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Mesothelioma & Asbestos Cancer Information |
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How to Tell if You Have Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure
Mesothelioma - Symptoms and Solutions Symptoms of Mesothelioma can be latent in the body for years. And even when the symptoms do become evident, the symptoms are so general that they can easily be misdiagnosed. The symptoms of this disease can even be confused with pneumonia during its early stages, making it difficult to diagnose. It is therefore important for patients to inform their doctor if they have been exposed to asbestos at any point Types of Mesothelioma: Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma are common forms of Mesothelioma. The rarest form of this disease is pericardial mesothelioma What are some of the symptoms? Shortness of breath and chest pains are common. This may be accompanied by a persistent cough. Those with Pleural Mesothelioma may also experience severe breathing difficulty, weight loss and fever as well as trouble swallowing and even swelling of the face and neck. Some patients may also develop a rasping voice and start coughing up blood. However, there are other patients that may not show any significant symptoms at all. Patients with peritoneal mesothelioma can display abdominal pain and swelling, nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting. They can also suffer breathing problems, and chest pain. Pericardial mesothelioma sufferers may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, persistent coughing and palpitations. What causes this? With Pleural Mesothelioma the build up of fluid between the lining of the lung and the chest cavity. This is known as pleural effusion. This type of the disease starts in the chest cavity and can then spread to other parts of the body. In patients with peritoneal mesothelioma the disease starts in the abdomen and can spread from there. These symptoms result from tumours that lean against the abdominal wall. Bowel obstruction, anaemia, fever and problems with blood clotting may also affect peritoneal mesothelioma patients. Pericardial Mesothelioma, starts in the cavity surrounding the heart. With pericardial mesothelioma, the tumours grow in the tissues that surround the heart and can spread from there. For information on ways to treat Mesothelioma go to: http://www.topmesotheliomalawyer.com/Mesothelioma_Information.php Caterina Christakos is a published author and internet publisher. Her background is in marriage and family counseling and law.
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How to Tell if You Have Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure Mesothelioma - Symptoms and Solutions Mesothelioma Cancer and Asbestos Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which occurs in thin membranes (called the mesothelium) lining the chest, lungs, abdomen and sometimes the heart. Although quite rare, mesothelioma symptoms strike more than 200 people each year in the United States. The majority of mesothelioma cases are directly linked to asbestos exposure. Your Mesothelioma Case Your Mesothelioma case is important to you. You have been robbed of years of your life because of someone's negligence. The question is what are you going to do about it? Mesothelioma is a serious disease. Mesothelioma is caused from exposure to asbestos materials. Often times, Mesothelioma takes decades for this disease to come to the surface. When it is noticed, Mesothelioma is often in its last stages, beyond medical treatment. What does this mean to you, the injured? What does it mean for your family as well? Mesothelioma is also reason to look into litigation. How to Treat Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure There are many forms of treatment for Mesothelioma. Their effectiveness is on a cases by case basis. Here are five possible treatments that have been used: Mesothelioma - The Largest Man Made Epidemic It is documented that Australia had the highest per capita use of asbestos in the world from the 1950's until the 1970's. As a tragic consequence, Australia now has the highest per capita incidence of mesothelioma in the world. With more than 500 Australians contracting mesothelioma per year, it is estimated that up to 18,000 Australians will die from this asbestos related cancer by the year 2020. Symptoms of Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is an extremely nasty and permanent cancer that infects the membrane surrounding most internal organs. It is also a very subtle form of cancer providing only a few noticeable symptoms until it becomes extremely advanced. The most common type of mesothelioma is called pleural mesothelioma. It causes shortness of breath and/or chronic coughing that can easily be mixed up with allergies or a common cold. In many cases mesothelioma is discovered by accident when patients are looking into these symptoms. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include: Mesothelioma Attorneys and Asbestosis Treatment Data Mesothelioma attorneys What Are The Risk Factors For Mesothelioma? Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma cancer. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. Lung Cancer: The Bad and the Worse In terms of deaths caused by various forms of cancer, lung cancer ranks second only to breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute recently reported that an estimated 172,570 new cases of lung cancer will be reported this year and that 163,510 American will die from this disease. Mesothelioma or Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma: What is it? Beryllium The New Asbestos? It was American workers on the world's first atomic bomb who became the first industrial victims of beryllium, a rare but especially light, stable and strong metal whose toxic dust can kill those who breathe it. Mesothelioma Research Research offers hope of cure for mesothelioma. A laboratory mouse fully recovered from mesothelioma and built up immunity to further tumors during trials of a new mesothelioma research & treatment regime being tested by West Australian researchers. What Is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma the medical name for cancer of the pleura (the lining of the lung and chest cavity) or cancer of the peritoneum (the lining of the abdomen). It is usually caused by prolonged or persistent exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma Cancer Diagnosed: Dealing With Emotions People deal with and react to having cancer in different ways. There really isn't a right or wrong way to behave or feel regarding this disease and it is easily forgotten that partners, family and friends will need support as well. Asbestos - Mesothelioma Asbestos is a naturally occurring, fibrous mineral found in the ground and mined all over the world. It is so small it can only be identified under a microscope. In the past, asbestos was added to various products such as insulation to increase fire resistant properties. Asbestos exposure, especially of an extended duration, has been linked to mesothelioma and other health problems, including lung cancer. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects cells in the lining of the chest and abdomen. The tissues in these areas are called the mesothelium, and they produce a lubricating fluid that allows the organs to move easily and without irritation or injury in the torso cavity. The Facts About Lung Cancer - Better To Be Aware Keep yourself abreast of facts about lung cancer, as the statistics of affliction are staggering and in most cases, lung cancer can even be prevented. Cancer, the dreaded disease, is a malady marked by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which rapidly destroy healthy tissue. Although changes in the lung begin almost immediately upon exposure to carcinogens, lung cancer takes years to develop. Coping With Cancer-A Family View An often forgotten feature of dealing with cancer is what I call 'after the event'. That is, when your loved one has passed on. The coming months are a particular difficult time for such people. Malignant Mesothelioma Malignant mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer, is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the sac lining the chest (the pleura) or abdomen (the peritoneum). Most people with malignant mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they breathed asbestos. Mesothelioma Tragically the word mesothelioma is becoming more and more well known, the mere mention of it striking fear into all of us for we know that it is associated with death. Asbestos is the reaper, mesothelioma its hand maiden. Mesothelioma Information Help Depending on the stage of the disease, the most common treatments are surgical removal of the affected tissues, chemotherapy, or radiation. There is some concern that research into mesothelioma will be minimal, because it is projected to be a short-lived disease in terms of new cases after the next 30 years. However, new research is consistently providing physicians with alternate forms of therapy, and there are many intense studies into control and cure of the disease, so those diagnosed with mesothelioma do have many options and a lot of hope. ![]() |
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