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Judo Nagewaza (Throwing Technique) In The Street
How practical are throwing techniques (nagewaza) for self-defense or street-fighting? NOT VERY! The Japanese themselves have a saying, "One year for newaza (ground technique), TEN YEARS for nagewaza (Throwing technique)". It takes ten times as long to become proficient at throwing than it does at ground fighting. Trying to throw a fully resisting, fighting adversary and pulling off a "clean" throw is VERY, VERY DIFFICULT. People will INSTINCTIVELY grab, seize, claw and otherwise do all sorts of "spoiling" maneuvers when one attempts to execute a "throw". In all of the fights I have seen, I can recall ONLY three instances where one guy was able to pull off a clean solid throw. And this person was practicing Judo on an almost DAILY basis. I've seen throws used in other situations but quite honestly they got the person into MORE TROUBLE than it was worth. I will cite three classic examples of what it takes to become "skilled" enough to even attempt Nagewaza in a real street fight. 1. Masahiko 'Judo" Kimura TRAINED upwards of NINE hours a DAY! He did thousands of repetitions of Uchikomi (fitting in) to develop just a COUPLE of reliable Nagewaza (Seoi Nage (Should throw) & O Soto Gari (Big leg reap)). Reading Kimura's biography you will note that in his street fights and "vale tudo" matches as well, when he faced skilled boxers his reliance on Nage was still an "iffy" proposition. Make no mistake.. KIMURA WAS AN ANIMAL! 2. Famed Judo legend Yamashita (explained at his recent seminar that it took THOUSANDS of repetitions of uchikomi AND the brutal three man drills to BEGIN to develop the skill to effectively employ throwing techniques. 3. And last but certainly not least is Yonezuka who ADVOCATES the use of ASHIBARAI (foot sweep) without GRABBING as the BEST overall and SAFEST (for you) method of slamming someone on their ass. The other thing that pisses me off is the idea that JUJUTSU throws are somehow BETTER than JUDO throws for real combat. BULLSHIT. The only REAL difference between Judo and Jujutsu nagewaza is generally the manner of seizing the opponent. HOWEVER, a judoka can do this just as EASILY. But moreover, JUDO nage are PROVEN to be effective in REAL ADVERSARIAL COMPETITIONS. Sure you can talk about the old Jujutsu styles employing joint locks and strangleholds in conjunction with throwing BUT again, JUDO methods have been evolving in a far MORE real arena. I have NEVER seen a Jujutsuka "pull off" any NAGEWAZA against even neophyte JUDOKAS or WRESTLERS! EVER. And in a REAL street fight some of the NONSENSE that these people banter on about concerning the "COMBAT" application of these throws will get you F%^&&G KILLED! The nonsense they preach on about SOUNDS "cool" but will FAIL in the REAL unscripted world. Almost ANY attempt at REALLY slamming someone will invariably find BOTH of you on the ground. Hopefully, but CERTAINLY NOT ALWAYS, with you on top, then the fight goes ON. Against more than ONE opponent you HAVE BIG PROBLEMS! Also consider the TACTICAL problems with KNOWINGLY turning your BACK into an ENEMY! And ANY one-legged type throw, i.e., Hane-goshi (Hip spring throw)/Harai-goshi (Loin throw)/O guruma (Big Outer Wheel) /Uchimata (Inner Thigh Throw) will INSURE that you BOTH hit the DECK. The BEST methods I have seen and practiced for actually USING throwing techniques in self-protection came from Bruce Tegner. His concept of seizing the upper arms or shoulders with both hands and then GOING TO WORK on the opponents legs with a BARRAGE of LOW HARD KICKS and THEN executing a throw is the ONLY approach that seems to have validity and is viable. AND that approach is what REAL kuzushi is all about. Another topic loaded with BULLSHIT. KUZUSHI is NOT a subtle maneuvering to "break balance" in THE REAL WORLD nor is it evident in almost ANY real Randori or Shiai. MORE esoteric fantasy crap. If I want to "break your balance" I'll do it by KNOCKING THE S$%T out of you! Lastly, DON'T believe the BULLSHIT about Judo throws "being SAFE" for the opponent. HORSES#$T! With SUFFICIENT practice you can "land" a guy on his HEAD, NECK or shoulder. What makes Judo throws SEEM safe is the practice of UKEMI, the use of TATAMI and the LACK of intent in F!@#$%G up your training partner. Check out Koizumi's book on throws. He explains very well how a Dojo "safe" throw can be executed on the STREET with devastating results by a simple change in the direction of the "pull" done by the hands and wrists. Instead of "heaving" your man over and directing him INTO a breakfall, you JUST pull STRAIGHT down and DRIVE him head first into the ground. The DOERS KNOW the difference between real and chickenshit. The pontificators present ONLY a "shell" that has NO REAL SUBSTANCE, just "warrior fantasy appeal". They are blinded by their own BULLS@#T. PS: CJ1 "Throws Grips and Dirty Tricks" cover the set up, throwing techniques and drills - http://www.combatjujutsusecrets.com Copyright 2003 www.thetruthaboutselfdefense.com © Carl Cestari began his study of the martial arts with judo at the age of 7 under the direction of Yoshisada Yonezuka. During the past forty plus years Carl has dedicated his life to studying the martial arts, hand to hand combat systems, history and religion. What makes Carl unique is his combination of martial arts, law enforcement and military and real world experience. Carl has been exposed to a multitude of people with a wide variety experience. The following is a list of some of Carl's ranks and honors. Shinan (Founder) Tekkenryu jujutsu
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COMBATIVES A Rose by Any Other Name?....Part 2 The advent of World War One (the war to END all wars) brought warfare into a new and foreboding era of man to man killing and slaughter. Air power, mechanized warfare, chemical warfare and the general widespread use of machine guns changed the face of battle almost completely. However the solitary fact remained that in the end it was STILL man against man in a desperate, brutal and deadly struggle for survival. The static and stagnant lines created by entrenched warfare demanded new and innovative tactics and strategies. Among these was the advent of "raiding" parties. Small groups of lightly armed men who ventured out into "no man's land" for the purpose of recon, probing, intelligence, prisoner grabs, and psychological "demoralization" missions. The nature of fighting under these conditions became popularized as "trench warfare". This was close-in knife to belly hand to hand combat. All manner of expedient, purpose designed and improvised close-combat weaponry was employed. While technological advances were being made in all other forms of warfare, this particularly nasty and vicious man to man fighting reverted to the most barbaric, primitive and bloody "methods" imaginable. Just as it has been since Cain slew Abel and how it WILL be until the last two humans clench fists or seize stones in raging anger during the final melee of the Apocalypse. Benefits of Martial Arts Training For Kids Admit it. When the going gets tough at home, we've all plopped the kids in front of the television and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, we can get started on dinner, maybe check email or sort that massive pile of laundry. Okinawan Karate So you are thinking of starting to train in okinawan karate. There are a lot of choices as far as okinawan karate schools are concerned. Which school do you choose ? What is the best school or system? 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Martial Arts and The Zone On the occasions you delivered the perfect strike; blocked without the need to think or performed a near flawless kata, did it feel difficult? Or did you get the sense it happened by itself? The 'zone' is a place where athletes describe this sort of experience. Studies suggest its a state of 'effortless merging of action and awareness'. So what stops us from getting there? Factors such as stress or attempts to try harder can interfere. Often our efforts to train harder result in unnecessary muscular responses that prevent us reaching the effortless state of the zone. Nuts & Bolts of Self Defense Fundamental "Nuts & Bolts" training for close combat should be directed at dealing with the extremes. That is a life and death struggle for survival, i.e. worst case scenario. Restraint, control, and use of force scenarios and methods are peripheral to this core training. In other words train to deal with these beliefs at the forefront: The enemy is quite willing and capable of killing you - there are multiple threats - they are armed - the assailant(s) are bigger, stronger, faster than you and they CAN FIGHT! Can it get any worse that that? Now add this to the mix: You are physically/mentally exhausted - ill or injured - caught by absolute surprise - may have to protect others as well - no viable avenue of E&E. ![]() |
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