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Do You Love Yourself?
So, do you love yourself? Shouldn't really be a difficult question to answer should it? For many people this question makes them feel more than a little uncomfortable. In fact, if you've suddenly become short of breath and your palms have gone a little sweaty, then you should definitely continue reading this article! A mad passionate love affair! Have you ever considered what it would be like to have a mad passionate love affair with yourself? And I'm not talking about a one night stand here either! I'm talking about a beautiful, blossoming, burgeoning romance. The kind of romance where your love, understanding and compassion for yourself deepens on a daily basis, over a lifetime. Have you any idea what sort of impact that would have on your experience of life? All love begins with self-love. Often we start looking for love in all the wrong places. For some reason many of us believe that love actually resides outside of us, when really it resides within us. If as a starting point, you make the decision to love and accept every aspect of yourself, the good, the bad and the ugly; you will find that love will naturally begin gravitating towards you. Not only that, you will begin to see love and beauty in all things. Radical new dating service! I'm so passionate about this whole self-love stuff, I'm actually considering setting up a radical new dating website around the concept. Here's how it will work. You jump online, go through an extended questionnaire where you list everything there is to know about yourself. The information entered will then get processed by the world's most sophisticated internet dating match making software. Before it actual spits out your perfect match, you will be asked one final question. 'Are you prepared to love, respect and cherish this individual for the rest of your days, regardless of circumstance?' If you answer yes, it will announce that you are now ready to meet your true love (drum roll). A virtual door will then slide open and standing on the side will be the most stunningly beautiful human being you have ever laid eyes upon in your lifetime. You! Your outer world mirrors your inner world. Let's think about this for a minute. If you want others to love you (which deep down I really believe we all do), you absolutely must love yourself first! How can you expect someone else to love you if you won't love you? It's complete madness! The time has come to become your own secret admirer. Go out of your way to really make a lasting impression upon yourself. Blow a couple of kisses, buy some flowers and turn on the charm. Indulge yourself with the things that make you feel amazing. Adore your body, nourish your mind and cherish your soul. If you keep up these sort of antics, before too long I have not doubt that you will come to the unmistakable conclusion that you're a 'bit-of-all-right'! Copyright Damien Senn 2005. All rights reserved. Damien Senn is one of the UK's top Life and Business Coaches as well as a fully qualified Chartered Accountant. He helps people create compelling futures. He is the author of the 'Senn-Sational Success Journal' and has developed his own coaching model called the 'Senn-Sational Success System'. For your free download '101 things to do before you die' please click the following link: http://www.senn-sational.com/freeresources.htm
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