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Scary Stuff
Life can be downright scary - sometimes more than others. Probably all of us are wandering through life afraid of something ? maybe a situation, an event or other people. Because we're individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences, our fears vary from person to person. Some people have no problem parachuting from an airplane while others of us think that's a really dumb idea and our insides get all stirred up even thinking about it. Some of us rather enjoy standing in front of a group of people teaching or just BS'ing while others toss our cookies immediately at the idea. So how did we learn to be skeer'd of all this different stuff? Even though there are likely some foundation survival, self-preservation instincts in all of us, most of the rest of our fears come from our life learning experiences ? our programming. If your mother dove under the bed every time there was an electrical storm, there is an excellent chance that you'll be tempted to do exactly the same thing. If your older sibling was deathly afraid of the monsters in the closet or under the bed, there's a good chance that you will have absorbed at least some of this apprehension. We've learned what we've learned and dutifully filed it away in our subconscious. Then, unless we've been really aware of what has happened to start up these fears in the first place, we've probably put out a bunch of effort to make sure they've been solidly reinforced. It's not uncommon for us to get things twisted up, however. Here's a quick example. Regress to childhood for just a minute. Since as early as you can remember, Uncle Harold has always showed up at your house at least once a week. Uncle Harold looks funny ? he's short, fat, balding and smokes super stinky cigars. Uncle Harold is a real pain in the rear. Every time he gets close to you, he either pinches you really hard ? or gives you a painful swat. Uncle Harold is an obnoxious, aggravating butthead. You do everything you can to keep your distance from Uncle Harold, but he always finds you. Your life is miserable when he's around. So did our stupid subconscious simply file away the information that Uncle Harold is a bad person and that we hate to be around him? No way. In time, our wonderful, well-meaning memory bank extrapolated this basic concept to "Short, fat, balding men are dangerous! Keep away! Keep away! Do not trust them! And watch out for cigar smokers, too! Danger! Danger!" It would take more than a few positive interactions with a super nice, short, fat, bald guy before we decided it was OK to do some reprogramming. Is it any wonder we're screwed up? Think of all the misinformation we been subjected to over the years ? and how easily we have been able to reinforce this BS. Some of our programming has led us now to firmly believe (and by doggies we can prove all this with examples) that Hispanics are lazy, you just can't trust Blacks, folks with Polish ancestry are stupid, Catholics are idol worshippers, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a cult, all Middle Eastern people are dangerous, the inhabitants of Kentucky are all inbred idiots, all men with long hair smoke pot, tattoos are a sign of the devil, all New Yorkers are inconsiderate, pushy bastards, Nebraskans are all just dumb farmers, the Orientals are taking over the US, all Jewish folks are greedy, money-hungry tightwads, and on and on and on and?. Yucky programming (according to my programming, obviously?) As a result, we fear (or are afraid of what they will or won't do) Hispanics, Blacks, Polish folks, Catholics, etc.. We also have learned to fear such diverse things as failure, success, being alone, crowds, commitment, lack of commitment, death, life, heights, holes in the ground, not being liked, the future, dentists, flying, driving, walking, running, our government, other governments and a whole slew of other things probably including being afraid that other folks think may we're afraid of something. Whew! So what can we do about it! First choice is obviously "nothing". We can just continue through life being afraid of whatever it is we're afraid of. Or ? we can at least sort of understand how we started being afraid of this stuff in the first place and redirect this fear energy to doing something ? anything ? that will help us blast through this roadblock to fun living. If we are able to honestly recognize that we indeed do have a fear (and we do) and want to get over it (it's not a requirement but it could be a good thing), then it will probably be easier if we can get some help with our little project. A helper ? maybe professional help if we're trying to address a life-limiting fear ? will make the whole process easier. About the only way I know of to conquer a fear (or use it to our advantage to learn something) is to meet it ? or even greet it ? face to face. To overcome the fear of heights for example, we just need to have the experience of being in places that are "high". It might work out best to start low and work our way to high. Or maybe not. Take your pick. With a helper to encourage us ? or maybe even hold us ? we could walk to the edge of the second level of a parking garage and look down. Then the third level, then?OK, you get the idea. It won't be long until we get reprogrammed, change the fear to excited enthusiasm and perch on the edge of the Grand Canyon to enjoy the sunrise. Cool! To overcome a fear of public speaking, we need to speak in public. To overcome a fear of flying, we need to fly more. Pretty simple, huh? Yeah, right! Just taking the first step is a major obstacle to all of us. That's why a helper is a pretty good idea. Helpers and research coupled with open-minded thinking ? can also help us with our fears of, misconceptions of, and prejudices against ? concepts or people. Yes, we will always have the right to hold our own opinions so this doesn't mean that we have to "buy in" to the beliefs or values of others. But if we are able to understand how we have become programmed in our thinking and beliefs over the years, it's a bunch easier to understand how the same thing happens to everyone else on the face of the earth. We gain an appreciation of other's beliefs and ways of living and with our restructured thinking, grant them the "right" to live their lives any way they see fit (within generally accepted parameters ? which might not be all that great either come to think of it). One last thing. Overcoming one fear helps to develop a personal mental process and a feeling of success that can help us address the next one. The more we work on this, the easier it becomes. Even though it may sound a little strange, a few of us sometimes start to get such a surge out of conquering fears that we actually start to look for new exciting, adrenaline-pumping adventures. Now, that is scary! Our fears provide a great opportunity to learn more about ourselves and the world we live in. That's probably worth doing. I think I'll go find a high place. I really need to work on that? About The Author Gene, through NuPathz.com, provides an easy reading self-help blog along with affordable books and materials written to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life's "secrets for survival" in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. This article is an excerpt from Gene's blog posted on 9/16/03. You can visit Gene at http://www.nupathzcom/
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Are You Trying to Lose? Just 2 nights ago my partner and I were watching a cricket game from Zimbabwe on cable TV. The team that was currently batting was leading by a huge margin in the 1st innings but during the 2nd innings were 'dropping out like flies'. They were struggling to maintain their score and beat their opponents. Becoming Excellent: Outsmarting Racism Thinkers know better than to be racist. It's generally understood that racists are, well, not thinkers. It's not that racists are necessarily stupid--it's that they are ignorant. How to Deal With No No one likes rejection. And yet it happens. Here's how to make the most of it. Help Yourself to a Better Future There are very many methods for achieving improvement to our personal confidence and self esteem, far too many to investigate in depth in a short information file. So on this page, we will have a look at the most popular and, for most people, the most effective. The Ultimate In Positive Thinking? I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened. How to Get Rid of Frustration and Self-Pity I've yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. It comes with the territory of being human. Like many negative emotions, it's not wrong or weak to feel frustrated. What is crucial, however, is how we handle our frustration. Creating Positive Environments, Part 1: Using Art One of our most active senses is sight. What we see can affect our outlook and attitude by how its counterpart, our brain, perceives visual information that it filters through its memory banks. You can improve the odds and therefore your attitude and outlook by creating environments that are viewed as positive. Here, in part one, the positive effects of using art will be explored. Universal Thought Systems Language #3 Before we are able to use the Universal Thought System in a positive expansive manner, we must learn to use certain words in our language more effectively. The prime characteristic of the Universal Thought System is its consistency. It may not be used to manipulate. It may not be used to gain an advantage. It treats everyone equally. It eliminates the negative side of opposites. Why is this Universal Language so critical to our progress? In our thoughts and actions, we either seek idols or we seek truth. When we find the truth all our answers are provided. Truth contains all answers to every problem. Truth has always existed and will always exist. Our beliefs and feelings color our truth. They act as filters between our truth and our illusions. 5 Tips on Turning a Negative into a Positive I thought this was fitting sense I just experienced a huge negative in my life and choose to focus on the positive in the situation. For instance, when I was unable to sign into this program to get to my list of subscribers, I could have taken it in the real negative manner and given up. But instead, I choose to see the positive. And, because I choose to see the positive, I was able to think clearer and was able to enter into my subscription base on another level. But, because of this negative experience, I have decided to take it as a sign for me to move on to something better, where I have more control over my newsletter. Garbage Words In - Garbage Thinking Out "At birth, a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way," according to an article Time magazine. Gain Confidence By Avoiding The Trap Past Experiences Can Give You In Life One of the biggest potential problems we face with every action we take are our past experiences. In fact, as humans the only reference we have whenever we take some kind of action are our past experiences. There is nothing else we can go by for an indication of expected results. Lifes Curveballs Do you realize how good you have it? Yes, everyone has problems, but it could be worse than what it is now. Yes, everyone has a bad day or two, but it could be worse. Life can throw some serious curveballs at us sometimes. What Do You Believe? "If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." --Mahatma Gandhi (1869 ? 1948) Train Your Brain, Or Cook Your Goose! One day while in deep meditation and self analysis, a paralyzed man discovered the most important person he would ever meet in his life. He saw very clearly that HE was a "mind with a body". And, right then he made the most important decision he would ever make. Discover what it was. 10 Tips to Improve Your Self Esteem Striving to improve our self esteem is on everybody's mind. It doesn't matter if you actively pursue this goal or you subconsciously working on improving your self esteem. The problem with this is that you really don't know exactly what you want to improve. You're acting intuitively on external signals. Need A Miracle? Build One, Everyday! Henry Ford, after he had achieved great success, was the subject of much public criticism. Many people thought that he was very lucky, some thought he was a genius, some thought he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, some thought that powerful friends and influential people were the "secret" of his great success. Why some people even thought he was so mean, that once he found out there would not be any chocolate in heaven, he would decide not to go. Let's uncover the real story. How to Deal with Discouragement and Develop Exceptional People Skills Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so discouraged that even one more day of frustration will be too much to handle? Acceptance as a Path to Inner Peace Inevitably in life we will face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart-wrenching disappointments. When this happens to us, we have a choice in how we react. Some of us may give up on our dreams, others may keep fighting stubbornly against the tide, and still others may choose another path to travel. Stop Complaining You don't need to a piece of paper to prove that you can do something! I don't have anything against achieving or completing degrees or obtaining masters and all that ? absolutely nothing. In fact, I am a law graduate myself and will strive to provide good educational background for my kids in the future. But I am sick and tired of people complaining about how they wish they could do something and not being qualified to do it! I mean COME ON!! Get real?? Life Issues Pt. 3 - An Attitude of Gratitude An Attitude of Gratitude. How important is this to you on your path to success? I sincerely believe that everyone should consider this simple but effective fact. Being grateful for the things you possess in life will make your journey to success more smoother. ![]() |
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