Future Business Success - What Does Good Look Like?

When you know you need to shift up a gear, in any area of your business (or your life for that matter), it's really important to have a vivid representation of what you are seeking.

Some call these "Goals", others "Visions" and yet more describe it as a "Mission". But there is one focused way to ensure that your path is perfectly directed to where you want to get to.

By asking the question:-

"What does good look like?"

...and applying that to where you are right now, you will easily see a path unfold.

That path is about the steps you will take along the way to achieve your Good - your focal point.

Struggling how to do this?

Take a sheet of paper and describe the situation where you want it to be at a defined point in the future (be very specific with this). Answer the question, "What does good looks like?" using as many of your senses as you can muster.

Writing it down:-

  • Unleashes your creativity.
  • Embeds it in your brain.


  • Creates a 'commitment' for the future.
If you pin it up somewhere visible, you have every chance of making it happen.

And once you have these great descriptions, you will find the first step, the second and onwards to make it come true.

Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, http://www.coaching-businesses-to-success.com (Note to editors. This article may be edited for use in your publication or newsletter as long as a live link to the website is included)

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