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Product/service publicity is the superhighway to business success everyone dreams. Then imagine having your product/service written on newspapers, trade publications, aired on radio and viewed on television absolutely for free!!! That's going to skyrocket your profit target only if you know how to use the best method of getting free publicity. The million-dollar question now is, what's the best method for a free publicity? It is the PRESS or NEWS RELEASE. The knowledge about how it works is the key to your success. This knowledge depends entirely on how you understand the psychology of the editors and new directors that publish or air your press release. This article will show you how their psychology works and how best to manipulate them for your benefits. Number one. These editors and news directors are very busy people. Don't bother them with your trials and tribulations or your plans for the future. They are only interested in something new and profitable to their readers or viewers. So the rule here is to sell him first. Convince him that your business fills a need to his readers, viewers or listeners. Then your press release will be welcomed. Number two. Editors and news directors move with the trend. They concern themselves more with current issues and events. So timing of your press release with current news events is an important factor. For example a story on job layoff and increased unemployment carried out on newspapers, on TV and radio should prompt you to get a publicity release out to all the media on help and opportunity offered by your product/service. Another kind of timing to keep in mind is publication. For Articles you'd like to appear in the Sunday paper, you'll generally have your release in at least nine days prior to the date of publication. Number three. Media men appreciate polite gestures. When an editor uses your publicity release, always follow-up with a customized "thank you" note. Next time you send out your publicity release with others, his more likely to pick yours. If he doesn't use your publicity release, never call him demanding to know why he didn't use it or only gave you a mention. Do this once, that particular media will "round file" my further material received from you, unopened! If your first effort is not used, change the story, perhaps write it form a different angle and try again and again. Number four. They appreciate a formal press release. Finally you need an actual publicity release that's well written and expected to be used by the media. It must be typed, double spaced, and short (1/2 page total length). About an inch from the top of the paper, with an inch and half margin on the side of the paper; from the left hand margin, type in capital letters: PRESS RELEASE. Then, underline this word. Immediately following the colon, in small letters put the date. Note to put the date forward, at least one day after you intend to mail the release. On the same line, but on the right hand side of the page, all in capital letters, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: underline it, and immediately below type your name, your phone number and your address all in small letters. Skip a couple of spaces, then in capital letters-centered between the margin type story headline, and underline it? skip a couple of spaces, and from the left margin, all in capital letters, type the words, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: from there on, it's the news or publicity story itself. Use these four basic psychologies of the media men and enjoy a free publication of your product/service always. About The Author Am Emma Okafor,an online market researcher and writer.
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How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Media Coverage Maybe it played for Kevin Costner in "Field of Dreams," but that paraphrased line ? "Print it and they will come" ? doesn't necessarily work in real life. Managers: Paying for PR-Lite? As a business, non-profit or association manager, your public relations expenditure may give you names in the newspaper or product plugs on radio. But what about key stakeholder behavior change ? the kind that leads directly to achieving your managerial objectives? Are You a PR Chowderhead? You are if you stand by while your public relations people futz around with communications tactics instead of nailing down those outside audience behaviors that help you reach your objectives. Building Community Support for Project Permitting, Construction, and Marketing Redevelopment is replacing new construction throughout the Greater Boston area, as construction costs climb and the commercial/retail vacancy rate reaches new (and alarming) levels. Are There Secrets to Gaining Media Coverage? Are there secrets to gaining media coverage or is it pure luck? It's a question that I am asked often while meeting with small-business owners who are seeking press attention for their companies or products. While luck certainly plays a part, the short answer to this question is "maybe." However with a little practice and skill, a small-business owner can significantly increase the chances of garnering coverage by following some basic journalistic rules. How To Write A Press Release: The Seven Deadly Sins And How To Avoid Them How to write a press release that generates free publicity is a great skill to have. Talk Back Radio - Tips To Be A Star On-Air! Talkback radio offers a fantastic opportunity to access thousands of people instantly and relay your or your company's messages. An interview opportunity is highly sought after in today's business and to learn ways of working effectively with the media invaluable to any business. Forget The Story Youre Promoting ? Heres What Journalists Really Want From PR People Although it seems less common these days, there are still a fair number of us public relations practitioners who enter the business by crossing over from the journalist's side of the notebook. Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas Press releases are one of the most cost-effective ways to get promotion for your online business. Many entrepreneurs ignore this type of promotion because they don't know how to write a press release. It's important to promote your online business with press releases because of the media all over the internet. The following is a list of some common press release writing tips: Why Public Relations Doesnt Just Happen Public relations is a very important part of the marketing mix. A successful PR campaign provides third-party endorsement of products or services which is something no other marketing element can deliver. Many people think that once a company starts advertising, editors beat a path to your door. In some cases, that actually does happen, but it's not the norm. TV Reporter Shares the Secrets to Getting Covered on the News Do you have a great idea for a story, but no clue how to get it in the news? Are you tired of pitching press releases the news media simply ignores? Want To Join the Bandwagon? Be Sure It Has Wheels! Here are two to-the-point questions recently posed by several association magazine publishers: "When is it time to launch an electronic newsletter?" and "Just because everyone's doing it, does that make it right for us?" If I Were Coaching You If I were coaching you as a business, non-profit or association manager on how to get the biggest bang for your public relations dollar, I would sum it up for you this way. What Kind of PR Makes Sense? For business, non-profit and association managers, is it publicity that delivers newspaper and talk show mentions backed up by colorful brochures and videos, combined with special events that attract a lot of people? PR Campaigns ? How To Get To Grips With The Media If you're serious about getting great results from your PR you may find that you have to severely challenge your current reading habits. A recent client completed her PR assessment form with a comment about how she had always read a certain paper because her parents had and she'd just fallen into the habit too. She now realised that she had to read a lot more widely to understand the amount of opportunities that are out there, and which ones would work for her. Credibility Lost or Gained, Are you Prepared? If a reporter approached you about an interview, would you know what to say do or even how to dress for one? Would you know how to answer questions? Have you ever wondered what the secret of working effectively with the media is? Do you wonder how to increase or even have quality coverage? Financial Planning Publicity: When Talking to the Media, Dont Fake What You Dont Know Relationships are based on trust-not just romantic relationships, or doctor/patient relationships, but practically any relationship, even the one with your auto mechanic. Go Ahead, Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Call a Reporter Yes, you can call a reporter. Financial Planners, Make Sure Reporters Comprehend Your Topic Don't assume that a reporter understands financial planning. If anything, assume the opposite until proven wrong. See if you can't develop a couple of questions for the reporter that delicately explore their subject-matter knowledge. Freddy Newshound may cover personal finance, but he's no expert. He may have started on the beat yesterday and not know a T-Bill from a municipal bond. How Marketing-Minded Financial Planners Get Publicity You've probably noticed, if you live on this planet, that we live in a media-driven world. ![]() |
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