkerer who enjoys improvised devices. It is fun for anyone who wants to develop ingenuity to use the tools and materials that happen to be available. Building homemade items lets you enjoy structural and mechanical devices and therefore more enjoy the world around you.
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A Child Can Make a Difference Sometimes dreams really can come true! May 8th - 11th, 2000, my daughter and I traveled to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, because of a dream my daughter, Amanda, has to make a difference in this world. Amanda then a 6th grader entered McDonalds Millennium Dreamer contest and told them about her contributions to the humane society and her dream of making the world a better place for animals. Amandas dream is to help homeless pets find homes, and she makes this dream a reality by writing a newsletter and donating all her profits to the humane society. Her entry won her and a parent an all-expenses-paid trip to Disney World to meet with other Millennium Dreamers from all over the world. 2,000 kids were chosen in all--1,000 from the U.S., and 1,000 from 90 other countries. The kids accomplishments were recognized in an awards ceremony where Christopher Reeves and the CEO of McDonalds corporation were among the key note speakers. 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