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Smart Staffing: Replacing a Key Manager
Have you been in this situation? One of your top managers left suddenly and you're under the gun to replace her quickly. So you promoted her assistant. That was a disaster. You now need to replace him but want to do it right this time and avoid another costly mistake. This is an example of the hundreds of 'management staffing gone wrong' disasters that I've witnessed in working with many companies. In today's hurry-up and get-it-done work world, many people are unwisely promoted to management positions. Basically, their abilities do not match or are insufficient for the new job role. Before you place someone in a management or supervisory position, take heed of these three key staffing principles:
Marcia Zidle, the 'people smarts' coach, works with business leaders to quickly solve their people management headaches so they can concentrate on their #1 job to grow and increase profits. She offers free help through Leadership Briefing, a weekly e-newsletter with practical tips on leadership style, employee motivation, recruitment and retention and relationship management. Subscribe by going to and get the bonus report "61 Leadership Time Savers and Life Savers". Marcia is the author of the What Really Works Handbooks resources for managers on the front line and the Power-by-the-Hour programs fast, convenient, real life, affordable courses for leadership and staff development. She is available for media interviews, conference presentations and panel discussions on the hottest issues affecting the workplace today. Contact Marcia at 800-971-7619.
Innovation Management ? the power of decision makers Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Meaningful Diversity: Creating Cultures of Inclusion In the fitness room the other day, I caught a glimpse of a movie trailer on television. A father spoke very open-heartedly with his son about his work as a fireman. He acknowledged the fear that welled up in him when he looked into a small, dark room filled with life-threatening heat and flames, and described the instinct to run in the opposite direction. Proven Secrets to Keeping Your People and Increasing Your Profits Why are people changing jobs so quickly these days? 3 Ingredients of Highly Profitable Organizational Change As waves of organizational change sweep across the business landscape, a huge question arises: What must a leader do to make sure change produces highly profitable results? Factoring Financing: How to Grow Your Business Without Debt or Loans What is factoring? Five Key Strategies for Making Your Nonprofit Business More Effective Consistently applying these strategies will help you achieve attention-getting results. Give it a try and track your progress. Driving of work trucks Each time you or one of your work crews cruises down the road, people see the vehicle. It is logo'ed and that advertising is there to be noticed. If you cut some one off, believe me they will know who did it. They'll tell their friends and you'll be sorry. If you see a lady trying to pull out into bumper-to-bumper traffic, let her cut in. If you see a mom in her minivan with kids at a traffic signal, be courteous. Signal her with a pleasant hand motion to 'please go ahead of me.' Mouth the words also and as they pass salute her and wave at the kids or flash your head lights. You are such a nice guy or gal they'll think. With every one in such a hurry, it's refreshing to know the crews in your company vehicles still care. If you work in a big city with a population of 100,000 or more, your gesture will be remembered, recognized and appreciated even more. You see in a big city, you will be outside the norm. They will think you are from a far away city where people are still friendly. Its All In The Systems Have you ever noticed french fries taste the same at every McDonald's? The same can be said for Subway and its Italian BMT. How do these fast food icons replicate themselves at nearly 40,000 locations when some eateries struggle to get it right in a single restaurant? The answer is simple: it's all in the systems. Train Me -- But Follow Through My mechanic has me trained. When I take my car in for an oil change, he places a sticker in the upper left hand corner of my windshield to remind me what date and mileage I should have my next maintenance completed. But every once in a while, he forgets to put the sticker on the window. Then I have to remember the date and mileage details. Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Workplace Ethics: Reaching the Highest Standard This article relates to the Ethics in the Workplace competency, commonly evaluated in employee surveys. It gives examples of how employees and customers consider ethical behavior and sound values an integral part of your organization. This competency covers a variety of topics like customer treatment, employee professionalism, and expected/acceptable organizational behaviors. At a high level, this competency will investigate the standards by which your employees treat your customers, co-workers, and the organization itself. Focus on Outcomes to Keep Your Business On-Course Did you know that an airplane in flight is off course nearly 98% of the time? No flight is completed in a straight line from Point A to Point B. Gravity, side winds, updrafts, and downdrafts are continually moving the plane off course. And yet, the majority of flights arrive at their planned destinations safely and on time. How do airline pilots make this happen? They continually keep the outcome or result in mind, say departing from Los Angeles and arriving in Honolulu. Pilots constantly make corrections to compensate for outside forces affecting the plane and use a proven set of process steps to keep everything on course. How To Get 10% More Work Out Of Your Employees It is getting harder to run a business for a profit. We are faced with rising costs, lowered demand etc. Our businesses have to be super effective just to keep up. Problem-Solving Success Tip: Use Your Time for Problems that are Truly Important Use your time for problems that are truly important. Managing YOUR Expectations I sit on the board of an organization and at the last meeting found myself speaking with another board member named Standolyn Robertson. Standolyn is also a business owner and our conversation was about managing expectations ? both ours and our clients. She said something that is very true--'It is about using our knowledge and expertise to foresee and side-step roadblocks, revise unrealistic timelines and debunk myths.' And I couldn't agree more. Gossip And Rumors And Hearsay, Oh Why? In the Wizard of Oz, it was "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" Many organizations today are singing a slightly different tune: "Gossip and rumors and hearsay, oh why?" Selecting a Business Broker or Intermediary to Help You Sell Your Business As crazy as it seems, some people spend more time choosing a coffee machine than they do selecting the business broker or intermediary that will sell their business. This can be a fatal mistake that can cost time, money, and sometimes the ability to sell the business at all. A Leadership Screw Driver: The 90 Day Improvement Plan I was talking with first-line supervisors in a utility company about how to deal with poor performing employees. Squeezing the Blood Out of that Old Turnip I suspect all of you out there have someone that you rely on for insight and perspective ? that wise old mentor that seems to have an unlimited depth of experience to draw from in helping you navigate life's little challenges. You know, those little parables and anecdotal tales that always relate perfectly that very problem you're trying to solve. Today, I go to that well of experience in responding to a problem I know many of you are facing right now- squeezing that last drop of improvement that never fails to elude us. How to Coach Your Employees - 5 Simple Steps Anyone Can Do! Want to get more from your people, but you don't know how? Are you up for a small challenge and prepared to do things a little differently? If so, we have five changes to your style that you will find easy to incorporate into the way you work and your people will love you for it; you will have more time and your business will flourish.Think about it - is that not worth just the little effort required? How To Jump Start Your Profits and Keep Your Profits Rolling There are so many ways to jump start your prifits and keep your profit rolling. These top 20 ways are essential if you want to run a successful business. |
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