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Information for Kids and Teens |
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I Just Love It!Kristin Johnson You know the scenario. Youre sitting at the family Christmas gathering and your ten-year-old opens one of Aunt Marthas itchy homemade sweaters. Or Uncle Bobby, whos been swearing to lose twenty pounds for years, opens an exercise cycle. Of course, if Uncle Bobby follows the politeness rule, hell say, "Thank you, its just what I wanted." Then hell conveniently "forget" about it in the basement or storage closet. your ten-year-old may not be as skilled at pretending as Uncle Bobby, but kids know enough to know that any answer other than "Thank you, Aunt Martha, I love it" will raise the roof. Theres nothing wrong with pretending you like a gift that someone has consciously bought because they think it suits you, youll like it, or it will be good for you. The saying "Its the thought that counts" is a truism. Unless you habitually dont put much thought into your gifts. Have you stopped to look at other peoples faces when they open your gifts The excuse "Im too busy" only goes so far, and your children know it. If you can take time out of your week to exercise or not, in Uncle Bobbys case, and who knows, Uncle Bobby might have a physical reason for not losing those twenty pounds, rent a video, go jogging, go to the movies, you can put some thought into the gifts beyond recycling last years "I love it" items or heading to the mall. Its important to let kids know that regardless of the gift, sometimes politeness above and beyond the call of duty is required. However, you personally can create more honesty from your kids and with your kids when it comes to gifts. Remember when your ten-year-old made you a clay ashtray You dont smoke, but you cherish that homemade gift. Or how about when your parents hung your macaroni ornaments on the tree and your pictures of Santa on the fireplace You genuinely said "I love it" and meant it. Your children could tell. Your parents were sincere with you. You are what you give, how you give it, and how you receive gifts. Its easy to moan that the true meaning of Christmas has been lost for our children. Its harder to turn away from the traditional gift-giving grudge. Some tips:
Above all, remember that the first gift of Christmas is love, and thats something no one can fake. Copyright c 2004 Kristin Johnson. Permission is granted to reprint the following article on your web site or ezine, or print magazine/newsletter as long as no changes are made and the byline, copyright information, and the resource box is included. If published in your ezine, it must be opt in only. No spam ezines or purchased lists may use this article. A copy of the ezine magazine and/or URL of the web site where it is published will be greatly appreciated. If published on a web site, there must be a link back to http://www.christmascookiesareforgiving.com.
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