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Toss a Garter or Two
The tempo of the music begins to rise. Drums begin to throb. The bride and groom rise. Yet another ritual begins. Removing the garter from the bride's usually hidden leg. If she's lucky, the garter will be removed with decorum and tossed among the bachelors waiting patiently nearby. If the wine and hard liquor has been flowing lavishly and abundantly for the past five hours, some sadistic youth will grab the groom, tie his hands behind his back with the tie which, a minute ago was around the groom's neck, and force the groom to remove the garter by the only means available to him. His teeth. While there's a lot of grinding of guests' teeth at this unpalatable bit of ribaldry, the action is pretty close to what would have happened couple of hundred years ago. When it came to weddings in days gone by, guests viewed the bride and groom very much like today's fans view their favourite movie stars. In "Singing in the Rain", Gene Kelly had almost his shirt torn off him by frantic fanatical fans. This scene could very well represent what happened at some of those wild weddings of the past. Trying to anticipate, the well to do bride and groom would come prepared. Their pockets might be filled with gold coins to throw at the more boisterous of the guests. There were also gifts of kid gloves for the more refined. The bride might even stick bits of ribbon, lace and flowers over her clothes for those guests who had a tendency to grab at anything that looked as if it could be detached with ease. But when all that could be given was given, and the hordes still bayed for more, than the bride had better be nimble and quick with those garters, or else she might be disconcerted by the number of foreign hands crawling up her leg. It was no use for the bride to appeal to them with, "Look, just take one, OK? I'd like to keep the other one as a memento of the wedding." No. It was fling one garter as fast as she could, and remove the other one while the men scrambled for the first one. By this time, running as fast as she could, she might reach the steps of the carriage. With one last mighty heave the other garter, like Atalanta's golden apple, would sail through the air to slow down those insatiable guests, long enough for her to jump in the carriage and away. And they talk about the good old days! Vlady, an Australian Civil Marriage Celebrant, is an author of "The Complete Book of Australian Weddings", "The Small Organsiation Handbook" and an ebook "Honeymoon! A Sizzle or a Fizzle?" which you can see on her website http://www.vlady-celebrant.com
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Marriage Missing its Spark? If the fires of passion in your marriage have been reduced nearly to embers, then you are not alone. One of the most common problems that can damage a marriage is the loss of spark?or spice, or whatever you like to call it. It's really not so easy to get yourself or your partner "in the mood" once you have become very familiar with each other. Of course, it's wonderful to be familiar with your spouse because familiarity is the basis of intimacy. But intimacy is not the same as passion, is it? Routine is the culprit. If the proper countermeasures are not deployed against routine's assault on your relationship, then it will drain all the passion right out of your marriage. Routine is a tenacious killer of passion?a suspect in the deaths of over 1 million steamy romances. I know routine comes in very handy for showers and oil changes, but it has no place in the bedroom. Control Issues That Cause Marriage Problems Have you ever been irritated because your spouse does things differently than you do? Do you get upset if he or she has different opinions and makes different choices than you would? If so, you have bumped up against some of your own personal control issues and triggers in your marriage. Here are three important points to consider: Minor But Important Duties For Your Wedding Party, Bridesmaids, and Groomsmen Your wedding party is a major factor in the success of your wedding day. Too many couples assume that once they've selected their brides maids and grooms men that they are finished. Unfortunately, many people don't know what it means to be in a bridal party. Bridesmaids and groomsmen need to do more than just look pretty. Put these people to work! If your wedding party knows the who's, what's, when's, and why's, they will be able to handle many of the details that may derail the enjoyment of what should be your happiest day. Florida Honeymoon Vacations Celebrate your marriage by planning a Florida honeymoon vacation with lots of pleasant surprises in store for you! This is because Florida is the host to plenty of popular honeymoon spots. Couples can enjoy one another's company with activities such as horseback riding on white sandy beaches, biking or walking along bicycle trails, quiet visits to the museums, visits to the civil war tort, strolling along the cool breeze to lighthouses, sight-seeing of beautiful tropical garden, cuddling together enjoying the sounds of the sea and yes, fun-filled amazing entertainment at Walt Disney World, Orlando. Top 10 Wedding Decoration Budget Tips When it comes to choosing your wedding decorations, you must decide on your theme. Once you have done this, you can then make your decisions about the budget that you will have. 6 Ways to Save Money on Wedding Invitations Inviting your possible guests on your wedding day can be costly. You have to give them traditional wedding cards to inform them of the date and venue, and possibly those cards are made of elegant or high quality papers and other materials that might cost a lot. If your goal is to save money, then you should think of cost ? effective alternatives to send out cards to your guests. Here are some tips. Love According to the Encarta Dictionary, love is an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion; a passionate feeling or romantic desire and sexual attraction. Erich Fromm made these comments: The Charm of Homemade Wedding Favors Homemade wedding favors come from a centuries old tradition of brides and grooms providing small gifts to wedding guests. Every culture across time has treated marriage as a wonderful event with the nuptials celebrated throughout the community. In many cultures the bride and groom are associated with good luck. A common thought among these cultures was, that every thing the couple touched would be charmed. By gifting members of the community, the couple would pass blessings to others for the rest of the year. Advice on Wedding Invitation Wording After choosing the design for your wedding invitations you can explore ways to express your relationship and wedding plans through creative wording. Some couples select a special quotation or poem; others write personal thoughts from the heart, while those planning a fun and casual wedding play around with wording even using rhymes. Write An Apology To Your Spouse: How to Apologize In a Way That Really Works For You Being apologetic doesn't come easily for me. Unfortunately, being inconsiderate and self-centered does. So I realized long ago that my marital survival would depend on two things: 1) learning to apologize and 2) becoming less selfish and more considerate. Keeping A Marriage Romantic My belief is that most relationship problems should be given less attention ... how much do you want to stir up the bottom muck? A couple will be happier if they pay much more attention to what is good about their relationship. Wedding Receiving Line Etiquette?Greeting Your Guests with Style Even though it's a great tradition with a long history, some couples choose not to greet their guests in a receiving line fearing that this might take too long. Frank Gregoli, a top New York party planner says realistically, one should allow 30 minutes for every 100 people in the line. Planning your Weddings Decoration Budget When it comes to your decorating budget it really depends on where the ceremony and reception will be on what decorations need to be present as well as what if any; themes that you are choosing. Mattresses and Marriage ? a Match Made in Heaven Mattresses and marriage go hand in hand. Sleep is important to all of us, even the honeymooners. A good night sleep is critical for our performance the next day and for our health and well being in general. If the couple is not used to sleeping together, there will be just the issues of getting used to sleeping with someone. You don't need the extra strain and complications of a mattress that is uncomfortable for one or both parties. My comfort in bed may not be yours. I like a soft mattress even though I have a bad back. My husband likes something that is more firm. There are mattresses on the market that boast the capability of adjusting the firmness to each person's preference. That sounds great, but these mattresses aren't inexpensive. In fact, most mattresses and box spring sets will set you back a few bills. In order for your chances of a better night sleep to be greater, I strongly advise for the new couple to pick out the mattress together instead of one person bringing a mattress into the marriage. That also feels better doesn't it? I don't like the idea of a "used" mattress coming into a marriage. This should be new just as the marriage is new. If the couple shops together for the new mattress set, there is a better chance they will find one that fits both their needs. Do the rest test in the store as most retailers won't let you take one home and then return it; they frown on that from a hygienic aspect. How To Tell An Extraordinary Wedding Disc Jockey From Someone Who Could Ruin Your Reception You have your band (around your finger), now it's time to find your Wedding disc jockey. You search the internet for "Wedding disc jockey" and come up with a list of potential wedding disc jockey choices. Now, how do you wade through the rheteroric "Connecticut's Most Requested DJ", "The DJ of Choice", "CT DJ of the Year" and figure out who is going to make your reception a raving success v. a floundering mess. Wedding Videography - When Getting it Right on the 1st Take Counts, Hire a Professional Getting married is one of the most stressful events anyone will ever endure. So many details and preparations go into the making of a successful wedding. Often one of the most overlooked aspects of wedding preparation is hiring a wedding videographer. Many couples think they can cut a few corners by having uncle Charlie or aunt Mary video their wedding. They've had a camcorder for a long time; they must know what they are doing right? And what the heck it's free! Exciting Costa Rica Honeymoon Vacations Couples experiencing their first Costa Rica honeymoon vacations are never dismayed. This scenic Central American nation is rich in nature and wildlife, with pristine oceanic coasts on two of its borders. The landscape and climate are so multifarious that one can drive through less than an hour of terrain and it will feel like an entirely new country. Unique Beach Wedding Themes If you are considering a beach wedding, the ideas are as endless as your imagination! Planning Your Outdoor Wedding Reception An outdoor wedding reception can be host to an almost unlimited number of guests and has the aura of nature that can never be duplicated in an indoor ballroom. Some of the following outdoor wedding reception ideas should help to get you started with planning this special day, including avoiding some of the dangers involved with an outdoor setting. How to Lower a Wedding Cake Price I recall how Mrs. Ingridman taught me invaluable lessons on how to lower a wedding cake price while still going for the classiest of cakes. After her successful wedding, she told me how she managed to treat her guests with a mouthwatering cake which was bought at reasonable price. ![]() |
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