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Glorious Summer Greens
Summer brings a lot of fantastic things with it, but one of the healthiest for those of us in the colder climates is more fresh food. The growing season has started and is shifting into full gear. Keep your eyes open for these foods to help your summer be absolutely luscious. Glorious Greens Most of my clients who have worked with me individually have experienced learning how to use greens for the benefit of their individual body. Green vegetables are the food most missing in modern diets. Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium (120 -190 mg per cup!) They're also high in magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and they are a power house for Vitamin A, C, E and K. Believe it or not, they are also crammed high with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micro-nutrients and phyto-chemicals ? you just can't get any better than this. For summer, however, here are two to really take advantage of: 1) Lovage ? according to K'Eogh, an 18th century Irish herbalist, this strong scented herb, "expels flatulence; clears the sight; removes spots, freckles and redness; provokes urination and menstruation; and aids digestion ? and is aptly used in love potions". Sounds like the makings for fabulous salad fixins' to me! This green also happens to be tasty, too, and is similar to celery in its appearance. Not only is it yummy raw, but it retains its flavor in slow cooking soups and stews. 2) Watercress ? a known immune booster. This powerful green is valuable for treating colds and coughs, but in general also helps maintain vigorous workings of both the thyroid and endocrine glands. This makes it perfect for an extra summer-time energy boost, not to mention that it has a dramatic, spicy bite! When buying: look for fresh leaflets of an evenly spread, darkish color. Don't buy or eat any yellowish leaves that you discover. When storing: place the stems in cold water and refrigerate. Use within 1 day as this leaf is grown in cold spring water and doesn't keep well when it's dry. To your health and success, Heather Heather Dominick is a Nutrition-Energy Consultant accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and creator of The Energy Rich Lifestyle Program?. In addition to her nutrition services, she is a motivating and dynamic speaker. Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? You absolutely can! But here's what you MUST include: Heather Dominick, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, is founder of the EnergyRich Lifestyle Program?, the proven step-by-step program to help you achieve your best health and fullest life. To sign up for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on creating your best health and life, visit http://www.individual-health.net
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The Face of the Waters The story of creation begins with water. Water is an essential nutrient in our diet, but many people fail to address this important component of health. While part of the problem can be addressed by consuming foods such as fruits and vegetables that are naturally rich with water, taking in additional water is also important. Aspartame -More Dangerous Than High Fructose Corn Syrup It's really hard to believe that something could be worse than the intense sugar loads from high fructose corn syrup and sucrose. But, Aspartame ( Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful, Canderal) is even more dangerous to your health. Olive Oil, the Healthy Choice Olive oil is a healthy choice over other fats such as butter, palm and coconut oils because olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that does not increase levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Alternative Therapies for Acid Reflux Disease Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common disease which affects approximately 5-7% of the population. It occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, a long, thin, muscular tube, which connects the mouth and the stomach. This often causes a constant burning sensation behind the breastbone, which is commonly known as heartburn. Long-term or persistent heartburn should be evaluated by a doctor, as heartburn can imitate the symptoms of heart disease. Substitutes for Butter Instead of Butter: Use top quality, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil, from the first pressing, or flaxseed oil. The taste of virgin olive oil is appealing to millions of people around the world, so why not adopt it to your taste? Protein, Carbs and Fat: Learn How to Diet with Macronutrients Weight loss plans are almost always trying to get you to get rid of some food that you love. However, the three macronutrients (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat) as well as the unofficial fourth, water, are all necessary for good health. Never try to eliminate any of these from your diet. If you're trying to lose weight, here is the simple truth about the stuff that makes up food. 3 Things You Want to Know About Cholesterol You wouldn't judge a book by its cover, would you? Post Nasal Drip Post nasal drip is a sensation of mucous build up in the throat. Sometimes you may even feel a dripping sensation from the back of your nose. The cause is over-production of mucous by glands in the nose and in the throat. Best Skin Diet For Healthy Skin "You are what you eat." Focus on Trans Fat There's no doubt--carbohydrates have taken center stage in public discourse about dietary practices. You can't turn on the TV, open a newspaper or walk past the office water cooler these days without hearing a debate about this nutrient du jour. Recently, however, increasing attention is being given to an all but forgotten part of our diet. Move over, carbohydrates: fat is making a comeback in the headlines. More specifically, trans fat. Cranberry Juice To The Rescue Cranberry juice was first made by American settlers in 1683. It is a love it or hate it beverage. For those who like it, it has a number of health benefits. Let me share some of those. What is A Balanced Diet For Losing Weight and Good Health? The total calories that you should be consuming depend on whether you are a women or a man. It depends on your body structure and your activity level. So you need to make some adjustment on the numbers I present. Understanding Amino Acids and their Importance in Diet The importance of protein in a healthy diet is well known to nutritional scientists, and widely understood by the general population. Indeed, every bodily system is directly or indirectly supported by protein. For example, protein supports the structural development of cells, helps ensure the integrity of tissue, aids digestion, carries hormones, and strengthens the immune system[i]. Hypertension -Twelve Simple Things You Can Do To Lower Your Blood Pressure Headlines: Green Tea and Your Health Green tea has been used as for medical remedies in China since ancient times. It was said to have many health benefits and be a remedy for many ailments. It is also said that the Japanese owe their slim figures to green tea. 5 Secrets of Reading Food Labels Revealed Whether you're concerned about cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or simply losing weight, you want to eat a healthy diet and focus on foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and balanced in fats, carbs, proteins. 7 Tips on Using Food Diet Remedies for Your Common Health Ailments Making simple changes to your food diet can help remedy some of the common health problems. Increasingly, more health experts are acknowledging that natural food is a good alternative medicine against many diseases. The use of antibiotics or drugs may not necessarily be the "cure all" answer. Recent studies have shown that cabbage, garlic and apples, etc provide good nutritional remedies. Heart Health ? Fish Oils To The Rescue In a world where heart disorders and diseases are becoming more common, lets take a look at something most of us can add to our weekly diet for prevention of heart problems. A Consumers Guide to Soy Terms Although you may have heard about soy and all of its health benefits, you may not have figured out how to incorporate it into your diet, yet. There are so many products available; figuring out exactly what they are may seem overwhelming. Here is an explanation of terms of various soy products to help you understand and evaluate which products are for you. What Actually Is Health? Nature works mostly on the principle of thing and no thing. Light is the thing and darkness is the absence of light. Sound is the thing and silence is the absence of sound. Health is the thing, and symptoms and disease are the absence of health. But some time back they got mixed up. Somehow symptoms and disease became the thing, and once you treated away the symptoms and disease, you would be left with health. And yet most people know that health is more than the absence of symptoms and disease. So what does this mean? It means you have to do something other than treat symptoms and disease to be healthy. Let me show you why. If there are shadows or darkness in a room, the only way to get light in the room is by turning on the light. No matter how many ways you can measure and quantify shadows, you cannot sweep them under a rug, cut them out of the room, or invent some chemical to get rid of the shadow. The only thing you can do is turn on the light. ![]() |
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