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Understanding Meditation
It is impossible to overstate the importance of daily meditation. The benefits are enormous. They are: improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health; greater personal power, enhanced creativity, increased ability to enact ideals and an enhanced sense of purpose and well-being. Meditation is the art of stilling the mind. Contemplation often gets confused with meditation; but contemplation is not meditation. Contemplation is focusing the mind, while meditation is stilling the mind. The normal waking operation of the brain is in the Beta State, which limits learning ability and full brain function. In this normal waking Beta State, the brain wave frequency is between 15 and 75 cycles per second, averaging 25 cycles per second. The mind is busy with about 60,000 thoughts per day passing fleetingly through consciousness. The first level of meditation is the Alpha State, which facilitates faster and more complete learning. In this meditative Alpha State, brain wave frequency is between 7 and 14 cycles per second. Your mind becomes stiller, calmer and less busy, less noisy so that your ability to learn new information is enhanced. This Alpha State is often referred to as the Super Learning state by educators, or as The Zone by athletes, or The Groove by musicians and artists. Fewer thoughts occur but they are more focused and persistent. Most people's experience with meditation is limited to this Alpha State; but there are two deeper states where the mind gets progressively stiller. When deeper meditative states occur in the Theta State, brain wave frequency is between 4 to 6 cycles per second. You begin to achieve real stillness and silence, and joy is experienced as the mind achieves harmony with its source. The mind is considerably less busy in this Theta State with very few thoughts occurring; and those that do occur are laser focused, intentionally chosen and consciously recycled to create a recurring subconscious affirmation of maximum beingness. Below Theta is the Delta State, in which brain wave frequency is below 4 cycles per second and can go as low as half a cycle per second. This is complete stillness and silence. It is in this state that a full transcendent consciousness or what some have called cosmic consciousness or divine consciousness is achieved. It is a state of bliss and power. It often takes a lifetime of practice to attain this Delta State, but occasionally individuals are propelled into it 'by accident' and have inspirational, transcendent experiences that are almost impossible to describe. It is similar to a NDE or near death experience, which coincidently, is also characterized by no, or very little, brain wave activity. Most people's minds operate like a hyper-kinetic, unruly, two-year-old child having practically no attention span and no apparent focus. Practicing meditation techniques will empower you to become more focused, more mentally powerful and more able to create a successful and happy life. Even if you only ever attain the Alpha State in your meditations, you will be healthier, happier, more purposeful and more capable of creating the life you desire to have for yourself. Start today. © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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The Brain Scrub for Druids The Brain Scrub is designed to help you overcome the "monkey mind" which leaps and bounces around from subject to subject in an uncontrolled manner. After mastering this exercise you'll be able to instantly clear and calm your mind in any situation, allowing you to focus completely on any subject. Holosync Meditation - Does It Really Work? Chances are, if you are on a quest for self-improvement, you've already heard of the Holosync Meditation CD's. What It Is: Developed by Bill Harris in the late 1980s, the Holosync Solution is an audio program designed to bring your brain waves to the alpha (and lower)levels automatically just by listening to the cds. According to Bill: "Holosync is a way to create deep meditation easily, precisely and consistently." Beyond The Hype: I thought it was about time someone talked about what it's REALLY like to use the Holosync cds. I've been using the program for 2 years fairly consistently. That means sitting down almost every day, putting on my headphones and doing nothing else for an hour. It's a huge time commitment and there were times I wondered if it was worth it. In The Beginning: Unlike the other testimonials you may have read, I did not experience profound changes after listening to the first cd. In fact, for the most part, I fell asleep! But that's okay, because the more I listened, the less sleeping I did. Truth be told, I still doze off when I'm starting a new level. Each new level takes you into deeper meditative states and requires an adjustment. As Time Goes By: Here I am, two years later, still making the time and financial commitment to stick with it. Why? Because I'm amazed at the person I've become. Over the course of the two years: I'm calmer I rarely get angry. I have a more positive attitude. I've become more spiritual. I'm happier - negative thoughts creep in, but they don't stay. Would I have experienced this growth without Holosync? Maybe, but I believe it would have taken much longer. Have I reached the "nirvana" state while meditating? A couple of times I have experienced that deep all-encompassing sense of peace, but for the most part, my thoughts tend to drift. I try to start each session with an affirmation or goal statement, but often I'll end up working out a problem or thinking about other things. It seems to work anyway and I always feel refreshed and calm at the end of a session. What About Using Other Programs? Absolutely! I've used and still incorporate other programs into my Holosync meditation. I mentioned affirmations, but other types of releasing programs work well, even different meditation techniques can work with Holosync. Self improvement should be a never-ending quest. You can usually gain some new insights by listening to a different point of view. If you are interested in learning more about Holosync meditation, click on the link at the end of this article. You'll be directed to a products review site. Quieting the Mind Opening the Heart To put it simply, the act of meditation involves quieting the mind so you can open the heart. That's it in a nutshell. Establishing A Daily Meditation Practice It's important to establish a daily practice and then stick to it. This doesn't mean dedicating 12 hours a day to meditation, it just means creating a space in your home where you can take a few minutes and meditate and do the exercises. I advise people to start with some of the basic exercises and devote 10 -20 minutes a day as they develop their physical and mental abilities. Many people quite simply overload themselves and expect too much too soon, then get discouraged when they don't see the results they thought they should see. What Does Meditation Music Do To You? Personally I belief that it is possible for anyone to live a life of happiness,inner peace, and outward success, no matter what their present or past circumstances. Meditation: Time to Stop & Listen As a co-active coach, one of the underlying principles that I subscribe to is that everyone has their own answers within. Most of what I do as a coach is to give people the time, space and permission to find these answers (and sometimes I provide a question or two to get things going). A Hypnosis Cd - Getting the Most from Them You should treat the use of a hypnosis cd just like you use a tool. In other words, any tool has the potential to do a great job as long as it is used for its intended purpose. The message here is that a tool is only useful if it is used. Stevia 100% Natural Herbal Sweetener Artificial sweeteners are developed in organic chemistry labs. Stevia grows wild in the rain forests. Fitness Workout - Exercising the Present Moment! The following exercise program has been designed to get the mind firmly in the present, not yesterday or tomorrow but right here, right now. 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When I first started learning about deep breathing exercises and meditation I had this pre-conceived notion of sitting very still for long periods of time, my body like a statue, my breathing hardly discernable to an onlooker. Meditation - What is It Good for Anyway? Meditation is an age old healing and stress relieving modality practiced throughout the world, in virtually all cultures and all religions, although it may go by different names - prayer, visualization, relaxation techniques, and hypnosis; they are all forms of the same practice. Lighthearted Meditation: Playing With Mindfulness I often meet people who say things like, "I've been working on mindfulness for over twenty years." Parapsychology: Harnessing Your Etheric Energy It is an unfortunate reality that society has inadvertently categorized the natural abilities associated with bio-etheric energy as a form of entertainment. Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential ? Part 2 You can be the creator of your own manifest destiny. Through daily meditation practice and focus on changing your life for the better. In fact, you have the ability to redefine yourself in any direction you desire. The power that you can cultivate is limited only by your own imagination. Relax Into Health I'd like to share a little secret about relaxation techniques for athletes (or health-minded people that workout) and anyone that wants to feel more focused, calm, healthy and peaceful. An Algorithm to Remove ?Hurt? from Pain The behavior of pain was enigmatic. Its responses were strange. It was only a pin prick, but the surrounding skin reddened and the child cried out in pain. Yet, the caress of a gentle finger around the injury subdued that pain. A person suffering from the agony of chronic pain reported no pain at all, while focused on painting a canvas. Again, hypnosis caused a patient to report that his pain did not hurt. How could just a touch, or a change in the focus of attention reduce or remove pain? How could there be a pain, which did not hurt? Could such phenomena be explained as clear algorithmic behaviors of the brain? Could such knowledge be used to subdue the distress of pain? Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Moe, With Which Meditation Should I Go? There are many different styles of meditation, so which one is right for you? How To Meditate? We are surrounded by negative forces like jealousy, hatred, fear, doubt, worry, despair, guilt, resentment, anger, pride hatred and anxiety. These are the dominating forces of the universe.We are constantly attacked by these negative forces day in and day out.The only medicine to fight this deadly disease is Meditation. Through Meditation we can get everlasting peace, that is what we know the "Divine Peace". To grow in light and to fulfill ourselves in light and purity we need to practice meditation regularly. ![]() |
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