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Training Your Dog To Jump The Rope Trick: Simple and Fun Dog Trick
To teach a dog to jump, with your right hand hold a cane just high enough above the ground so that your dog can easily step over it, and in your left hand hold a piece of treat just in front of him, so that he will have to step over the stick to get it. As the dog grows older and understands what you want him to do, you can raise the stick a few inches at a time, so that he will be obliged eventually to jump over it to obtain the reward. Occasionally refrain from rewarding him, and thus accustom him to jumping without a reward. After a dog will jump over a stick he can be taught to jump over your extended foot or through a hoop or your arms; in fact, a small dog can be taught to jump through your arms much more easily than over a stick, as all you, have to do is to throw a treat on the ground and hold your arms in front of him so that he will have to walk through them to gain the reward, gradually elevating your arms so that he will be obliged to jump before you allow him to pass. Always encourage your dog by saying "Hip" whenever he jumps. Rope Jumping After a dog has learned to leap he can be taught to jump the rope, but this will require considerable practice. In the beginning tie one end of the rope to some stationary object a few inches from the ground and hold the other end with your hand, drawing the rope taut close to the ground; accustom your dog to jumping over it while it is at rest, and don't forget to use the word "Hip' or "Hoop-la" each time he jumps. When he does this satisfactorily you can give the rope a slight swaying motion and at the proper moment give him the word "Hip," and if the rope is not swinging too fast or far he will in all probability jumps over it. After he will do this all that remains to be done is to gradually swing the rope farther and faster until he learns to jump the rope satisfactorily. A dog which will jump the rope standing on four legs is doing well, but it is possible to teach him to do so while standing on his hind legs; this is, however a very difficult feat and puts considerable strain on the dog's muscles, and it is not always advisable to force a dog to do it. Retrieving is not the only game which you can engage with your dog, try the rope jumping game when you have got the chance, it can be good exercise and great fun for both of you too! About the Author: You are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.
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