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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Change in the Workplace: Don?t Fear It; Use It!
Every day something changes at work: your products, your customers, your delivery schedules, your company's policies. Do these changes negatively affect your company and your sales? Why do you let them? These constant changes can cause you to lose focus and lose sales, or they can propel you into greater success. It's YOUR CHOICE! People fear change because it pushes them into the unknown, and one of the greatest fears in the world is the fear of the unknown. While this is natural, there is a way to control your fear and turn it into the creativity needed to generate more sales. Because fear is such a strong emotion, it creates an enormous amount of energy in a person. The problem with this is that the energy tends to be negative and destructive. People who fear change see themselves as the victim. They feel unprepared and inadequate to conquer whatever may come before them. Most of all, they feel they have no control over the situation. These insecurities are internally damaging to one's focus and motivation and externally destructive throughout the company. When people are afraid, they spew out all sorts of negative comments to others. They ask themselves, "Now what are we going to do?" While it may not be intentional, their fear is damaging to themselves and to those around them. Fear, however, does not always have to lead to negative energy. You can turn fear into positive energy by CHOOSING TO DO SO. When everything around you changes, throw away your doubts and insecurities and do the following: 1. Be strong in your convictions. 2. Be confident in your abilities. 3. Be proud of the work that you do. These three things will allow you to turn the energy that fear can create into POSITIVE energy. You will use that energy to become a positive change agent within your organization, and you will begin to control your situation. Although it may be easier to react negatively, challenge yourself to find the positive aspects and opportunities that lie within every change. When you see change as a challenge and an opportunity, you will get excited about it! Change your perspective, and you'll change your attitude. Changing your attitude will, in turn, change your results. While others are still moaning and groaning, you'll be on the phone with future customers, discussing your new opportunity. Your energy and new and improved attitude will become contagious and will spread quickly throughout your company. You will be a positive influence to those around you. It is all up to you. So the next time you are presented with a change, remember to stay positive and to challenge yourself to find the opportunity within it. Your choice to stay positive is all in your mind. You control your mind; you control the situation; you control the outcome. Tom Richard helps companies grow their top line by improving the way they interact with their customers. To sign up for Tom's weekly ezine or to buy his new book; visit http://www.tomrichard.com
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Positive Self-Talk One of the most powerful influences on your attitude and personality is what you say to yourself. It is not what happens to you, but how you respond internally to what happens to you, that determines your thoughts, feelings, and your actions. By controlling your inner dialogue, or your "self talk," you can begin to assert control over every part of your life. Does Life Really Stink? One of my class fellows was really tensed, when asked the reason, he was really tensed over his future. It is a true fact that most of us despite a very good education remain uncertain of our future. Especially in a country like Pakistan where there is no job security whatsoever it may be, people are disillusioned. What we look for in a life? Financial security, professional stability, a good family life and for people of substance, peace of mind (certainly not supposed to be read as a piece of mind). All of us have our insecurities and in majority of cases, we spend our entire life dealing with our insecurities. Some would spend their entire life looking for love without knowing what it really is. Some of us spend their entire life just to earn money for at least two generations, we revert to God. However, majority of us live, rather they are forced to live a life without any direction totally aimless life where they accept whatever comes their way and are least concerned about living a better life. And probably that is why very few people would come up with a proper answer to the question. We hardly ever have time or energy to think about some thing as fickle as life. In fact we give in ourselves to our fate to such an extent that we refuse to bring any change in our life even if is well within our control. Its not that we cannot do anything to come out of the mess. It's just that we don't want to. Train Your Brain, Or Cook Your Goose! One day while in deep meditation and self analysis, a paralyzed man discovered the most important person he would ever meet in his life. He saw very clearly that HE was a "mind with a body". And, right then he made the most important decision he would ever make. Discover what it was. Failure is Celebration Time Failure is my favorite subject. For I have spent my life failing. My failures have not been once in a lifetime affaire. They have been too numerous even to begin listing them here. Let me brag a bit more. My failures have never been ordinary failures. Whenever I failed, I was literally on the street not knowing where my next meal would come from. Another Life: I Wish I Were Someone Else In 1978, Erma Bombeck wrote a book entitled "The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." It was a most humorous read, at the time. Of course, this title falls in line with the idea that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." But, her sentiments hit the idea head on in noting that there must be some specific reason that the grass is greener "over there." While the top layer is nice, plush, and green, what is it that boils underneath? 5 Tips To Keep Happy... Even In Wartime The world is going downhill faster than an Olympic skier. Terrorists lurk around every corner. Climate change will soon melt the tundra and turn Iowa into a desert. Frankenstein foods are flooding the market, cleverly masquerading as innocent potatoes and beets. Your Frame of Mind May Determine Your Health The mind absolutely amazes me. It will never be understood, yet it's been said that a healthy body makes the mind work better and it's been said that the mind can destroy the body. I'm sure you've heard about the power of the mind healing the body too. All My Needs, Desires, and Goals are Met -- INSTANTANEOUSLY I get emails and questions from people all the time who are frustrated because they have read all types of self-help books, attended all types of motivational seminars, received personal coaching and yet, they still are unable to live the life that they dream of living. Top Tips for the Temporary Move Question: "It's only three months. Or six months. Or a year. How bad can it be?" Stepping Into Possibility Thinking Our thoughts really belong to the collective consciousness of the world in all of time. You may be Shocked to Hear This What I mean of course is, to appreciate life through the eyes of a child. Remember your unbounding joy when you received your first tricycle or bike with training wheels or visited Disneyland for the first time. The awe you felt was partly because of your innocence. You saw only the good in those times and you felt an unconditional love coming from those who gave you the gift or took you to visit Mickey and Minnie.I'll bet you didn't even notice the other park visitors. If you did you were unaware or unconcerned with the color of their skin, race, size, language,clothes, hair etc. The feeling of unconditional love and the innocence we all experienced in our youth are the antidote to many of society's ills-prejudice, hatred and selfishness,consumerism etc. Your Dominant Thoughts - How to Take Advantage of Them Self belief is a wonderful thing. Learning To Embrace Change The only constant is change. If theres one thing we can count on in our life it is that whatever is going on now, will change. We live in an ever-changing universe. Everything in our world, including our very bodies is changing. The cells in your body are totally replaced every seven years. The seasons change as do governments, businesses, cultures, the sun, moon, stars, and, of course, us. How Much Better Can You Have It? "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." -Maya Angelou What Every Employee Should Know About Looking Beyond His Attitude Our attitude makes seems to control just about everything about us. It helps us get better grades in school, become more generous and courteous to others, and enjoy better health. Do You Believe What You Think? If you work toward what you dream, the dream can come true. You can achieve success. You can tell others one day about your success story. The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time! When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait! Mastering Your Moods: How To Take Charge Of Your Feelings John Ryder awakens feeling rested, refreshed, and sensing a calm vibrancy surging all through him. Hopping eagerly out of bed, he showers, dresses, and with a gleam and sparkle in his eye, goes downstairs to his kitchen and puts on some coffee. How To Have A Life Changing Experience Can you really plan a life-changing experience, or do they just happen? Are they accident's of fate, inherited life forces, or can they be experiences the we choose? Positive Thinking: Polyanna Syndrome Why do we have such a downer on Pollyanna? After all, she is just a little girl with a big dose of positive mental attitude. Instead of mocking, may we should learn something from her. I'm not saying we have to turn into Pollyanna, but when you think about it, positive thinking is the only sensible way forward. Our thinking creates our reality, so isn't it just a bit daft to be creating our reality based on negative thinking? When we realise this, we understand we cannot afford the luxury of negative thinking. ![]() |
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