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Developing Your Own PitchBrian Beshore If you have surfed any of the exchanges for credits, you have seen them; countless affiliate web pages for all the different programs available. When you decide to sign-up for a money-making affiliate program, you are usually given one or more web pages to promote that program. These affiliate pages usually have your member ID embedded into them, so that whenever someone signs-up, using that page, you get the credit for that referral. Then you take the URL for your page or pages and start advertising with them. Sounds easy, right It is. The only problem is that all these affiliate web pages look exactly alike, and you have to figure, that if you’ve signed-up with a program that has been around for any length of time, there has got to be thousands and thousands of affiliate pages that look just like yours! And what do we generally do, when we see these pages We say ‘Oh, that again.’ Click; off to the next one. What makes us stop and take a look Something unique. Perhaps we even sign-up for it this time, even though it’s for a program we have seen a hundred times in other places. Why Maybe because this time we found out something about it we didn’t know before. Maybe because we never bothered to read anything about before in all those countless look-alike affiliate pages we had been bombarded with before. It’s not hard to create your own pages and put your own affiliate links in them. Tell people about your own experiences with the program you are advertising, like how it’s changed your internet marketing career for the better, or how easy it is to get sign-ups. It’s not a bad idea to give something away free, as an incentive for folks to take a closer look at what you have to offer. Set-up an auto responder that will send them the link to your freebie as well as your advertisement. It’s also a good idea to set-up your own domain name, since search engines tend to drop-off information after the main domain name of the program you are advertising and that means your affiliate information will be lost. Also people who see your ad, either on-line or off will also just tend to enter the name for the domain and not your affiliate information. That means you will loose sale made through your advertising efforts! I recommend SendFree as an auto responder, as they give you a code to put on your web pages that creates a box where people can sign-up directly to your autoresponder; http://www.sendfree.com/affref/77996/ If you are involved with internet marketing, free giveaways are pretty easy to collect. Try to give away something useful that has something to do with what you are selling or will be helpful with a person’s marketing efforts and not just the same E-books you see time and time again. For more ideas, look-up http://www.equipmint.com and also; http://www.affiliate-money-pool.com/main/t.phprid=1100
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