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Rheumatoid Arthritis : the time bomb
The beginning is very much hard to spot as we migh just wake up in the morning and feel that the fingers on our hand do not function as they should. A little of bit of movement and everything is fine. However, this morning exercise keeps prolonging as we get to a point where the exercise lasts for the whole day and the joints begin to ache. The walk is not a pleasure anymore and we are not able to hold a cup of coffee without shaking it out. So this is how it ends. Rheumatoid arthritis is practically unhealable and the condition is very fast the younger the age. Arthritis is usually associated with older people, however, rheumatoid arthritis endangers especially middle aged individuals and it is not usual to see younger aged pacients. The cause of this disease is yet not specifically know. Arthritis, the infectous inflammation of joints, is a matter of reaction of the organism to internal infection. To illustrate it a bit more, the immunity system goes nuts and attacts its own organism. In case of reumatic arthtritis, the subject of the attack are the joints, especially smaller ones. The disease is healable only if uncovered early. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease which is very slow in its progress, undistinguished. Maybe the fact that the start of the disease is so slow and hard to spot compared to other malfunctions, makes it so dangerous. By the time you notice, it is usually already well estabilished and practically unhealable. Reumatoid arthtritis is the worst case of arthritis there is as the consequences are the hardest to take. It can cause very serious damages to joints and other organs and can lead to invalidity. There is ten types of arthritis of which the mentioned is the most severe. It attacks woman three times more than man and healing requires attention of many specialists such as rheumatologists, rehabilitation expers, balneologists as well as internists and clinical psychologists. If you are looking for further health information, there are several resources to use, among those The MedsiteRX Health Directory is one of those. For further information please visit the website. Written by Martin McDonald, MedSiteRx Health Directory
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Taking The Sting Out Of Bug Bites (NC)-In most cases insect bites are harmless and if left alone, the irritation will subside within 48 hours. Infants and Acid Reflux Infant acid reflux is quite common. People of all ages, especially infants because they consume only liquids or soft foods, suffer from mild heartburn or acidic regurgitation on occasion. As in adult cases, infants experience acid reflux when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is relaxed. The LES acts as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach. It opens up to allow food into the stomach and then closes in order to protect the esophagus and other organs from acidic reflux. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine if an infant has developed a chronic form of heartburn called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Orthotics: Prefab or Custom-Made? If you take a simple stroll down the foot product isle at your local drug store you will find an array of foot products and inserts. You will find inserts for cushion, for comfort, for support and for control. Many questions may cross your mind. What are the differences? Is the $15 insert better than the $7 insert? Are these orthotics? Will they help my foot pain? You may take the time to study the package details closely, but in most instances it doesn't really matter which pair you grab. Most of the inserts at the local drug store are essentially the same. Drug Interactions: Five Common Dangerous Interactions You Should Know About Prescription drugs can save your life. But interactions between prescription drugs and other drugs or with illnesses or conditions you have can lead to significant consequences. Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular drug. Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. See examples of common interactions and what their results are in the table on this webpage. Take Control of Your Doctor: Ten Actions To Get What You Need At Your Next Office Visit Michael Richardson, MD has some suggestions on maximizing your next doctor's visit. A Very Medical Miracle Madeline Mann once weighed less can a can of soda making her the tiniest surviving newborn known to medicine. Next week, she enters high school as something even more exrtaordinary- a honor student who likes to play violin and Rollerblade. 10 Benefits of an Electronic Medical Record Electronic Medical Record Technology Over Drugs for Stress Related Tension Disorders As much as 95% of the population suffers from some form of reoccurring stress and tension related headaches. Food for Thought Depression is a disorder marked by sadness, low energy, impaired concentration, and feelings of dejection. Some people believe that depression is normal. Hectic daily activities and the conflict between family and career cause constant stress. Yet depression and anxiety as a response to stress are not normal. They can be signs of illness, which may worsen and result in physical symptoms or an inability to function. Which Drug Addiction Treatment is the Best? The answer is simple: there is no such thing as the best drug addiction treatment. Depending on the kind of the addiction, your age and social situation different treatments may be chosen for your benefit. Watch Out for Misleading Pharmaceutical Advertising In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration relaxed the rules for drug advertising on television and radio. Since that time, the airwaves have been flooded with commercials for all sorts of drugs. Some of them are vague, with a simple "Ask your doctor if drug x is right for you"; others spell out what the drug is used for and devote the commercial to telling you how much you will appreciate your product. Most consumers will probably assume that these commercials are honest, that the drugs will do what the ads say they will do, and that there are no side effects other than those mentioned in the ad. That may not be true, and consumers should be aware that the ads may not tell the whole story, and that they may be misleading.The pharmaceutical industry spends $9 billion per year advertising their products, and the money they spend on television and radio ads is probably the most effective. Doctors may be skeptical of a product touted by a salesman, but consumers are easily swayed by television ads that show people living happy, productive lives while being treated for an ailment using the advertised product. Unfortunately, these ads may not be completely honest. In 2004, the FDA investigated thirty-six ads for drugs that the agency found to be misleading or incomplete in their descriptions of side effects. Consumers might think that the commercials must be honest, since the FDA wouldn't allow dishonest commercials to air. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The FDA does not require pharmaceutical companies to provide screening copies of their advertisements prior to airing. The FDA doesn't actually see the ads until the consumers do. Several months may pass before the FDA takes action. In the case of misleading advertising, the most the FDA can usually do is ask the companies to either stop running the ads or to change them. These requests aren't always timely, however. In the last five years, the FDA has asked the drug companies to stop running several ads that had already stopped running!What this means for consumers is that some doubt should be exercised while viewing a commercial for a new drug. If you think an advertised product may be useful to you, discuss it with your physician, but ask if they know of any problems associated with the product. Research the product on the Internet. When your health is at stake, a little caution may be a good idea. Strong Pain Relief - Powerful & Effective Natural Pain Management Alternative The recent removal of several high profile and popular prescription pain medications of the same pharmaceutical family, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, from the buyer's market has left many people searching for a safer alternative for powerful, fast and effective pain relief. The most recent removal was Pfizer's pulling of Bextra, citing serious skin reactions, sometimes fatal, and two others, Vioxx and Celebrex have been linked to heart related risks. The dangerous side effects of this particular family of medications is definitely cause for alarm, and has many seeking alternatives that will manage their pain effectively, without the serious risks of several pharmaceutical pain killers. An Addition For Practitioners - How to Help Your Patients and Your Practice Please feel free to comment, so I may modify this appropriately, or help Do you refer to other modalities or tests? Using Blood Pressure Monitors To Maintain Your Health Many people today realize the importance of keeping their blood pressure under control. Blood pressure monitors are now available for home use. High Cholesterol Prescription Medications Can Kill You The World Health Organization declares that heart disease is the number one killer worldwide. High cholesterol is a major contributor of heart disease. In America alone there are nearly 105 million people with high cholesterol. The Pain Factor Last year I told an acquaintance that at the age of 46, I had taken up running. The reply was, "Oh, that's awfully hard on your knees." At first I was taken aback. Yes, I knew if I didn't stretch, warm-up or wear properly fitted shoes, I might experience pain or an injury. But the person telling me this was overweight, had borderline high blood pressure, and never worked out. I wondered if this friend realized by living a sedentary lifestyle, the odds of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and some cancers had substantially increased. Not to mention that being overweight actually placed this person at a higher risk than me for developing knee pain from osteoarthritis and heel pain as a result of plantar fasciitis. Diagnosis and Treatments of Cerebral Palsy Before a child can be appropriately diagnosed with cerebral palsy, their doctor must first have to look closely at both the child and the mother's medical background to see if there are any known causes of cerebral palsy present in the case. The doctor will very carefully check the baby's motor skills and the reflexes, and then will be tested by a physician, also they will try to determine the Childs hand preference often a child with cerebral palsy will use the hand that is not always the most practical to them due to the fact that depending on the brain damage one side of the body will be much stronger than the other side that is affected. Are You Suffering From Addiction? Many researchers believe that addiction is a behavior that can be controlled to some extent and also a brain disease. And since some testing with functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) found that all addictions tend to cause nearly the same reactions inside the brain, there could be one type of control model for addiction health-related issues. Give Me Accutane or Give Me Death: The Politics of Prescriptions Any teenager will tell you that acne can drive you crazy, but is it dismal enough to drive you to kill yourself? Since its market debut in 1982, enraged parents and lawyers have implicated Accutane in the hospitalizations and suicide deaths of over 200 teenagers in the US. Patient Communication: Picking Up Where Medicine Leaves Off We've all seen patients who were far beyond the reach of medical treatment suddenly defy the odds and recover. We've also seen patients who were well on the road to recovery, take a turn for the worse for seemingly no reason at all. No matter what the technology or how terrific we are at our jobs, sometimes medicine just isn't enough. ![]() |
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