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Mortgage Information
More Articles from Mortgage Information: | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | RELATED ARTICLES How to Get Fast Cash without Breaking the Bank Many of us rack our brains for the perfect job or business opportunity to bring in extra cash. We think that we need to come up with some brilliant plan to earn the money for a nice vacation, down payment on a car or some extra cash for our kid’s tuition. Sometimes the perfect money maker is right beneath our very noses. Here are some quick tips to receive extra cash with the least amount of effort: Mortgage Prepayment Penalties - Just Say No One of the most common terms found in a new home loan is a prepayment penalty. This type of penalty says that if the borrower pays off the loan early, commonly during the first five years of the loan, then the borrower will be responsible for paying an additional amount of money, typically about six months interest on 80% of the mortgage balance. Sub-prime market loans will typically carry prepayment penalties more than standard mortgage loans. Credit Traps Snag Consumers Nearly 20 years ago I worked for a small consumer advocacy organization in Washington, DC. Each week we received sacks full of mail from consumers across the country requesting our list of credit cards with low interest rates and no annual fees. If you wanted a low interest rate on a credit card back then, you often had to apply to a bank in Arkansas where interest rates were capped by state law. Starting Your Home Based Business On A Shoestring Budget Whether seeking a supplemental income or a full-time income,many folks have undertaken the task to discover a viable homebased business solution to meet their personal needs. Setting Financial Goals, The First Step In Turning Your Dreams Into Reality Part II I decided to resurrect this article with some changes due to events that have happened this year from my website because of the time of year it is.With New Year’s Day being less than a week away, this is the time of year where many of us reflect on the past year, re-examine our dreams, desires and goals and make resolutions for the upcoming year. Small Business Tax Deductions for Year End 2004 As a small business owner, its wise to familiarize yourself with some key deductions that may reduce your tax bill for 2004. Why You Need a Home Loan Countrywide Loan From a small office in 1969, home loan countrywide has achieved recognition among consumers and investors as one of Americas leading home finance companies. Evidence of growth and industry leadership is home loan countrywides inclusion in the S&P 500, Forbes 500 and Fortune 500. Home loan countrywide began with a vision - to make the dream of homeownership accessible to everyone. Over the years, the company has grown, as have the ways in which they serve their customers. They have leveraged their skills in mortgage banking into diversified businesses that work together to provide customers with a complete range of financial services under one roof. Their diversification includes capital markets, insurance and a recent expansion into banking services with Countrywide Bank. In addition, home loan countrywide is also bringing a brand of financial services and customer satisfaction to the United Kingdom.Home loancountrywide is involved in the development of world-class proprietary financial systems has provided them with a sizable competitive edge and given them a front-runner position in penetrating financial services markets both domestically and internationally. Bankruptcy Basics According to the American Bankruptcy Institute “household debt is at a record high relative to disposable income.”The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts reported that the number of filings for the year ended March 31, 2003 “exceeded 1.6 million for the first time in any 12 month period,” a 15.1 percent increase from the previous year. 13 Steps to Increasing Your Link Luck Link development can be an absolute nightmare. It takes up most of a marketer’s time and the yield isn’t always what we originally hoped. Worrying about PR, one way inbound links, triangle linking, where to find quality sites to exchange with, it’s all just a huge headache. To be honest, there’s no real way to wash your hands of it, unless you have a huge budget for purchasing text links or to hire someone to do your linking for you. So here are 13 ways to increase your linking luck. They require a little bit of effort, but executed properly, these steps will only bring your site success. Working With Your Real Estate Attorney Purchasing or selling a home will probably be one of your largest and most important financial transactions.Before signing a contract to purchase or sell a home, both buyer and seller should consult an attorney to assure that the real estate transaction will be handled legally and professionally. A Singles Game of Real Estate This discussion leans toward answering questions asked most often by our youthful men and women in there early twenties. They often begin to ask themselves the question, “Should I consider buying a home, condo/town-home or some other type of real estate that I can call my own” Due to the fact that housing has up to this point always been provided for or lived in on a rented basis we tend to find that our newest contributing members of society find themselves at a loss for the most beneficial and advantageous way to enter this next phase of self-sufficiency. Affiliate Marketing What Is It And Why Use It Affiliate Marketing is having Affiliates do your Marketing for you. What I mean by Affiliate is someone who tells people about your product/service and you pay them for a desired response, such as a purchase. How Can I Stop Foreclosure On My House We understand the being in foreclosure is a scary thing. You are probably wondering how can I stop foreclosure on my house. There are many options available when facing foreclosure. They may include reinstating the loan, forbearance, loan modification, mortgage refinancing, sale of the property, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or bankruptcy filing. Comprehending a Credit Report Obtaining a credit report is an excellent way to begin taking control of your financial future. Its recommended that you review your credit report once a year, not only to be aware of your standing with creditors but to also keep abreast of errors and fraud. However, once your report arrives you may have trouble making sense of it. How are you to read and understand a credit report Budgeting For Prosperity Budgeting For ProsperitySeven Steps to Follow To Achieve Financial Freedom How To Jump Start ANY Business Typically it is said that when you open up a new venture, it takes fro 2 to 5 years of steady growth before you can call it a success.All things considered, this is true and because it is true, it is all the more important to do everything correctly, right from the start!So here are 7 guidelines on engagement for every business entrepreneur. How Much Rent is Too Much Rent You want what every apartment renter wants: the most comfortable surroundings you can get for the lowest possible monthly rent. Some of todays newly constructed apartment communities have takenluxury to an entirely new level. Some complexes have gas fireplaces, TV monitors by the front door, drive-through mail service, and office equipment for their tenants, among other creature comforts. Every renter has to consider the importance of amenities like these. Are they important enough to you to merit a rent increase of perhaps $200 more than the rent you pay now, at a modest yet affordable complex While some of us consider an apartment as just a place to hang ones hat, others place a premium on home surroundings. But how do you determine how much you can stretch your budget -- without ending up in the poorhouse in the process How I Became a Hard Money Lender Unlike other investors, my venture into real estate was a natural extension of my secondary business as the IP Ware software developer. However, opportunity and perseverance beget wealth, or at least a decent side income. Email Deliverability Tips Ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to subscriber inboxes is an increasingly difficult battle in the age of spam filtering. Open and click thru response rates can be dramatically affected by as much as 20-30% due to incorrect spam filter classification. Cost of Living Analyses If youve ever moved from the Midwest or the South to either coast, you realize just how different the costs of day-to-day living can vary among various U.S. cities. Many transplanted families pursue cross-country moves with the knowledge that their new hometowns will be more expensive. And many employers recognize that impending cost-of-living increase with a "cost-of-living allowance" -- a slight raise in salary so that an employee may maintain his or her current standard of living without having to tighten the purse strings upon arrival. ![]() |
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