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Fun Games for Children Training in Martial Arts
Keeping children interested in their Martial Arts training requires an element of fun and games. Traditionalists are usually only concerned with the discipline and structure of their training, but incorporating fun games involving proper techniques will add to the value of training and keep the kids interested. Here are a few fun games and activities that utilize Martial Arts skills to keep the enthusiasm high and kids interested in their training. Sensei Says Sensei Says is a take off of the old "Simon Says Game". In this version the instructor or parent would call out various martial arts techniques for the children to perform. One instructor or parent is designated as "Sensei" or Leader. Children are instructed to follow and perform the commands of the "Sensei" only if the command is initiated by the words "Sensei Says". The leader will call out various commands. If the child does not perform the task when initiated by the words "Sensei Says" they are out of the game. If the leader commands a task without using the prompt "Sensei Says" and the child performs the task, then the child is out of the game. Last child remaining wins. Wild & Crazy Blocker Requirements: 2 padded foam blockers. The instructor or parent will attempt to strike the child with the padded foam blocker. The attempted strikes should vary from left side to right side, and to various body points, including Head, Chest, Stomach, and Legs. The child will use their martial arts blocking skills to "block" those strikes. Each time a "strike" connects without the child blocking or shielding they receive a point. Three points or three "strikes" and they are out. Danger Alley Requirements: 4 people, various Martial Arts Foam Blockers, Body Shields, Target Squares. A diagram is available at http://www.aimusainc.com/files/PDF/dangeralley.pdf Danger Alley is a simple and easy obstacle course in which the child goes from station to station. At each station the child must perform a "self-defense" or marital arts technique to stop an "Attack or Danger". A minimum of four stations with various situations is recommended. Station One (The Escape) An instructor or parent will subdue the child by grabbing and holding on to the child's wrist. The child must then perform an escape maneuver. Once the child escapes they proceed to Station Two. Station Two (The Block) When the child proceeds to station two, they encounter a would be attacker, attempting a punch or strike. An instructor or parent using a padded foam blocker will attempt to strike the child. The child should attempt to block the strike using a martial arts technique and then proceed to station three. Station Three (The Punch) When the child proceeds to station three, they encounter another would be attacker. The child performs a martial arts punch technique to stop the attack. An instructor or parent would hold a padded target square, which the child would punch. The child then proceeds to station four. Station Four (The Kick) When the child proceeds to station four, they encounter another would be attacker. The child performs a martial arts kick technique to stop the attack. An instructor or parent would hold a padded Body Shield, which the child would kick. After completing the four stations the child has successfully conquered Danger Alley. Martial Arts trainings can be fun for children just by incorporating the techniques and skills into activities and games. Eric Gehler
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So You Think You Train Hard "Tokio Hirano (1922-1993) 8th Dan The Man Who Revolutionized Judo" By Jim Chen, M.D . and Theodore Chen A Samurais Power Is In His Little Finger, Not His Samurai Sword In the 12th Century the Shogunate was formed. The head of this regime was the Shogun, the supreme ruler. Under him where his regional 'daimyo' or 'dukes'. Under each 'daimyo' served the Japanese samurai. When a samurai stepped out of line, became too unruly or displeased his 'daimyo', the samurai would often have to go through a procedure known as yubizume. This procedure is a very barbaric punishment in which the first joint of the little finger on the sword hand would be amputated. Okinawan Karate So you are thinking of starting to train in okinawan karate. There are a lot of choices as far as okinawan karate schools are concerned. Which school do you choose ? What is the best school or system? If you are a parent, what okinawan karate school is best for your children? Samurai Swords ? Choosing a Sword to Buy It's undeniable that a well placed and mounted samurai sword or samurai sword set looks fantastic and an ads character to any room of the home, but is it worth spending upwards of $650 on such a sword or sword set? This all depends on your reasons for buying a samurai sword. Martial Arts and The Zone On the occasions you delivered the perfect strike; blocked without the need to think or performed a near flawless kata, did it feel difficult? Or did you get the sense it happened by itself? The 'zone' is a place where athletes describe this sort of experience. Studies suggest its a state of 'effortless merging of action and awareness'. So what stops us from getting there? Factors such as stress or attempts to try harder can interfere. Often our efforts to train harder result in unnecessary muscular responses that prevent us reaching the effortless state of the zone. Grown Man Quits After 3 Mat Pulls! A matt pull is the simple act of lying on flat on your stomach, reaching in front of you and pulling your self across the mat. This is one exercise that helps develop your muscles for grappling. We do these as a part of our warm up. The Economics of Self Defense The following is a recent email I received; I thought I should respond to the list rather than to the individual because this situation is common: Fronting "Fronting": The dodge to get in close to you. The frontal assault, as opposed to the ambush. How To Defend Against A Knife - Dont Use The Stuff Taught In The Dojo! Defences against Knife attacks, Firstly if at all possible get yourself and anyone else out of the potential danger area.....RUN AWAY. How to Relax During a Fight I received a returned video from a well meaning, but severely misguided, former customer. This is a rarity since over the past 2 plus years and hundreds upon hundreds of videos shipped; I can only count 3 returns. One was unopened, one included a note that the recipient thought the videos would be something else, but he intended to buy the rest of the videos we offered, hmmm smells a little fishy (incidentally, this person has been banned from buying anything from us again). And lastly, this well-meaning person. The note inside prompted me to write this article. He identified himself that he was an orange belt in Krav Maga and that he has been instructed to "relax" and be loose during a life or death struggle. Now, I have not trained in Krav Maga nor do I know anything about the modern version of it. My focus is on the "relaxing" strategy; which I have heard from a variety of different "experts" during my 30 plus on the mat. British Aikido Board National Nepotism Seminar For many years The British Aikido Board (BAB) have shown no interest whatsoever in the true history of British Aikido, to be fair to the BAB, they have shown a great deal of interest and support for the false history of British Aikido for which they have now publicly apologised, the apology by the chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter can be viewed on www.geocities.com/britishaikido. A Few Things Everyone Should Know to Keep Themselves Safe The following are a few thoughts about how to decrease your chances of being a victim of a violent crime. I know a lot of times we focus on the nuts and bolts of a fight and we assume most of us know these things and this information is common knowledge for some of you, but it some times it's always good to review. Combatives This is our last installment on "defining" the parameters of COMBATIVES. The Acronym That Saved My Life Frequently, I get asked about certifications, systems or methods. We made a decision a long time ago of purposely staying away from things like this. Bogu Training About four years ago Carl recommended we start using the Bogu during our kumite (sparring practice). This method was developed in Okinawa and then found its way into mainland Japan and eventually to the U.S. where only a few clubs still do this. And even in those clubs, only a few members do it. I know there is other equipment out there that looks similar and I have used most of what's available. But it does not provide you with nearly the same overall effect that the bogu does. Rules in bogu training ? Any punch, any kick, save foot stomps, a strike to the spine and to the back of the neck. Throws and leg kicking is certainly allowed. Use, dare I say, your commonsense. Historical References to W.E. Fairbairn, E.A. Sykes AND Dermot Pat ONeill FROM THE BOOK: "PIERCING THE REICH" AUTHOR: JOSEPH E. PERSICO Samurai - The Honourable & The Treacherous The Japanese Samurai were warriors. Highly trained, skilled and efficient killers. Indeed, for many years the Samurai were the law of the land, a class of citizens above all except their Daimyo and the imperial Shogun. The samurai inhabited and roamed a land which was governed by the sword, and the samurai were masters of the sword. Martial Arts and The Bible As a Christian and a martial arts student, I have often wrestled with the idea of self-defense. Does God expect me to defend my family and myself when physically attacked or am I to "turn the other cheek" and endure it in the name of Jesus? As I considered the many comments I encountered on this topic, I became even more confused. Some advocates for "religion" have gone as far as to say that anyone who practices any form of martial arts is without a doubt bound for hell. It wasn't until I committed myself to a more thorough study of the scriptures that I discovered the truth for myself. The Bible gives more than a few examples of the practice of self-defense and the idea of martial arts. I would like to share some of what I have learned in this study of the Bible - Old Testament and New. The Bible is, in fact, the very word of God (II Timothy 3:16-17). Martial Arts: Mind, Body and Spirit Presented Online This Martial Arts website uses body, spirit and mind to construct an excellent example of the quality and amount of information you can put on your website. Learning the Modern Dynamics of Judo You may have the erroneous idea that force is not necessary in judo, especially when you see a sixty-year-old instructor throwing many young- and strong men seemingly without effort. Dynamics, however, denies this illusion. A body begins to move only when an external force works on it, as will be explained later. A human body is a physical entity. Therefore, if you want to break your opponent's posture and make him fall down or hold him down on the mat;, you must apply the proper force to him. ![]() |
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