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Making Room for Two: How to Adjust to Life with a RoommateDan The Roommate Man Because downsizing is a fact of life these days, many renters and homeowners can, at a moments notice, find themselves unable to pay the rent or the mortgage. It suddenly becomes necessary to find a roommate - and fast. In previous articles, weve discussed the screening process and what kinds of questions you should ask before moving anyone into your home, whether he or she is a close friend or complete stranger. In the rush to simply find a roommate we can trust, however, we often overlook the other insidious issues. How are you going to make space for a newcomer when youve been living solo for such a long period of time After all, each one of us is set in our ways. Introduce a new element into the picture, and your routine is interrupted. How will you react Consider the fact that your furniture is arranged just the way you like it. Where is your roommate going to place his or her own furnishings Are you willing to make room for some of those items, possibly rearranging yours or even placing them in storage What if he/she doesnt own many items and has designs on your plates, your television, your kitchen table Do you mind If your new roommate is a family member, the issues become even stickier, and youll have to tread lightly. A record number of new college graduates are returning to their parents homes -- at least for the first year, when finances are tight, salaries are low and job stability can be uncertain. And as a greater percentage of our national population reaches their 60s and above, weve witnessed many of them moving in with family members - even those who remain very active - simply because the cost of living makes a solo lifestyle difficult to maintain. Regardless of your relationship to your new roommate or the size of your living quarters, both of you must have your own respective spaces in which you may shut the door and maintain a basic level of privacy. This is key to everyones sanity. If you have to clear out that storage room youve been avoiding, or spend an extended period doubling your kitchen table as an office because you give your spare bedroom to your new roommate, then so be it. The importance - and, ultimately, the benefits -- of a good relationship with your roommate far outweigh any temporary inconveniences youll face. If you suddenly find that the combination of your own belongings and your roommates is causing excessive clutter in your home, you may want to consider either hosting a garage sale after all, the need for a little extra money is what prompts many of us to search for a roommate in the first place or placing your belongings in a climate-controlled storage facility, many of which are cheaper than you might expect. Some roommates opt for an existence in which theyre two ships passing in the night; and so they shop for groceries and cook for themselves. If you want to save money as well as time, however, youll consider splitting the shopping and cooking responsibilities with your roommate. Plan your menus weekly. Place a magnetic memo board on the refrigerator, on which each roommate may write his/her personal weekly shopping list for snacks, breakfast items or other groceries you dont share. Roommates should alternate weeks making the trip to the grocery store. And plan to allocate a particular number of nights each week on which each roommate is responsible for preparing dinner. Be clear about your food preferences obviously, a steak dinner wont sit well with a strict vegetarian. Ultimately, meal-sharing will save you money and time. Be smart in your approach; prepare larger portions, and freeze the remainders for another night. In addition, youre less likely to rely on convenience foods, many of which have little nutritional value and tend to be significantly more expensive. Household chores are a major point of contention among roommates. So set the record straight from day one. Create a list of who will perform what. And be realistic. If your roommate would rather have a root canal than mow the lawn, how easy it going to be to coax him into this chore on a regular basis If you feel the same way about lawn care, you might consider hiring a neighborhood teen to handle the job. Youre paying for the preservation of your relationship, so its a worthwhile investment. If your roommate is a family member and isnt paying rent, determine immediately upon their arrival how theyll compensate you for the convenience of living under your roof. If its a parent, perhaps he or she can chip in weekly grocery money, pay for a meal in a restaurant once a week or assume an extra chore or two. If its an employed child returning to the nest after college graduation, you may consider asking them for a small amount in monthly rent and/or to assume responsibility for weekly tasks - the grocery shopping, yard maintenance, taking the family out once a month for dinner, etc. Of course, these extras arent a substitution for the expected tasks of doing his/her own laundry, dishes and bedroom and bathroom maintenance. Introducing a roommate into a previously solo or empty-nester existence is never an easy proposition. But when you approach the transition with careful planning and open communication, youll find yourself pleasantly surprised at the results: a closer relationship with your family members or a trusted new friend and confidante.
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