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GroupsJacob Jacobsen YOUR GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL GROUPS AS OF 2004 Intro: This guide will attempt to classify and organize ALL High School social groups in an organized, encyclopedic manner. They are listed in order alphabetically, following with a summary and description of all physical, mental, monetary and other such traits. Also what will be found is references to groups that may fit under more than one group and/or mixes of groups. As is follows: Average People Average people are obviously average in most or all aspects of their overall appearance and manner. They are neither rich nor poor, cool nor uncool, etc. Average grades in school work are another obvious trait. So all in all, average people are average. Gangsters Gangsters are gangsters. They hang out all grouped together, wearing the same colors, blue or red most prominently. There are also wannabe gangsters and stoner gangsters. Goths "Goths", short for the people who dress and act gothic, are people who do just that, dress and act gothic. Obvious traits are spikes, chains, studs etc., all or mostly black clothing and other dark fashions, and pale skin in some cases. Wannabe and stoner goths also exist. Hicks/Hillbillies Hicks, also known as hillbillies, are mostly the people who openly like country music, live/work on a farm, wear hick type clothing like tight pants, truck driver hats, and shirts that say things like "Joe Bobs Towing Company" or "Jimmys Welding". Other such traits may include the possesion of a big ol truck or other beat up, dirty vehicle that could be used on a farm or out in the country. Stoner hicks are also present. Jocks Jocks are those that are into sports, obviously. They are on all of the teams every year and think theyre all bad and stuff. Sports most associated with jocks in order from greatest to least are: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, etc. Losers See "Not Smart Nerds" Nerds Nerds. Wow. Nerds are usually considered as socially inept. There are two main types of nerds: Smart ones and Not Smart ones. Smart Nerds Smart nerds are just that, socially inept losers who are accademically superior to most around them. Sometimes the social clumsiness is caused from the pressure of being smarter than others. Other times, they just dont know how to talk with a lot of people and would rather just hang out with their good friends. Not Smart Nerds Not smart nerds consist of just that, people who are considered low on the foodchain, unpopular, weak, and otherwise small and insignificant and are not accademically superior to many. Preps Preps are the elite of the elite. They are all rich and think their better than everybody. Most are found in groups and teams such as: Cheerleaders, and Football playerswhich can also be construde as jocks and other such things as the student body organizations and other stuff like that. Psychos Psychos are those people that sit all by themselves at lunch and plot world domination and other freaky stuff. Some also literally have mental or social problems and could kill you for the smallest thing. So thats why they are psychos. Punks Punks are just those people who arent stoners or gangsters, but they just arent going anywhere in life and get in trouble for stuff like lifting cars and doing graffiti and other vandalsim and theft. Rockers Rockers evolved from wannabe goths. Theyre the people who if you call em goths they get all pissed off. They dress in black and spikes and stuff too, but theyre just called "rockers" instead. No one knows why. Skaters Skaters are obviously skaters. Skateboarders that is. No one roller blades anymore it seems like so the Skaters category is made up of a majority of skateboarders. Most noticeable trait: T-shirt, hat, sweatshirts etc. covered with a skate brand logo. "Special" People Literally special people are the people who are in the Special Education program. Stoners Drug users. Wannabes Wannabes come in a variety of shapes and sizes but are just weenies who pretend to be what theyre not. Another term that seemed to be started by skaters referring to wannabe skaters is "posers". There are wannabes for just about every group imaginable.
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