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Mesothelioma & Asbestos Cancer Information |
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How to Treat Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure
There are many forms of treatment for Mesothelioma. Their effectiveness is on a cases by case basis. Here are five possible treatments that have been used: 1) Surgery - this is where the cancerous tissue is cut out. In extreme cases where the cancer has spread to the lungs, a lung may be removed. 2) Gene therapy (still in clinical trials) - this is where a "suicide gene" is inserted into the cancer making those cells susceptible to drugs that can be used to kill the malignant cells, leaving the healthy ones behind. 3) Radiation Therapy - high energy x-rays are directed at the cancer cells to kill these cells and/or shrink the tumors. 4) Chemotherapy - drugs are placed directly into the bloodstream through pills or injection. In Mesothelioma cases these drugs can be injected into the chest cavity. 5) Intraoperative Photodynamic therapy - uses drugs and light therapy is used during surgery.The patient is injected with drugs 3 days before surgery. These drugs make them sensetive to light. A special light is shined on the cancer cells during surgery. Speak to your doctor about the risks involved with each procedure and which would be appropriate for your individual case. For more information go to: http://www.topmesotheliomalawyer.com/Mesothelioma_Physicians.php Caterina Christakos is a published author and internet publisher. For more information on the types of Mesothelioma and its treatments go to: http://www.topmesotheliomalawyer.com/
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Mesothelioma Research Research offers hope of cure for mesothelioma. A laboratory mouse fully recovered from mesothelioma and built up immunity to further tumors during trials of a new mesothelioma research & treatment regime being tested by West Australian researchers. Asbestos Killed My Husband He was only a child when it begun -and he played as children do- in his yard with his toy cars and tip trucks But his sand was asbestos blue? Lung Cancer 101 What You Need to Know About Accounting about for 14% of all cancers and 28% of all cancer deaths, Lung Cancer is now the major cause of deaths (of both men and women) in the United States apart from being the most prevalent species of cancer. Lung Cancer is different from benign cancer tumours (which do not generally spread to other parts of the body affecting only the part which is hit by it) as Lung Cancer (having the ability to start anywhere in the respiratory systems or lungs) CAN spread to different organs of the body. Mesothelioma - an Asbestos Related Lung Cancer Mesothelioma is a form of cancer located in the lining of either the lungs, abdomen or the heart. These linings are thin layers of tissue covering the organ. Who is at Increased Risk For Developing Mesothelioma? Since the late 1800's Asbestos has been mined and used commercially. The use of Asbestos dramatically increased during World War II and since the early 1940's millions of Americans have been exposed to asbestos dust working within industries where initally the risks were not known. There has been widespread exposure to Asbestos by workers within shipyards, mines and mills, producers of asbestos products, workers in the heating and construction industries, and other tradespeople and an increase risk of deveolping mesothelioma has been the result. . Mesothelioma Tragically the word mesothelioma is becoming more and more well known, the mere mention of it striking fear into all of us for we know that it is associated with death. Asbestos is the reaper, mesothelioma its hand maiden. How to Treat Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure There are many forms of treatment for Mesothelioma. Their effectiveness is on a cases by case basis. Here are five possible treatments that have been used: Peritoneal Mesothelioma Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare disease. The tissue lining the abdomen is called the peritoneum. It helps to protect the contents of the abdomen. It also produces a lubricating fluid. This helps the organs to move smoothly inside the abdomen as we move around. Mesothelioma of the tissues lining the abdominal cavity in known as peritoneal mesothelioma. The Asbestos Disaster - Who Is To Blame The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were all aware of the health dangers of asbestos. It seems strange that the asbestos industry in many parts of the world chose to ignore the risks. Mesothelioma Cancer Diagnosed- Questions to ask Following diagnosis, uppermost amongst a patient's thoughts will be these..."Am I going to die?", "Will I be in much pain?". As there is no cure for mesothelioma it is important that the patient is advised that with modern treatment they can, for months or years, live a normal life for most of the time. And that the modern drugs are very effective at keeping pain under control and relieving it. Mesothelioma Information Help Depending on the stage of the disease, the most common treatments are surgical removal of the affected tissues, chemotherapy, or radiation. There is some concern that research into mesothelioma will be minimal, because it is projected to be a short-lived disease in terms of new cases after the next 30 years. However, new research is consistently providing physicians with alternate forms of therapy, and there are many intense studies into control and cure of the disease, so those diagnosed with mesothelioma do have many options and a lot of hope. Mesothelioma Book - Review "Lean on Me" Cancer through a carer's eyes Lorraine Kember (2003) 130pp.ISBN 0 646 49969 6 Asbestos - The Silent Killer Asbestos is the single biggest work place killer today. People who have worked with the material are at serious risk from developing lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma, fatal respiratory illnesses that debilitate their victims. Evidence of asbestos' deadly effect on those who breathe its fibres is likely to multiply in the decades to come. Screening for Mesothelioma Doctor appointments are critical to make sure you're staying in proper health. However, exposure to asbestos presents an added urgency for routine appointments. Because asbestos related diseases take decades to form, early detection is critical for proper treatment. People who have jobs in industries like construction, shipbuilding and manufacturing are particularly susceptible of contracting these conditions. Lung Cancer Discoveries There is a new way to treat lung cancer with four-dimensional protons. Sounds way out and kind of science fiction like, but there is some validity to the theory and on-going research. The 4D Proton treatment is different than that of the x-rays traditionally used in radiation type therapies. Protons can potentially obliterate lung tumors without damaging as much localized healthy tissue. There is currently lots of discussion of putting this new technology to work and it has been brought up at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine meeting in Seattle. How to Tell if You Have Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure Mesothelioma - Symptoms and Solutions Beryllium The New Asbestos? It was American workers on the world's first atomic bomb who became the first industrial victims of beryllium, a rare but especially light, stable and strong metal whose toxic dust can kill those who breathe it. Mesothelioma in the UK Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the external lining of the lungs (pleura) and the lower digestive tract (peritoneum). The disease has been linked to exposure with asbestos dust. Cancer of this kind is uncommon and rarely is a result of anything other than asbestos exposure. It is also very difficult to diagnose. Tumors of the mesothelieum can be either benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Most mesothelial tumors are malignant. However this disease is not very responsive to therapy. Mesothelioma Cancer Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure. Symptoms of Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is an extremely nasty and permanent cancer that infects the membrane surrounding most internal organs. It is also a very subtle form of cancer providing only a few noticeable symptoms until it becomes extremely advanced. The most common type of mesothelioma is called pleural mesothelioma. It causes shortness of breath and/or chronic coughing that can easily be mixed up with allergies or a common cold. In many cases mesothelioma is discovered by accident when patients are looking into these symptoms. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include: ![]() |
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