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How to Begin to Overcome Shyness
The one thing that is absolutely vital to overcoming shyness is DESIRE. You must want to, badly. POSITIVE SELF TALK We must begin to talk to ourselves about ourselves in a more positive way. Instead of defining ourselves negatively we must define ourselves positively. Tell yourself that... * I am equal in dignity to anyone else. * I have a lot to offer other people. * People are not my enemies. * I am intelligent and nice to be with. * I can do anything I put my mind to. * I am loveable and capable just the way I am right now. Many times through the day stop and say something like, "Every day, in every way, I am becoming more comfortable speaking with people." REMEMBER... that every person is a unique gift. There is no other person like you on the planet. There has never been another like you. There will never be another like you. So treat yourself like the rare, unique, precious gift that you are. This is an excerpt from Mike's Special Report "How to Overcome Shyness and Connect with People" ONLY $6.00 http://www.motivationalplus.com/Shynesssalespage.html Mike Moore is an international speaker and writer on human potential, motivation and humour. You can subscribe to his FREE Lifeline newsletter at http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?lifeline Mike Moore is an international speaker/ humorist whose articles and cartoons have appeared in publications throughout the world.
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Positive Thoughts and Words You want to change your self-care habits and you can't seem to do it. Or, you realize that changing your self-care habits might be a good idea but you just can't seem to get on board and be sold on the idea. Maybe the words that you're thinking and saying are getting in your way. Accepting Rejected Thoughts Sometimes we are in a position to look into the lives of other people. It could be through a book, or a movie, or a story we hear, or occasionally it could be someone that we meet. Sometimes when this happens, we see qualities that we truly admire, and we think that we would like to have those qualities. Perhaps we just look at the person and think that we would like to be like them. Maybe we hear what they have said and think that we would like to be able to say things like that. It could be that we would like to have what they have, or do what they do. Make a Personal Commitment to Change Your Life! So, is this really where you thought you'd be? You're 25, or 35, or even 50 or ?? and you're not doing the job you thought you'd be...or you're not living where you thought you'd be. Maybe you haven't written that novel you wanted to? Maybe you haven't travelled to all those places you dreamed about as a kid? Maybe your health isn't so great. So, what's gotten in the way of your dreams? Tough question isn't it? Self-esteem: Who Do You Think You Are? Are you the kind of person who dwells on your strengths, or the kind obsessed by your weaknesses? It's been said that you become what you think about most of the time. Continually pondering your strengths therefore makes you become stronger, enhancing self-esteem. Conversely, thinking constantly on your weaknesses makes you become weaker, draining whatever self-esteem you have. How to Cope With Your Inner Food Critic Every day that I eat EnergyRich? Food, I get almost instantaneous results. It's wonderful: I feel good about myself, I am productive in my work, I am available for my friends and family. These days are the rockin' days and make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Your Best Defense Against Aging: Your Attitude To Life In the international bestseller, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell explains how researchers who study mind-reading using body language and facial expressions found that the old clichéd advice to smile when you're feeling down really works. Your Choice of Music can Shape Your Beliefs Music is very powerful. The kind of music you listen to says a lot about who you are. What music you choose to listen to today will help to determine what type of person you are tomorrow. Be careful about what type of music you choose to listen to. Music can either build you up or tear you down. The Power Of Appreciation As we enter this holiday season, and this time of giving Thanks, we are reminded of the "power of appreciation". If you truly want to bring into your life everything that you desire, then start with appreciating all that you have now. Here's how it works ? you bring into your life whatever it is that you focus your thoughts upon. So, if you focus on all the lack in your life, you get more lack. But if you focus appreciation on all that you have, you get more of what you want. Anamchara - Beyond Positive Thinking One of the most well known books ever written on success is James Allan's "As a man thinketh." The Rat Race and Smiling Over Spilt Coffee As if choreographed and rehearsed the night before, one lays witness to the rumble of heels, a sea of italian-crafted, waxed, buffed and protected from any Act of God footwear, tap-tap-tapping down the staircase: the mesmerizing beat of the damned. Start Living Your Dreams Today With a Positive Attitude "Those people who think they can do something and those who think they can't are both right." - Henry Ford How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and in your daily life that always appear to be self confident and on top of world. How Attitude is Everything "Most overnight successes are just plain lucky. Just ask any failure." Star Wars the POSITIVE Effect ! In many ways the Star War movies are simply a reflection of everyday life on planet Earth. Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event. Per chance? Not quite. There might be an explanation. All people have vibrations emanating from their bodies. Some people have much stronger vibrations than others (as evident in the human aura) while others have energies very focused at a certain point in the human system (physical, mental or spiritual) and of greater strength than most. Such people are instrumental in attracting to themselves events of a positive or negative nature. As in the case of an earthquake that has an epicenter. I term such people as catalysts because that's what they are. Garbage Words In - Garbage Thinking Out "At birth, a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way," according to an article Time magazine. Wahms, Dont Compare Yourself With Others! Wahms, do you constantly compare yourself with others and come up short? Create Your Own Confidence Bank Account This is a technique that sounds a bit silly when you first hear about it (and doesn't seem at first to get much better as you read on) but WORKS, which is what counts, if you apply it to your life. The idea is to "open" a Confidence Bank Account for yourself. Bear with me on this! Focus Your Attention Lately, there has been a collective challenge to avoid being embroiled in the media events of all that has been happening in the social, political, economic and military arenas of our great nation. Many recent events have left people with a sense of ominous foreboding, uncertainty, fear, despondency. At the very least, there is mild emotional discomfort and a sense of vague dissonance. The Difference Between the Curmudgeons and the Serene Have you ever noticed how many unhappy people there are in this world of ours? Almost every time I venture out I come in contact with them. You see them in the stores, the market, on the roads ~ everywhere. They are the ones who don't seem to know how to look pleasant. Their faces are scrunched up in ugly frowns, they sigh and grumble a lot. They're rude to store clerks and restaurant servers. They honk their horns if traffic doesn't move fast enough to suit them. They let the door slam in your face as you enter a store. They yell at their children and lose their tempers if they are made to wait. ![]() |
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