Did You Start Your Life With Enough Probiotics?

Why does disease begin in the digestive tract? Your digestive tract is your first line of defense when it comes to your health. This is because of the good bacteria that resides there. That is why the use of Probiotics is so important

Think of Probiotics - the good bacteria as guards against incoming invaders. Having a good number of these beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract guards us against a whole range of health problems and disorders. 85% good bacteria to 15% bad bacteria is just about right.

Sadly, because of such things as stresses of modern life, the antibiotics you may have taken and having a digestive system that is not slightly acid, you likely do not have enough of these good bacteria. This has a great affect on your health and well being.

So how long have your Probiotics been out of balance?

First lets find out whether you got the healthy bacteria you needed as a baby.

Were you born naturally or delivered by Cesarean section? It makes a difference. It is by passing through the birth canal that a baby is introduced to the Bifidobacteria infantis and other friendly microorganisms

These friendly bacteria enter the baby's intestines through the mouth and attach themselves to sites on the gastrointestinal wall before the unfreindly microorganisms from the outside world try to do the same.

Breast Feeding

Breast-feeding then fosters the growth of Bifidobacteria, particularly Bifidobacteria infantis. If cesarean delivered babies are then bottle-fed as well, they end up with adult-type microflora that are not optimal for their health.

If you know that you were delivered by cesarean, or bottle fed, and you have health problems, your digestive tract could use some help. Find a high quality probiotic product and stick with it for at least 3 Months.

You will find that you have an increase in better health, you may have less allergies, less constipation and less bad breath.

Article written by Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac. For top quality Probiotic nutritional supplements visit http://www.health-doc.com/products/probiotics.html

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