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Contact Lenses and Eye Glasses, How is Your Vision?
Notice friends getting contact lenses and pulling out eye glasses? "What do you recommend?" I find myself asking people what looks good to them, what do they recommend or can they summarize the directions on a medicine bottle more often now than ever before. It's called presbyopia. This happens when the eyes gradually lose the ability to focus on near objects. You may first notice presbyopia, farsightedness, trying to read a menu in a dark restaurant or working on your computer, adjusting the distance to reduce eye strain. At first you may think trouble reading is temporary or at least won't get worst, but sadly over the years this isn't so. As we age presbyopia will get worst. Our vision changes, it is considered a normal part of the aging process and typically becomes noticeable in the 40-45 age bracket. Fortunately, the over 40 crowd has more choices than their parents when it comes to correcting near vision. Today's baby boomers can choose from:
? Multifocals ? for those needing a little help seeing close-up, as well as a little farther out. ? Computer glasses ? get headaches or blurred vision looking at your computer screen? You may need intermediate vision correction, glasses designed for the intermediate zone. ? Trifocals ? offering 3 prescriptions in one lens. The wearer can focus on objects through different points in the lens when looking at different distances. ? How about bifocal contact lenses ? offering the convenience of contacts and providing the ability to see both far and near. Bifocal contacts are very popular today in fashion, for convenience and because they are so affordable. ? Cosmetic contact lenses ? colored lenses and special effects lenses to both correct your vision and enhance your appearance. ? Eye surgery ? both laser surgery and Conductive Keratoplasty are used to correct farsightedness. Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) is a non laser procedure for baby boomers with trouble seeing in the near and intermediate range. Today, there is no reason to limit your vision. The eye care industry offers a lens or solution for almost any vision problem. See your eye doctor to find out your options. Those over 40 should be seeing an eye doctor at least every 2 years. Alan Winters is an author of articles in the health industry and webmaster at http://crazy-n-colored-contact-lenses.com where you can learn more about colored contacts lenses as well as cosmetic and costume lenses.
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Are Drug Companies Destroying The U.S. Health Care System? The U.S. government's annual bill for healthcare spending ? $3,925 per person ? significantly exceeds that of all other nations. Despite this, our current health care system is increasingly failing both patients and medical practitioners. Of 13 nations, the U.S. is last for neonatal and infant mortality, last for years of potential life lost, 10th for age-adjusted mortality, 11th and 12th for female and male life expectancy respectively. Chronic degenerative diseases ? heart disease, cancer, arthritis, obesity, etc. ? are at epidemic levels and create the ideal long-term customers to grow the medical industry. Thalidomide Thalidomide is responsible for causing more than 10,000 children to be born with birth defects. Clinton on South Beach Diet Clinton's recent quadruple bypass surgery has been largely debated. Being on the South Beach Diet made everybody wonder how the former president's illness advanced so much as to need to be surgically corrected. Some even blame it on the diet. Some wonder why the diet didn't help avoiding surgery. Benefits of a Virtual Top Doctor Consultant Looking for the best doctor to suite your medical needs can be a problem, especially if you don't have time and you need to research the doctor's credentials. Whether you're in urgent need of help, or just need a second opinion, I will show you how to access all the information you need ? through the Internet's Virtual Top Doctor Consultant. Mexico: Drugs Galore! You are going to find this incredible and I assure you I am not making any of this up: You can waltz into any pharmacy (Farmacia) in Mexico and buy almost anything without a prescription. Except for controlled substances, you can get most anything you want or need simply by asking. Stem Cell Breakthrough: Can You Now Make Your Own? Over the past few years, stem cells have been getting a lot of attention. What makes them so interesting is their ability to stimulate the production of many types of healthy cells. That means that a single stem cell can turn itself into brain cells, liver cells, skin cells, pancreas cells, and so on. Diagnosis and Treatments of Cerebral Palsy Before a child can be appropriately diagnosed with cerebral palsy, their doctor must first have to look closely at both the child and the mother's medical background to see if there are any known causes of cerebral palsy present in the case. The doctor will very carefully check the baby's motor skills and the reflexes, and then will be tested by a physician, also they will try to determine the Childs hand preference often a child with cerebral palsy will use the hand that is not always the most practical to them due to the fact that depending on the brain damage one side of the body will be much stronger than the other side that is affected. The Lower Cost Prescription Drug Alternative Today in the United States, there are hundreds of thousands of people who do not have and cannot afford adequate health care coverage. Sadly, many must pay out of pocket for medical treatment of any kind, not to mention much needed prescriptions. These expenses can add up quickly and are usually very costly. Consumers often find themselves cutting back on other expenses, in order to pay for medical procedures and medication. Oftentimes they are forced to go without. 4 Reasons to Feel Safe Submitting an Electronic Medical Claim Electronic Medical Claim Family Notification in Seven Quick and Easy Steps The Seven Steps to Successful Notification is an easy-to-use system based on time-tested tools successfully used by hospitals nationwide. It provides your hospital staff with all of the steps necessary to: Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health There is the underlying assumption that modernity translates into better health. A corollary of this logic is that we can live our lives pretty much as we want because we can always buy a repair. You know, the car won't start, the TV is broken, the telephone is dead ? no problem. Just call in an expert, spend some money and all is well. The Cox-2 Prescription Painkillers Are Back? This past week, the FDA held a meeting in order to decide what should be done about Merck's Vioxx and Pfizer's Bextra and Celebrex. The Food and Drug Administration originally intended to ban these pain medications. However, this was challenged by a series of obstacles. rX My Heart and Hope to Die This must be a mistake! How could his drug costs rise from $150 a month to $1101 in just three weeks? My hands shook while I read the pharmacy bill. Prevent Foot Problems When Walking Americans are on the go. According to a NSGA Survey, 71 million American adults are exercise walkers, making walking the top sport in the United States. Taking steps daily to improve health will help with America's obesity epidemic. Sixty five percent of Americans are overweight, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and some types of cancer. Walking an extra 2000 steps a day is equivalent to walking a distance of 1 mile and to burning 100 calories. Burning an extra 100 calories a day is equivalent to losing about 10 pounds in a year. Modern Medicine Has Extended Life - BUT 9 Out of 10 People Say Its a Miserable Extension! Sit down in a quiet place alone and take a minute to notice how you really feel inside and out? Would you consider yourself in good health or living a slow death you call life? As you sit quietly observing yourself, pay attention to the signs and symptoms of your body. Notice the things you've been ignoring such as a low-grade headache that rarely ceases, aching joints, slightly blurred vision, a bulging stomach, sagging chin, no zest for life or maybe a definite feeling of being bone tired and constantly in pain somewhere. Stop Taking Blood Pressure Medications with Your Doctors Approval I have been swallowing three varieties of blood pressure pills for 10 years. In another month, I expect to be off of them entirely. And that's with my doctor's approval. When Your John Doe Is Homeless The patient, known only as John Doe, was difficult to see under the hodgepodge of tubing, the quiet clicking of the ventilator the room's only sound. Paxil Recall Lawyer Discusses Paxil Addiction Paxil went on the market in 1992 at the height of antidepressant drug popularity. It is a member of the class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. The SSRI drugs revolutionized antidepressants because they have very few side effects and it is practically impossible to overdose on them. It makes sense not to prescribe a depressed person with pills they can easily overdose with. Though a latecomer to the SSRI market, Paxil grew successful very quickly by gaining FDA approval for very specific conditions like "social anxiety disorder" and "general anxiety disorder", which were very rare conditions at the time. In running add campaigns, Paxil encouraged people to try their drug if they'd experienced any general anxiety and, as can be expected, sales of Paxil soared. Alzheimers Toxin May Be Key To Slowing Disease Australian scientists say they have identified a toxin which plays a key role in the onset of Alzheimer's, raising hope that a drug targeting the toxin could be developed to slow the degenerative brain disease. Technology Over Drugs for Stress Related Tension Disorders As much as 95% of the population suffers from some form of reoccurring stress and tension related headaches. ![]() |
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