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Objective Meditations: What is Reality?
Is reality a projection from within the mind, or is it an "altered lens" into the outside world? Let's look at the altered lens theory first. Obviously, we are not all looking at the world with the same lens or viewpoint. If that were possible, and we had a consistent moral code of ethics, we would have world peace. Imagine no wars, conflict, divorce, or crime. It does make you think that John Lennon might have been thousands of years ahead of his time, when he wrote the lyrics for his song, "Imagine." Although, we may not agree with every word, the thought of global harmony captivates the mind. Is this a reality? At this moment in time, it doesn't look possible. Peace agreements seem so close, and then, an assassination, or a suicide bomb, changes everything. Why is this world not ready for a Mahatma Gandhi, Anwar Sadat, or Martin Luther King, Jr.? Do we, as a species, need to grow, and mature a little more, or can we make small changes in this world now? You can make small changes by bringing out the inner calm you have developed through meditation practice. If you are still not sure how to proceed, demonstrating acts of kindness to everyone you meet, will do. At the very least, following the Golden Rule is good for you, and everyone you come into contact with. Remember, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you". - Luke 6:31. This action will bring your lens into focus. On the other hand, a projection is a creation from within the mind's eye. This, in turn, gets impressions by receiving images from outside the body, and judges everything. This classification, and judgment, creates a biased frame of mind that reacts to a world created by the same mind. The problem is - these judgments solidify into concrete beliefs, resulting in a reality of pre-conceived notions. I refer to this as, The Cycle of Judgment Theory, and hope that you clearly understand the cycle. The result of the cycle of judgment is dangerous, as there is no room for objective viewpoints. Everything is classified as black or white, and there is no room for a "gray area." This particular viewpoint, with concrete beliefs, has no room for change and will not negotiate. So both realities exist - creating more realities with potential opposites. This explains why we see people justify atrocities. Whenever you meditate, and are able to find objective viewpoints that are good for your mental health, always beware of judgmental people who have no ability to reason or open their mind. Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher. http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html
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4 Little Known Secrets of Meditation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Secret #1:The True Purpose of Meditation=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Understanding Meditation It is impossible to overstate the importance of daily meditation. The benefits are enormous. They are: improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health; greater personal power, enhanced creativity, increased ability to enact ideals and an enhanced sense of purpose and well-being. Understanding Meditation Meditation has been around for many thousands of years. It is a technique geared towards inner discovery and enlightenment. Its' also used for deep relaxation, freedom from thoughts and inner peace. There are many forms and techniques of meditating, varying from silent motionless techniques to very vigorous physical ones. Druids and Meditation It's pretty obvious that the ancient Druids used several forms of meditation. That the Druids were able to still and control their minds is unquestioned, but the techniques they used have apparently been lost to the ravages of time and the lack of written records. Fitness Workout - Exercising the Present Moment! The following exercise program has been designed to get the mind firmly in the present, not yesterday or tomorrow but right here, right now. It's a particularly great exercise to become familiar with because it helps during times when you need to totally concentrate on an important task. There have been many times in the past when I've been overwhelmed by the many different tasks on my 'to do list'. Learning to become present has helped me to focus totally on one thing at a time and makes me far more effective in my work output. The Benefits of Meditation: Tips and Techniques Meditation is healthy, safe and affordable. In fact it's free. The only expense you'll have is a meditation mat, which isn't especially necessary-at least from my experience. Meditation has been around for 5,000 years, and was originally a spiritual component of yoga. Through the years non-yogis adopted it, intuitively sensing and connecting the practice with greater peace of mind. Personally, I can't say enough good things about meditation. Its use has rewarded me with less worry and much more energy. But I've never been one for anecdotal evidence. Let's get to the science? How To Meditate Without Even Trying I remember when I started trying to meditate. I would sit down, close my eyes, and try to be really calm (my definition of meditation at the time). That was hard: my head would burst with ideas, thoughts, solutions, problems? I would become agitated, and stopped generally after ten long minutes, if not less. It's during my short "meditations" that I felt less? meditative. Meditation and the Monkey Mind? Some find the term, "monkey mind", upsetting, derogatory, and insulting. This is a shame, as the point is lost, the ego is involved, and a natural human defense goes up. After all, we are supposed to be the "king of the primates," aren't we? Meditation Supply Items ? Can They Help Deepen Your Practice? Can a meditation supply item help you go into a deeper state of inner awareness? If you choose the right item, there is a good chance that it can help you get more comfortable and allow you to become more relaxed. Meditation: How to Enter a Deep State of Relaxation There are many methods of meditation that can lead to channeling, mediumship, or simply a greater spiritual awareness. Here is the method I use: Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. How You Can Unite Meditation, Divine Essence, And Personal Tenacity to Serve Your Highest Purpose 1. Meditation: Enlightenment through Meditation Helping the broadest range of people attain enlightenment through meditation is my lifelong preoccupation. I have more than 20 years of daily interaction with people helping them meditate and encouraging them to set high goals and use meditation as a tool for attaining inspiration, precious insights, enlightenment and other benefits that come along with it. In order to practice meditation, you need a pleasant quiet place where nobody is going to disturb you. Once you are comfortably seated, you can start with pranayama (rhythmic breathing exercise), followed by pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses from the outer world), thorough relaxation of the mind and senses, and finally relaxation of the physical body. By breathing rhythmically ? inhaling, holding the breath, and exhaling while following a simple pattern (4-16-8, for instance) ? you will accumulate prana, revitalize your life force, and new spiritual strength will come to you. During the pratyahara you will play the role of a neutral observer of your thoughts, with the ultimate aim of achieving a state of consciousness without any thoughts. In this way, the objective possibility of reaching the most inner part of your Being ? God in you ? is realized. This means that you can now start feeling the warmth in your heart, see the light which is present there, and experience the subtle energy of Divine love. Furthermore, you can become aware of the harmony of mind, heart, and will. Your devotion and relaxation can lead you into deeper levels of consciousness, into deeper meditation. You can turn your senses inward to further increase you awareness. Your meditation will start realizing its goals. This is the level of devotion where you can actually contact the source of inspiration, gain countless insights, and approach the possibility of enlightening your Being. It is the harmony of your mind, heart, and will, that brings you into Unity with the One. When you learn to be quiescent, when there are no thoughts and aspirations of any kind, you will find yourself out of your mental body, out of limitations, free in the consciousness of Unity. Only when your intentions diminish, when your mind becomes unoccupied, the enlightenment will start to show its magnificence. The sustained flow of attention will connect you to the endless reservoir of power, the source of knowledge and inspiration. When meditation occurs, love is its flavor. This love is your true nature. When the consciousness starts perceiving itself, it becomes pure consciousness. What resides is only the voiceless spirit of awareness whose meaning is I AM, I EXIST, I ENDURE. You should meditate every single day, if necessary two times a day. If some day you find yourself distressed, a simple exercise can help you. Light a candle and put it some 30 cm away, at the level of your eyes. Simply by gazing at the blue part of the candle's flame for 5 minutes, you can relax yourself. Your positive attitude, faith, calmness, and serenity can help. You should consciously develop love toward your meditation and meditativeness. The results will be in accord with your efforts, persistence and fortitude. There is not a single individual who can not succeed. There are only different kinds of obstacles with different people. Don't forget to consult your spiritual teacher, who is there to help you overcome your obstacles. Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential ? Part 1 Meditation is often misunderstood by those who do not practice it. Very often, I hear meditation referred to as, "altered states of consciousness." That sounds more like intoxicants, rather than bringing clarity to a cluttered mind. Without going too deep into what meditation is, or is not, let's focus on one of the many things a daily meditation practice can do for you. Relaxation Techniques to Revitalize Body and Mind We all get to a stage where we've just had it. We need a break. Well if a holiday is out of the question, try these relaxation techniques to revitalize your body and mind. Bhagavad Gita Commentary Most of us have heard the story of the centipede who, when asked how he managed to walk with so many legs, could no longer do so, but tangled his legs hopelessly in the attempt to intellectually figure it out and ended up on his back, helpless. This is not unlike the person who attempts to plumb the depths of oriental scriptures. Right away it becomes evident that they consist of incalculable layers, nearly all symbolic in nature. Furthermore, the meanings of the symbols are not consistent, changing according to the levels on which they occur. For example, on one level water symbolizes the mind, on another level the constant flux of samsara, and on another the subtle life-currents known as prana. This being the case, our Western linear mode of thought becomes as entangled and disabled as the fabled centipede. Knowing this to be so, I have decided to avoid the Lorelei of subtle symbolism and concentrate instead on the obviously practical side of Krishna teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. Having stated this, in complete consistency with oriental thought, I shall contradict myself and consider the symbolism encountered in the first chapter of the Gita. Whats The Point of Meditating? What are you likely to gain from meditating? Can Cognitive Fitness Be a Workout for Your Brain? There is growing interest to exercise your brain using something called "cognitive fitness." A Look at Meditation I've counseled many people from every background and led workshops and lectures about self-empowering topics for about 25 years. Over that time, I saw a need. Everyone was searching. What they were looking for was unclear, many times. But the search was on. While I could meet many of their immediate needs, through counseling, they still needed a source, or connection with who they really were. Cultivate a Positive Mind-Set Through Meditation You have the ability to create your own mind-set. Whether your attitude is positive or negative, is up to you. The ability to change your environment, circle of friends, and attitude, is within your control. A Forty-Five-Second Meditation Is Meditation Too Much Time And Trouble? ![]() |
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