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Toby ? My Whirling Twirling Sheltie
Five years ago this August a funny little puppy came to live in our home. He was tiny, blue-gray and white colored coat, skinny tail that hurt when it hit you and the biggest bat ears I'd ever seen on a puppy. There was one other oddity his eyes were two different colors, one blue one brown. This little guy's energy level was amazing; he ran and bounced like there were springs attached to the pads of his feet. He made us laugh from the moment he walked through the front door. However the reality of having a new puppy soon set in, keep in mind we had not done this for fifteen years. Prior to Toby's arrival we had been blessed with a wonderful Golden Retriever named Beau. Unfortunately after fifteen years of love and companionship he left us due to a long illness. Getting back to the new puppy for about the first year I awoke each morning between 4:00 ? 4:30am, walked around the yard in the freezing cold ? it was October when this little furbaby came to live with us ? then slept in a chair with my new little buddy. In the end the interrupted sleep, housebreaking and everything else that come with a new puppy was well worth it. Toby has grown into a beautiful, absolutely handsome dog ? Oh, in case I didn't mention it, he is a Blue Merle Shetland Sheepdog ? he has brought so much joy and laughter to our home, but most importantly he helped fill a void in my heart that I really believed would be there forever. He is such a wonderful friend. Every morning he is waiting for me when I come down the stairs - he's afraid of stairs and will not go up or down - sits next to me while watching TV and lays in his bed right next to my desk keeping me company while using the computer. I'm also kept informed of anything that happens to be going on - ringing phone, Squirrels in the yard, passing cars and trucks, timer on the oven going off. You may be wondering why I titled this story My Whirling Twirling Sheltie. For those of you lucky enough to share your lives with these gorgeous little dogs, you already know the answer. For those of you not familiar with Shelties here is why. Shelties are very happy, vocal, lovable dogs that smile ? yes, they smile ? because of this they get excited about almost everything, when this happens they spin around in circles. It's really amazing to watch; you wonder sometimes how it is that they don't bang into something or why they don't fall over from being dizzy. This trait is so common it's even got a name "The Sheltie Spin". If you are considering getting a puppy, check out these fantastic bundles of fluff. They are compact in size, extremely intelligent, they love to learn and pick up new commands quite fast. However in my opinion their best quality is their loyalty, their love is so unconditional; it really is a wonderful thing. This is a share ware article. Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid package as long as the entire article is left intact including this notice. Copyright © 2005 Bonnie Carrier. Bonnie P. Carrier is the creator of Savvy Home Decorating & Savvy Outdoor Decorating. She is the mother to two grown daughters and a very spoiled 4yr old Blue Merle Sheltie named Toby. Stop by for information and ideas for both inside and outside your home. http://www.savvy-home-decorating.com http://www.savvyoutdoordecorating.com
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Rules of Thumb for Saddle Fit In compiling some information on achieving a proper fit to the horse when purchasing a saddle I came across several "Rules of Thumb" to bear in mind. There's a wealth of information available on the subject of saddle fitting, some of it contradictory. It's easy for the first time (or even second time) saddle buyer to get confused . The following Rules of Thumb are designed to help a prospective buyer get pointed in the right direction. Hypoallergenic Dogs When we talk about hypoallergenic dogs, we mean that they have a less or reduced tendency to cause allergies or allergic reaction among allergy sufferers. Dog Jewelry: A Celebration of Mans Best Friend "Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace." - Milan Kundera 3 Tips For Dealing With Dog Emergencies Have you ever thought about what you need to do should your dog ? or another dog ? ever suffer a serious, life-threatening injury? What if they have a severe allergy to an insect bite or a bee sting? It's great to know your vet's phone number, but what if something happens during off hours? What if you don't know where the closest emergency animal clinic is located? My Dog Died ! Pets provide an unconditional love that requires very little on the part of the human. Westie - West Highland White Terrier Puppies - Fragile and Needful Of Protection Have you ever held any Westie puppies? These tiny creatures are cuddly and white furry balls, at least 12-15 inches tall, possessing a pair of coal black eyes and snubbed nose. They look fragile and needful of your protection and care. This is deceiving, for they were initially bred to hunt vermin and are intelligent hunters. 7 Good Reasons to Have Your Cat Spayed or Neutered Every year, many cat owners decide to get their cat spayed or neutered. This decision is made for several different reasons, all of which illustrate why it is such a good idea. Shock Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits Shock Collars Build A Better Mousetrap, And People Will Buy It This is an old saying that many of us have grown up hearing since we were children, but the problem is improving on an invention that has been around for years. This is especially true for simple inventions like the common pet identification tag, or dog tag as it is normally referred too as. The pet identification tag has been a staple of our society for hundreds of years as a way to identify the owners of a particular lost pet, but it was not until World War I that the pet tag became famous and picked up its moniker as the "dog tag." Your Dog is a Social Animal - and Needs You! Your dog is a social being, just like you! He/she loves walking in the park with you, playing ball or chase with you, and just being with you. Even when he/she's lying around the house or the backyard having a snooze, your dog is well aware of your presence, or absence, and appreciates every minute you spend with him/her. If you have a family, your dog loves being part of your family and no doubt has a special relationship with most, if not all, of the family members. Cold Weather Pet Care As we find ourselves in the middle of winter, it's important to pay particular attention to our pets when they're outside. When temperatures get into the twenties and below, with whipping winds, pets can suffer serious health problems. Besides not leaving your dog, cat or other animal outside for too long, there are several other precautionary measures you can take to care for your loving pet. The Sporting Westie Terrier Because it is intelligent and energetic, a Westie terrier is well suited for a number of dog events. Some competitions it might participate in are geared toward the Westie's natural instinct to hunt down prey and pursue it into its den. There are other events, though, in which it can compete with dogs of all breeds. Got Fleas? How to Spot and Care For Fleas on Your Dog Your poor pooch is scratching himself all over. Plus, you know he's uncomfortable because he's whimpering and gnawing too. Chances are, he's got fleas. These little sixlegged parasites will wreak havoc and mayhem for you and your pet if you don't learn how to take care of the problem now. Why the Heck Would You Have a Pet Snake (or lizard, crocodile, monitor, frog, turtle etc)? This is a question that has been asked of me and a thousand (million?) other herp keepers. I think it's almost a case of once bitten, twice as determined. But seriously, it is something I have pondered but not really found an adequate answer for. They are not cute and cuddly. They bite (when young), they feel cold (not really) and they have funny eyes. And scales. Fat and Obese Dogs Live Shorter Lives Obesity is one of the most important health concerns facing dogs. If you love your dog, you should do something about it. Overweight dogs live shorter and less healthy lives and your enjoyment of their precious companionship may be shortened because of it. The One-Minute Horse Training Manager If your life is so busy you literally only have a minute or two a day to spend with your horse, then here are 5 smart training tips you can use to keep your horse "tuned up" when you have just minutes a day. How To Avoid Bad Doggy Behavior, And Teach Your Puppy Some Manners A poorly trained dog can embarrass its owner and offend other people - or even make them feel threatened. Animals Are Forever Throughout the course of my life, I've encountered my own share of dogs. From early childhood days, I recall having several dogs that stayed temporarily with us until my dad's next military assignment. Though my parents took good care of our animals, military life was unsuitable for animal adoptions as in most cases, animals were not permitted to go back overseas with us; thus we were inevitably forced to find homes for our pets. Guinea Pig History Their scientific name is Cavia Tschuldi and their nickname in South America where they were first discovered, is"Cavy. As you might have guessed Guinea Pigs are rodents. Essential Oils and Our Pets Before we talk about using the essential oils, we first should define what is an essential oil in the first place. ![]() |
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