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Is Your Glass (Ceiling) Half Empty or Half Full?
The infamous "glass ceiling" is blamed for business issues for women from poor salaries to lack of corporate advancement. This invisible barrier holds many women captive in unpleasant work environments, settling for pay which is far below industry averages, accepting weak titles and agreeing to poor advancement opportunities. Some say the glass ceiling is just a figment of the imagination while others are sure it is a real blockade created to prevent women from reaching corporate success. So, is your glass (ceiling) half empty or half full? In other words, are you going to be kept down by something you can't even see or are you willing to do what it takes to crack through and shatter this issue? If you've decided that as a woman it will be impossible for you to reach corporate business success, then you are right. That thought process will get you nowhere but where you are right now. On the other hand, if you are part of the growing group of women who want to break through to their own successes and remove the glass altogether, then keep reading. To move forward, you must analyze your own communication skills and be brutally honest with yourself about your skill level. Weak and ineffective business communication skills are often the primary reason women feel held back in their careers and in their lives. Review this list to help determine where your skills stand. 1. Do you ask for raises? 2. Have you ever asked for a promotion or an improved job title? 3. Do you negotiate effectively for yourself? 4. Are you able to specifically explain the value you bring to your company or clients? 5. Are you an effective presenter or public speaker? 6. Do you apologize for things that aren't your fault or are out of your control? 7. Review your email or other writing. Do you start sentences with the word "I"? 8. Do you see negotiating as a barrier to getting what you want? 9. Do you have difficulty saying "no" even when you really want to? 10. Are you overwhelmed or consumed by stress? 11. Do you have difficulty explaining things or getting people to understand what you are trying to say? If you answered "no" to any or all of the first five questions, then your assertive skills need an overhaul. If you answered "yes" to any or all of questions six through 11, then your communication skills are ineffective in helping you advance in your career. Essentially, you could be creating your own glass ceiling and holding yourself back. Often, we are our own worst enemies. To help put yourself back on the right track and stop constructing transparent blockades to your own success, review the three following PowHERful skills that will help put you on top. 1. Ask for it If you want something, then ask for it. Make it clear what you want and you are more likely to get it. A university study of 40 employees found that men are more likely to ask for things when they want them ? AND they are more likely to get what they ask for. Of the 20 women, only one asked for a raise when first offered a job. She was granted the hike in salary. Of the 20 men, 18 of them asked for a raise and all 18 were given it. If you're one of those people who thinks it's better to magically get something without asking for it, then don't complain when you don't get it. Don't expect people to read your mind or know what you want. It's simply not the way things work. 2. Learn to speak and present effectively People who communicate well in group settings are viewed as leaders. This perception will get you noticed and help you stand out as someone who is worthy of promotion and other opportunities and bonuses. The number one reason why most people are terrible presenters stems back to speech development. The purpose of business presentations are to inform, persuade or both. Therefore, the structure of the presentation must be clear and not bogged down with unnecessary information. One of the biggest mistakes presenters make is trying to fit too much information into too short a period of time. They jam paragraphs of information on slides and handouts and begin to drone, ignoring time restrictions and forgetting completely about the audiences needs. Simplify your presentation and only have highlights and supporting information on slides and handouts. Don't overwhelm your audience with too much information at once and avoid having more than five main points for the entire presentation. The adult human brain can only absorb small chucks of oral information at one time. If you have to present for long periods of time, be sure to build in small breaks ? even if the breaks are only five minutes. Presenting to a group may be nerve-racking, even paralyzing for many people, but it doesn't have to be. Effective presenters know the simple secrets on how to craft and deliver good speeches. If you feel scattered, nervous or ineffective when you present to groups, you owe it to yourself and your career to take a public speaking training course or at least buy an audio CD or book on how to improve your skills. 3. Quantify and Present Value When volleying for a raise, a promotion or new client contract it is crucial that you know how to specifically explain value. Though it is impossible to quantify the value of everything, most things can be measured. When you communicate in quantifiable terms, people are more likely to understand the value. If you can quantify the gain of doing what you want or the loss by not doing it, you will be more successful in getting it. Rather than telling your boss you want a raise, quantifiably show him why he should give the raise to you. Weak Raise Request: "I've been with the company for a long time and I'm a good and dependable employee who works hard." PowHERful Raise Request: "Over the last 18 months, the six software projects I worked on for the company have attributed to a 13% reduction in customer complaints, a 29% increase in production, and a 43% increase in online orders. These improvements have resulted in a $1.5 million in profits for the company." See how the quantified example got right to the "bottom line"? It is here, at the bottom line where nearly all business decisions are made. Let the numbers do the persuading for you. Numbers are tangible. Numbers are concrete. Numbers mean value. Value speaks volumes. By mastering the above three skills and continuing to improve your assertive communication skills you will no longer be trapped by the glass ceiling or any other barrier which may get in you way. You will be an assertive, powHERful business person worthy of raises, promotions and anything else you decide you deserve. Kirstin Carey is a consultant, award winning speaker, and author of "PowHERful Communications for Women Who Want to be Heard." As a woman business owner, Kirstin fully understands what is necessary for women to be successful entrepreneurs. To find out how you too can love your business everyday and live the entrepreneurial life you want, visit http://www.powherful.com
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Your Dominant Thoughts - How to Take Advantage of Them Self belief is a wonderful thing. Its Okay to Be Negative Sometimes! Lately, I've been hearing that it's not okay to have negative thoughts. Change Your Focus and Change Your Results In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret, author Earl Nightingale made one of the most profound observations of the 20th century. He said: The Mind?s Power Fusion Component It is widely believed that just anybody has the intrinsic potential to unfold an idea that will generate the revolutionary change(s) the world needs. That's erroneous! Thinking Like A Winner Since the beginning of human history we have been living under certain universal laws that have operated our daily lives whether we are aware of them or not. One of the most important universal laws, is the Law of Correspondence. This law simply says, that your outer world is a mirror of your inner world. In other words, your outer world corresponds to your inner world. What's going on around you is a reflection of what's going on inside you. If you want to change what's going on around you, start by going to work on yourself, and specifically the way you think. Acceptance as a Path to Inner Peace Inevitably in life we will face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart-wrenching disappointments. When this happens to us, we have a choice in how we react. Some of us may give up on our dreams, others may keep fighting stubbornly against the tide, and still others may choose another path to travel. Positioned For Success - The Refined Art Of Taking A Chance ARE YOU IN... OR OUT? Do You Neglect The Power Of Your Mind? James Allen, who wrote the masterpiece, As a Man Thinketh, talks about the vital power of the mind in creating success. "All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct results of his own thoughts. In a justly ordered universe, where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute. A man's weakness and strength, purity and impurity, are his own, and not another man's; they are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never another. His condition is also his own, and not another man's. His suffering had his happiness are evolved from within. As he thinks, so is he as he continues to think, so he remains." Be Thankful for What You Have Got Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK (999) now has call waiting? I hope that you never find out for yourself. Creating an Emotional Retreat Emotions have the tendency to take over our actions and reactions, despite the fact we prefer to claim otherwise. Society often sees emotions as a sign of weakness, so we became used to putting them away and try to focus on the logical aspects more and more. But no matter how strict and rational you desire to be, you will always be a human being, instead of a robot, and so you will always have feelings. Words, Ignorance, And Casper The Friendly Ghost! Words, Ignorance, and Casper The Friendly Ghost! Feel Those Feelings and Develop Emotional Intelligence There is an old joke about a man who is walking home along the street in the early hours of a weekend and he sees another man, who is obviously very drunk, on his hands and knees, searching for something. "What are you looking for?" he asks the drunked man. "My house keys" the man replies. "Where did you drop them?" he asks. "Two streets away" he slurs. "Why aren't you looking there then", he asks, puzzled. "Because the light's much better here." The Use of Affirmations What is an affirmation? One possible definition is a specific positive thought that you create in response to a current need or goal. We need to continue repeating the affirmation until it becomes a part of us, and we find ourselves believing it. Seeing Through Fear "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune, "Litany Against Fear", 1965 Transform Your Behavior Painlessly by Using the 5-Minute Success Strategy Recently, I coached a young woman whom I'll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That's when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one. Need A Miracle? Build One, Everyday! Henry Ford, after he had achieved great success, was the subject of much public criticism. Many people thought that he was very lucky, some thought he was a genius, some thought he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, some thought that powerful friends and influential people were the "secret" of his great success. Why some people even thought he was so mean, that once he found out there would not be any chocolate in heaven, he would decide not to go. Let's uncover the real story. I Know I Can, I Know I Can I'm sure most of you remember the children's book about The Little Train That Could. I have to admit that at my age, I don't remember the exact title or exactly how the story goes, but I don't recall the idea in the story. Scary Stuff Life can be downright scary - sometimes more than others. Probably all of us are wandering through life afraid of something ? maybe a situation, an event or other people. Because we're individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences, our fears vary from person to person. Some people have no problem parachuting from an airplane while others of us think that's a really dumb idea and our insides get all stirred up even thinking about it. Some of us rather enjoy standing in front of a group of people teaching or just BS'ing while others toss our cookies immediately at the idea. Teens And Positive Living If you are a parent, it is up to you to keep your children positive. It is up to you to contribute to not only their physical well being, but also their emotional well being. In the teen years, it is nothing short of impossible to keep your daughter or son positive. But, you need to make that effort. The best way to do so is to encourage communication, openness, and most importantly, let them know that you will never fault them. Our Beliefs Define Our Limits The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite this enormity within and without, we choose to confine ourselves to beliefs in scarce resources. ![]() |
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