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Prevent Foot Problems When Walking
Americans are on the go. According to a NSGA Survey, 71 million American adults are exercise walkers, making walking the top sport in the United States. Taking steps daily to improve health will help with America's obesity epidemic. Sixty five percent of Americans are overweight, which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and some types of cancer. Walking an extra 2000 steps a day is equivalent to walking a distance of 1 mile and to burning 100 calories. Burning an extra 100 calories a day is equivalent to losing about 10 pounds in a year. The American Podiatric Medical Association teamed with Prevention Magazine to name the "12 Best Walking Cities in the U.S." The cities were examined based on their crime rate, air quality, mass transit, historic sites, museums, parks and gyms. The top 12 cities were San Francisco, San Diego, Honolulu, Washington, DC, San Antonio, El Paso, St. Louis, Madison, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey. National campaigns, health practitioners and even major corporations are encouraging Americans to walk more. Unfortunately, many sedentary individuals who start walking programs quickly develop foot problems. Almost sixty million Americans have foot problems and many develop them after beginning a new exercise routine. A foot injury can take weeks, even months to heal and many will gain more weight during this healing period. Preventing these problems through education will keep Americans walking. 1. Buy a shoe made for walking. Make sure the shoe has enough stability and support. If you can fold the shoe in half, it is too flexible. Make sure the shoe has enough room at the toes and is fitted well at the heel. 2. Start on flat surfaces. Do not start a walking program walking on hills or stairs. 3. Start with a short distance. Stick with that distance for a week. If you are pain free and injury free, increase the distance the following week. 4. Start with an easy pace. Increase your pace gradually. 5. Choose soft surfaces. Walking on a track or a trail will decrease the impact on your feet and legs. Cement can be a particularly hard surface to walk on. 6. Limit your time on the treadmill. Treadmills can contribute to the development of foot problems. Start with the treadmill flat and at a slow pace. Slowly increase your pace each week. Increase the incline after you have reached a comfortable pace. 7. Stop if you feel foot or ankle pain. Don't try to walk through the pain. 8. Examine your feet. Look areas of rub or irritation the first few weeks of your walking program and then again after trying new shoes or socks. Moleskin can be placed on areas of irritation to help decrease friction. Do not use bandaids on these areas. 9. Consider wearing orthotics. Individuals with flat feet may need inserts for their shoes. When buying inserts, look for sport othotics, as opposed to cushioned insoles. A more rigid insert will offer more support. Custom orthotics can be made by a podiatrist if necessary. 10. Avoid cotton socks. Synthetic socks decrease friction, prevent excess rubbing and don't absorb moisture. Your local running store or sports store should carry a variety of new high-tech socks for walking. Consult your podiatrist if you start to develop pain when walking, or consider a visit before embarking on your new walking program. Christine Dobrowolski is a podiatrist and the author of
Those Aching Feet: Your Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
of Common Foot Problems. To learn more about Dr.
Dobrowolski and her book visit
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Recently, thousands of online pharmacies have popped up offering for people to buy pain meds online without a prescription. They offer to sell the medication at cost, or at wholesale prices. This sounds all and good at first, but is it really safe to buy pain meds online? ?Doc, my mouth is so dry all the time. What could be the problem?? Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disorder ? a disorder in which your body attacks its own tissues because it thinks they are foreign. It prevents your body's exocrine (moisture-producing) gland from producing enough moisture for different areas of your body. This leads to chronic and lifetime dryness. Sjogren's syndrome affects many areas of your body. In addition to the mouth and eyes, other affected areas include the skin, vagina, respiratory tract (lungs), and gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines). Alprazolam/Xanax ? A Habit Forming Drug Xanax is a Prescription Drug which is habit forming. You can become physically and psychologically dependent on the Xanax medication. Nevert take more than the prescribed amount of xanax or take it longer than is directed by your doctor. Withdrawal effects may occur if Xanax is stopped suddenly after several weeks of continuous use. As per xanax prescription, sudden discontinuation of the medication may result in seizures as its side effect that is why a doctor always recommends a gradual reduction in dose. Xanax prescription is provided for the relief of anxiety disorders and depression, and is usually is taken three times a day. The instructions on the prescription label must be followed exactly. Do not take xanax for more than four months without consulting a doctor. Alprazolam/Xanax should not be stopped without consulting your doctor, because stopping xanax drug abruptly can cause seizures, delirium, and withdrawal symptoms. A doctor only can guide you on how to decrease your dose slowly. 4 Reasons Why You Should Use Canadian Pharmacies Let's face it: purchasing prescription drugs in the U.S. can be a costly undertaking. By filling your prescriptions online through Canadian pharmacies, your savings can be substantial. Here's why you should consider having your drugs shipped to your home from Canada: Pharmaceuticals: The Next Frontier in America?s War on Drugs America's war on drugs, which has been fought in the opium fields of Afghanistan and the cocaine plantations of Columbia, will have to reinvent itself to combat what is set to be America's biggest drug abuse problem, pharmaceuticals. One in five American's, nearly 48 million, have used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes at least once in their lives. The current past month misuse rate among Americans is 6.2 million. According to a recent white paper by Carnevale Associates, this rate of use is already higher than the historical highs of both cocaine and heroin epidemics. OxyContin Addiction: Doctors & Drug Lords OxyContin is a narcotic drug, an opiate, that has been approved by the FDA to legally treat chronic pain. Chronic pain is documented medical condition, a progressive disease of the nervous system and spine that causes constant a patient to experience constant, excruciating pain. Chronic pain is caused by the failure of the body's internal pain control systems and is accompanied by changes of the chemical and anatomical makeup of the spinal cord. Left untreated, the condition will spread to unaffected areas. A patient suffering from chronic pain does not produce enough natural opiates, so a pharmaceutical opiate like OxyContin is an effective treatment for the disease. Powerful Arthritis Pain Relief For All Of Us When you ask what arthritis is, professinals will tell you it's inflammation of one or more joints. But you know it better as pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity, and/or a diminished range of motion of those joints! It's estimated that over 50 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other related conditions. Utah Drug Rehab: Searching For A Therapist Finding the right treatment for any person suffering with a drug abuse problem can be a difficult task - where do you start, how do you know what to look for, how do I find a good therapist or treatment center in my area? Thankfully, there are many resources to help you find the help that you or a loved one need - here are some tips to help you locate Utah drug rehab help. Potassium and The Dialysis Patient Any dialysis patient who has had a brush with high potassium will know only too well how dangerous this can be. We are forever being told to watch our potassium intake, so I thought I would explore the reasons for this, and what practical steps we can take to limit the risks. Robotic Future of Hospitals; Pandemic Prevention and Bio-Terrorist Attack There is a huge concern in the medical industry that if a biological weapon were released that those sick might come to the hospitals in such large numbers that before you realized an attack had occurred everyone in every nearby hospital would also be infected. Then of course the hospital itself would be rendered useless and all those already in the hospital no matter what the reason would literally condemned. The biggest issue with this is that those places we have available to help our populations stay well would be immediately and totally useless. For some background on the World Think Tank discussion and on-going subject of bio-terrorism control and isolation, please see this page: Onychomycosis - One Of The Many Nail Fungus Out There Many natural changes in fingers and toenails come with age. Fine ridges, for example, may start developing from the cuticle of the nail tip. This and other similar changes are common, but they are not signs of poor health. Implant Dentistry ? The Convenient and Safe Alternative to Dentures If you are missing a tooth or a group of teeth, you may find that you are afraid to smile, you don't like to speak because you think you sound funny, or you may not be able to eat certain foods that you enjoy. Until recently, your only option was to replace these missing teeth with dentures. Patients often complained that dentures were uncomfortable and inconvenient. Toenail Fungus: Treatment and Prevention A thick, yellowish nail with splotchy white areas is a classic presentation for a fungal toenail. In the early stages the toenail is only slightly discolored, or slightly thickened. In the late stages the nail can become very thick and has a tendency to "grow up" more than in grows out. The nail will be very discolored, typically dark yellow-brown and will start to change shape and crumble. In some cases the nail becomes very loose and many will lose the nail, only for it to regrow with the fungus. Facial Pain: When a Nerve Is a Live Wire Of all the places in the body that can hurt, the face might seem the strangest. But for some people, that's exactly where the agony occurs, and the cause is a nerve gone haywire. Celebrex Side Effects Lawsuit Lawyer The Food and Drug administration urges people to stop taking Celebrex, but even so the drug has remained on the market. Recent studies have found that Celebrex causes heart attacks and strokes at higher doses. These same problems have lead rival pharmaceutical company Merck & Co to remove its painkiller Vioxx from the market. However, Pfizer, the maker of Celebrex, is leaving its dangerous drug on the market. ![]() |
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