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The Power Of AND
Not Amen, just so we're clear on that. AND. The little connector word that allows more than one thing to be listed in the same category is what I am talking about. AND. AND can enlighten you, inspire you, help you break out of the oldest cages of entrainment, change your mind in a flash, unlock the doors to a host of new opportunities AND make your life a whole lot more realistic AND pleasurable to boot! "How?!", do I hear you ask. "How is it possible?!" "What DO you mean?!" Well, let me explain. It's quite simple, really. People get themselves trapped endlessly in boxed off compartments of their own making. Heard the term, "Think outside of the box"? Well, those boxes are compartments in our minds which have unique rules and regulations, and they are different from the other boxes, left, right, up and down. Inside each and every one of these boxes, knowledge is locked up - all kinds of different knowledge. Experience, learnings, feelings, sensations, how to do certain things and how to behave in certain ways, how to understand and how to make sense of the world. Unfortunately, many of these boxes don't talk to each other, There is no "free flow of information" across these artificial boundaries that only exist in people's heads, let us remember, and they come into being because of faulty thinking AND faulty languaging. A very common reason for two boxes to break off communications with each other is when they SEEM to be at loggerheads - either this, OR that. Either you're my friend (that box, over there!) OR you are my enemy (that box, opposite direction, please!). Now if you've ever been in a long term relationship, or had any blood relative of any kind, you will know that in truth, friend and foe can be one and the same person, simultaneous AND sequentially at that. The truth however, cannot be found in EITHER of the two boxes. The whole situation is FAR more than that, and the more freely information flows, and the better it is stored in your system, the more sense the world begins to make. So let's go straight in and look at some practical examples of where using the "or" function to make a box divide grow out of nowhere causes chaos and suffering, and where the AND can come to the rescue! I can EITHER be married OR continue to have fun and freedom. Ouch! What a dilemma! Either way, how could happiness ever be achieved? What are we to do? Endless, and I mean ENDLESS vacillating this way and that, thinking this and that, choosing one, then the other but never being really satisfied ... No, I think we can do better than that. Try this: I can be married AND I can have freedom and fun. "No! That's ..." But wait a moment .... "For that statement to be true, I couldn't possible marry the kind of controlling, domineering personality I've always thought I SHOULD marry ...." Yes, my friend. NOW you're beginning to get the drift! "And, oh, hey, you mean you can have freedom and fun and NOT be by yourself?!" Hmmm .... I've heard tell that this is possible ... if you were to believe it exists and start looking for what that might be like ... or where it might be found ... "And ALL OF THAT - just because I chose to say ...AND?!" Yes! Isn't that extraordinary? And how easy it is .... Try some of these, and then, invent your own. Don't be shy! Play! I can either earn money, or have fun and play. I can either eat the food I like, or be fit and healthy. Either I settle down and become serious, or I will starve to death in the gutter. Alright now, so we're getting warmed up here. But the cool thing is not these obvious divides, where we actually SAY the word "or" and have both the dilemma partners out in the open, but the kinds of divides that "go without saying". Like, "I'm stuck in a traffic jam." There is no "or" in this sentence, but it's hidden behind the scenes - how about this? I'm stuck in a traffic jam AND I'm having the time of my life! THESE are the types of things you can have the most fun with when you bring the word AND to the party. I love my rock'n'roll life style ... AND I'm going to live to be a hundred! I'm on a diet ... AND that feels so GOOD! I'm going to be a millionaire - AND I'm going to be the nicest, friendliest millionaire you've ever met! I'm a genius who is completely dedicated to my art - AND the audiences LOVE THAT about me! But hey, that's just the beginning, even as good as that already is. The word AND gives you more than just a second chance. It gives you a third, AND a forth, AND a fifth ... in fact, it gives you an ENDLESS STREAM of opportunities, thoughts, new frontiers AND you get to decide when you want to stop! I am rich and ... famous ... and my family loves me ...and god smiles upon me ... and I am playful and delighted with life ... and my work is seriously important ... and it is fun to do ... and I get great financial rewards ... and my spiritual development moves forward in leaps and bounds ... and all of that is easy to manage ... and .................... How's THAT for "goal streaming"? How's THAT for custom motivational affirmations? How's THAT for really firing up your internal generators of imagination, creativity, thought, action, behaviour and planning? Will THAT take YOU into whole new and much, much brighter directions? Damn right it will! You can even use the simple little magical word of AND to put an end to all manner of previously incapacitating self limiting beliefs. This'll make you laugh: I am stupid, ugly, useless, boring AND everybody LOVES ME! Try some variations for size: I have the nose of an aardvark AND all the girls fall at my feet! I have run 17 businesses into the ground AND the next one will be a roaring success! I've never managed anything properly in my entire life AND now I will AND it will be easy and fun AND I'll enjoy every minute of it. I tell you guys, there isn't a thought, memory, belief or hallucination so dire and disturbing that our good friend AND wouldn't come to the rescue and make your experience a completely different life altogether. So, AND in conclusion, this is the end of this article AND the beginning of YOU remembering this, AND using it, AND being delighted by it, AND often laughing when you run this pattern, AND finding out just how that frees your mind up to become much more expressive AND creative, AND logical AND organised at the same time, AND how new ideas will come to you easily AND the other things it will do for you such as .... AND ... AND ...-> LOL Enjoy, live long and prosper .. ... and ... Brought To You By SFX 25. 6. 2005 Visit http://www.StarFields.org for lots of FREE meditation mp3s, quality ebooks, patterns & premium mind enhancement products with Silvia Hartmann & Friends!
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Create Your Own Confidence Bank Account This is a technique that sounds a bit silly when you first hear about it (and doesn't seem at first to get much better as you read on) but WORKS, which is what counts, if you apply it to your life. The idea is to "open" a Confidence Bank Account for yourself. Bear with me on this! Lifes Curveballs Do you realize how good you have it? Yes, everyone has problems, but it could be worse than what it is now. Yes, everyone has a bad day or two, but it could be worse. Life can throw some serious curveballs at us sometimes. Does Lack of Confidence Stop You? Ever had the sense that there is more to life than you're experiencing? Life Can Seem Unfair Until We Change Our Perspective! See How! Empty, Hollow, Nothing?.those words shout the sound of disappointment and disillusionment of life for many people; the experience of many people as they grab for possessions, power, knowledge, and the sweet things of life. But, what do they find? Yeah, you guessed it, emptiness, disappointment, and the awareness that Life sucks and then you die. The TRUTH About What REALLY Causes Negative Thoughts Do you feel that your negative thoughts are holding you back from being happy in life? You're about to discover HOW you can still live HAPPILY when things don't go your way... even if your life is filled with conflict and turmoil right now... and you can't see a way out. Lessons From Anakin Skywalker: Making Better Choices Through Recognizing And Managing Our Fears In the latest and final Star Wars saga, Anakin Skywalker makes the choice to surrender to the dark side of the force. Thus makes his transformation complete into the evil Darth Vader. This choice is motivated by Anakin's fearful premonition that his pregnant wife Padme will die in childbirth. We watch as the tormented Anakin succumbs to the influence of Chancellor Palpatine who suggests that it might be possible to save Padme using the dark side of the force. 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Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you'll find people will judge you less and accept you more! Understanding Visualization Visualization is the art of using ones imagination to influence his/her being and existence in many different ways. Such as: Healing one's self, increasing personal growth, influencing the outcome of circumstances, attracting wealth and love, changing habits and acquiring possessions. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself, what I had not got compared to my friends, how much of a struggle my life seemed to be compared to others. I was caught up in a web of negativity and needed someone or something to help me to escape. White Sun: How to Cultivate Ones Body Drinking damages the soul; being lustful damages the vitality; greed damages the virtues; anger damages the liver; smoking damages the spirit. These are the five poisons between Heaven and Earth. The world is polluted with these five filthy elements. Heaven has the spirit of the five fundamental elements and Earth has the characters of the five fundamental elements. 5 Proven Ways to Safely Make Positive Life Changes One of the most important aspects of living a healthy and prosperous life is understanding "risk." By this I mean knowing how to understand and analyze situations in life that affect health. Being able to accurately weigh benefits and risks when making health decisions is very important! Too often decisions are based on incomplete or inaccurate information and this is a huge mistake with significant consequences! Believe It Or Not I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things. Is The Glass Half-full Or Half-empty? Keep focusing on the fullness of your life: Keep remembering your dreams, your strengths, your unique talents and skills. Be absolutely, uniquely, fully yourself and you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. -Marc Allen Not Getting What You Want in Life? Your Thoughts Could Be the Culprit Unhappy? Stressed out? Do you feel you not only want more fun in your life, but you need more fun in your life? You seem to be doing all the right things, but yet you still feel unfulfilled. So, what's wrong? You want that feeling of happiness again, like that sense of pleasure you had as a child when you saw your first rainbow. But now you feel like you aren't getting what you want out of life, and it's leaving you feeling disheartened. The answer could be that your thoughts are sabotaging your happiness. Living in the Moment This week's wisdom is on the power of living in the moment. That ability we all have to be present...allowing all this moment offers us, and all we have to offer it. Years ago, I used to be a very future-oriented and forward-thinking person. Always saying to myself and others, "Tomorrow's gonna' be so much better than today...I can't wait!" - While not even realizing that first, I wasn't even dealing with the realities of what I needed to face in the present - not enough money, not loving my work, looking for others to validate my level of excitement...and a host of other externally validating needs that I had at the time. ![]() |
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