Why Motivational Posters Arent Cheesy!

I don't want to say people are basically negative but?..if there was a camera and it could photograph the pictures in your mind what would it look like? When I asked myself that question it actually made me laugh quite a bit. I like to think of myself as a determined self starter but to be completely honest there are times when I confront a new project and I am scared to death.

One of the principles of success that I learned a long time ago is that either you define the event or the event defines you. This little definition is quite profound and explains why having beautiful posters with inspirational captions can add meaning and value to a companies culture and bottom line.

Inspiration comes in all colors and styles. But the key point is that if there is something that makes people believe more in their own abilities to succeed I say, that is a good thing. There have been numerous times in my life and career when a simple motivational phrase has worked wonders. How about you?

Here are a few quotes from some motivational posters that have helped me a lot:

"The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it."

"Climb as high as you can dream."

"If you are not living on the edge, you are taking too much room."

Success in business is due to a number of reasons but FOCUS is definitely one important factor. These messages are often enough to make me believe that I can push through whatever obstacle comes up in my path.

How about you? What legacy will you leave behind for others to emulate?

To Motivate or Not to Motivate?that is the QUESTION.

Over the years I have read the biographies of many successful individuals. In so doing, I have discovered that these super achievers view setbacks as a learning opportunity. As I contemplate this basic reality I have learned a few things myself, among them that I can accomplish much more with genuine enthusiasm and a good game plan than with anything else. Also, that it is not persistence that wins but learning from the disappointments.

My company is filled with beautiful images of motivational posters. Not only because we sell them. It is because they work! Motivational posters help to create an environment that is solution oriented. In our company we value solutions and the posters on our walls help reinforce that culture. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can find a problem. The skill and rewards in life arrive when we deliver the solution.

I find this very uplifting. With a little bit of genuine inspiration it is incredible as to what is possible.

When I am inspired... my dreams... become realities!

Be careful what you agree with!

Harald Anderson is the co-founder of Artinspires.com a leading online Motivational Poster gallery. "When Art Inspires, Dreams Become Realities. His goal in life is to become the kind of person that his dog already thinks he is. Inspirational Poster

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