Mortgage Information
Attaining A Debt Free Lifestyle
Many people have been taught that you cannot get ahead without debt. We are also inundated with advertising telling us we can have anything we want. All we need to do is put it on our credit card.
Help! The Kids Are Taking Over
Once upon a time, I harbored a quaint notion of child development.
Cost of Living Analyses
If youve ever moved from the Midwest or the South to either coast, you realize just how different the costs of day-to-day living can vary among various U.S. cities. Many transplanted families pursue cross-country moves with the knowledge that their new hometowns will be more expensive. And many employers recognize that impending cost-of-living increase with a "cost-of-living allowance" -- a slight raise in salary so that an employee may maintain his or her current standard of living without having to tighten the purse strings upon arrival.
How Much Rent is Too Much Rent
You want what every apartment renter wants: the most comfortable surroundings you can get for the lowest possible monthly rent. Some of todays newly constructed apartment communities have taken luxury to an entirely new level. Some complexes have gas fireplaces, TV monitors by the front door, drive-through mail service, and office equipment for their tenants, among other creature comforts. Every renter has to consider the importance of amenities like these. Are they important enough to you to merit a rent increase of perhaps $200 more than the rent you pay now, at a modest yet affordable complex While some of us consider an apartment as just a place to hang ones hat, others place a premium on home surroundings. But how do you determine how much you can stretch your budget -- without ending up in the poorhouse in the process
How Much Rent is Too Much Rent
You want what every apartment renter wants: the most comfortable surroundings you can get for the lowest possible monthly rent. Some of todays newly constructed apartment communities have taken luxury to an entirely new level. Some complexes have gas fireplaces, TV monitors by the front door, drive-through mail service, and office equipment for their tenants, among other creature comforts. Every renter has to consider the importance of amenities like these. Are they important enough to you to merit a rent increase of perhaps $200 more than the rent you pay now, at a modest yet affordable complex While some of us consider an apartment as just a place to hang ones hat, others place a premium on home surroundings. But how do you determine how much you can stretch your budget -- without ending up in the poorhouse in the process
When Renting Is Better Than Buying
If possible, it is ALWAYS better to buy than to rent. Right Perhaps Not.
Renting Versus Buying: Pros and Cons
Realtors have benefited from a new variety of homebuyer in todays market: the young, single professional. It used to be that most single men and women resigned themselves to a somewhat transient, short-term renters lifestyle until Mr. or Ms. Right came along. Thats not the case anymore. With more and more people delaying marriage until their careers have assumed the direction they wish to take -- and due to the fact that a greater percentage of young people are financially independent and quite successful -- single professionals are changing from renters to buyers.
How Much Rent is Too Much Rent
You want what every apartment renter wants: the most comfortable surroundings you can get for the lowest possible monthly rent. Some of todays newly constructed apartment communities have taken luxury to an entirely new level. Some complexes have gas fireplaces, TV monitors by the front door, drive-through mail service, and office equipment for their tenants, among other creature comforts. Every renter has to consider the importance of amenities like these. Are they important enough to you to merit a rent increase of perhaps $200 more than the rent you pay now, at a modest yet affordable complex While some of us consider an apartment as just a place to hang ones hat, others place a premium on home surroundings. But how do you determine how much you can stretch your budget -- without ending up in the poorhouse in the process
To Buy or Rent For Your College Student
September always means Back To School, and for thousands of families it also signals Off To College. In addition, more and more young people are opting to continue their education with post-graduate studies.
Marketplace Overtaking Rent Control,
Rent control is one of those concepts that seems like a good idea, at least until you think about it for more than 60 seconds -- an unusual event in an era of bumper-sticker philosophies and instant analysis.
Rent Late Dont Jump to Conclusions
As a landlord, you are financially dependent on your tenants. When a tenant fails to turn in their rent payment on time, you have to worry about making your own mortgage, rent and utility payments. Being put in this situation is frustrating and sometimes angering, but before you take legal action, evaluate the situation. Perhaps your tenant is going through some hard times. Dont want to jump to conclusions, offend the tenant and then needlessly lose their tenancy. Its important that you understand why the rent is late.
Making Room for Two: How to Adjust to Life with a Roommate
Because downsizing is a fact of life these days, many renters and homeowners can, at a moments notice, find themselves unable to pay the rent or the mortgage. It suddenly becomes necessary to find a roommate - and fast.
The Secret System For Getting Completely Out of Debt and Reaching Financial Independence on Your Present Income, in 3 Easy Steps
All families and home biz owners have to think about debt, finances, bills and income almost every day. There is no reason to be overwhelmed by something that can actually be CHANGED. How
Auto Loan Buying Tips
Have you ever felt like you bought an auto and financed it and dont really know if you got the right price or financing arrangements after it was all over Well, dont feel alone. This is a common experience for many people who make auto purchases.
How To Save Money On Groceries
Unlike a fixed monthly cost such as your mortgage or car payment, the amount you spend on groceries each month is somewhat flexible. While the common advice of clipping coupons and buying generic brands to save money while shopping is sound, by far the best way to truly keep your grocery shopping expenses under control is by understanding how grocery stores entice you to spend more than you really want. By fully understanding the ways grocery stores encourage you to spend, many of which you probably never even noticed before, you can combat their strategies and spend money only on the merchandise you really need.
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