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3 Steps To Better Sales CopywritingJ.L. Reid Whether you’re wet-behind-the-ears or a seasoned copywriter, your craft will benefit by remembering one thing: You’re nothing more than a salesperson. There’s an old saying in the “business” that, “a copywriter is a salesperson sitting in front of a typewriter.” True, few of us are using typewriters these days. The principal, however, remains unchanged. We’re in sales. I know this. You know this. We all know this. Yet why does much of the copy out there, especially ads produced by expensive agencies, seem to miss the point If all we’re doing is sales, albeit transmitted through a written or broadcast medium, then we’d better know what we’re doing. Starting the process While studying creative writing, I learned this storytelling maxim: every character has a motive for being in a scene. The same is true in a sales situation. The salesperson’s motive is simple. He wants to make the sale and get his commission. But what does the potential customer want First, what type of customer are they Are they ready to make an immediate buy Are they information shopping, looking for a great deal Are they even looking for our product or service Ask Questions, then Shut-up and Listen When selling to prospective customers ask questions that get them to reveal their needs. It’s a mistake to sell the product on the tip of your tongue. “Model X” might work, but if you listen you might discover that the more expensive “Model Z” is what the customer really needs. Once you know why the prospect is there--whether they have an unresolved need, an emotional reason for buying, or they’re just shopping around--tailor your pitch to their specific reason. Now when you make the pitch, tell how your product benefits the customer, rather than rattling off product features you think he cares about. When You’re Finished, Close the Door By this point your spiel should be unforced. You know the customer’s “hot-buttons” so everything should be smooth sailing. After you’ve explained the last product benefit, you as the salesperson are obligated to close the deal. The way you do that is simply to ask, “Are you ready to make your decision” or “Is this the product you’d like to buy” Hopefully the answer is yes. If not, then you ask, “When would you be ready to make your decision Can I contact you then” What Does This Have to Do with Copywriting Remember, you’re nothing more than a salesperson. So you, so while writing copy, you should go through similar steps. 1. Qualify the prospect. How you write your copy, and the ratio of hard selling to information-based soft selling, will change with the medium you’re working in. But the first thing your copy should do is state outright what business you’re in and what you’re selling. If your pitch is too vague, if it’s implied, or it depends on prior knowledge for comprehension, then your prospect might never realize he needs what you’re selling. 2. Sell Benefits, not Features. I’ve heard many sales trainers say, “It’s not about you, it’s about them.” That’s golden advice. The best way to apply this idea to your copy is by focusing on your product’s benefits. A sports car’s features might be power steering, fast acceleration, and fuel efficiency. The benefits of that same car to a man a mid-life crisis, however, are the social status and appearance of youth it gives him. Which reason, the benefits or the features, would cause him to buy In a face-to-face sales environment it’s easy to ask for a specific customer’s needs. When writing sales copy you can create the same rapport by being customer-centered. To do this, write in the second person, or “You” voice. If your copy repeatedly says your company does this, or your product does that, you’re being self-centered. Your prospect won’t see himself benefiting from your product. 3. Close the Deal. I can’t count how often I’ve read a brochure, watched a commercial, or visited a website and had no clue about what I was supposed to do. Always end your copy with a Call-to-Action. Tell the customer exactly what you want him to do. This isn’t the time to be cute, so be exact. Do you want him to call you Click a “Buy This” button Make a donation Tell your customer, or else he won’t do anything. When asked what I do I usually say I’m a freelance marketing and publicity copywriter. I’m might revise the statement to, “I’m a freelance sales copywriter,” because that’s what it all comes down to: sales. Whether your copy creates a direct response or creates publicity and general awareness of your company, if you don’t sell you might as well not be in business.
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Getting One Way SEO Links - The Easy and FREE Way What we are hunting for Reasons People Go to Church You can do a search of the internet and find lots of information about the excuses people give for not attending church.Some of the most common excuses seem to be that the worship services are boring, the beliefs of churches and the person has other commitments.Some religious leaders have taken these excuses and applied them to other things.One such leader made a list of reasons why he was giving up eating based on what he considered to be the most common excuses for not attending church.Another religious leader made a list of reasons he was giving up sports based on the same list of excuses.Someone once made a list of ways that a church could eliminate all of the excuses by providing recliners and cots, etc for the people who attend.While all of these can seem comical to people who attend on a regular basis and there may be some truth to the belief that people are offering poor excuses for not attending church, I do not find the tactic of making fun of the excuses to be very helpful.I doubt the infrequent and non-attendees are insulted by the remarks of these individuals and may find the remarks comical as well, but it is not likely that a person will start attending church after hearing or reading a comical critique of their excuses.At the best such a person will just keep doing what he is doing, which is not attending church.At the worst a person might add the excuse of being made fun of to his list of reasons he does not attend church. 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