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Financial Planning Publicity: When Talking to the Media, Dont Fake What You Dont Know
Relationships are based on trust-not just romantic relationships, or doctor/patient relationships, but practically any relationship, even the one with your auto mechanic. That's why the absolute worst thing a financial planner can do in their relationship with a reporter-especially a new relationship-is to give them false information. Remember, they think of you as a subject matter expert. Someone they can turn to again and again for concise, intelligent and accurate explanations for financial planning matters that they don't understand. If you mislead them, even if it's unintentional, you lose all credibility--and all chances for publicity. It is an especially egregious mistake to make with a reporter, because they have a relationship with their readers. If they print the false information that you gave them, it gets into the hands of thousands of people. When the mistake is caught (and it will be) the reporter has to print an embarrassing correction or retraction. Believe me, your number will be gone from their Rolodex in an instant. If you are not sure of the answer to a reporter's question, say these words: "I'm not sure, let me check." This sentence is the only acceptable response. Winging it will invariably get you in trouble. Tell the reporter you'll look into it, and call back soon. Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit http://www.MediaImpact.biz or call 212-243-8383.
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Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Dont Hold Back Information From the Media Some financial planners think that they shouldn't share their top tips with the media. PR: Whats the Point? Here's the point: people act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization the most, the public relations mission is accomplished. Hispanic Media Training: How It Can Benefit You How can media training help you create a successful Hispanic market campaign? There are plenty of examples of Hispanic market campaigns with a broad range of results. Many of you have heard of the infamous airline that invited travelers to fly 'naked'. In the same way, the slogan for pork as "the other white meat" which was successful in the general market was meaningless to U.S. Hispanics. Do You Have Issues? Every organization has issues that could affect its operation. The following are some thoughts on issues management and some of the tactics available to us in this discipline. Say What? As the comedian Steve Martin once said, "some people have a way with words and some people have not way." Increasingly, I am seeing information from companies, particularly in news releases, that "has not way." Getting Articles Published - Eight Steps for Trade Publications Trade publications present an excellent opportunity for organisations to gain thousands of dollars worth of free publicity by having articles published. As they are regularly looking for articles to fill space and they are often used as a forum to promote new products or services to specific audiences. In addition to this trade publications are often tailored to specific markets and widely read, offering a tailored communication channel. There Is No Such Thing as Competition A wise friend of mine has often said, "There is no such thing as competition." I happen to agree with that philosophy. In fact, I have many solid business and social relationships with people you might consider my "competition". Some of my best friends are "competitors"! P.R. Strategies for Professional Service Providers Promotion for Professional Services Providers requires a different approach than for other types of business people. Here's why: Publicity: The Right Way for Marketing-Minded Financial Planners to Follow Up with a Reporter Let's say you've called a reporter with some ideas for stories about financial planning, and they seemed interested. Congratulations! First, pat yourself on the back. It takes intelligence and gumption to come up with ideas that reporters like. When Managers Play the PR Card The payoff for business, non-profit or association managers can be a real assist towards meeting their department, division or subsidiary objectives. How to Get PR There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content to a publication or website who needs it to entice their readers. No publicist can guarantee a publication will print stories about your company because the publisher or editor ultimately controls the content of a publication. However, here is the method we recommend: 10 Tips for Tantalizing News Releases Want to get radio interviews and coverage in print publications to sell more books? Press Releases How do press releases or interest stories have an effect on meeting new potential clients? How Managers Hit PR Paydirt As a business, non-profit or association manager, you'll know it's PR paydirt when you're able to persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead to your department, division or subsidiary's success. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Its Not Who You Know But What You Know Almost every day, I hear the same question, over and over, from motivated, well-meaning financial planners who want to use publicity in their marketing mix. It goes something like this: Watch Your Attitude So many restaurants spend money on publicity and then practically chase customes away by the owner's attitude. Stop to think, please, who is really more important, your customers, your chef or your own cost-saving ideas? True, you have to keep your chef happy but not if he refuses to cook what the customer wants and you, Mr. Restaurateur: what good is saving a few cents here or even a dollar there, if the customer never returns? Media Training: Three Reasons to (Almost) Always Stay On-The-Record The words are pop culture heroes. Making Press Releases Work - Creating News Where None Existed Aren't you tired of hearing how extremely easy it is to get free publicity? Have you tried the suggestions that most public relations "gurus" give you? The hard, cold truth of the matter is that you cannot write a press release about any old aspect of your business and have it end up on the home page of the Fortune Small Business Web site. It just doesn't work that way. So how does it work, and what do you do if you need publicity but have nothing "newsworthy" to share? For Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Small Publications Can Have Great Publicity Impact Just because a publication is small doesn't mean that getting your name in it won't have great impact. Managers, Which PR Is Right For You? An effort built around a string of print and broadcast exposures? Or, a public relations initiative that delivers results far beyond simple publicity tactics. Namely, real behavior change among your most important outside audiences leading directly to reaching your objectives. Achieved, incidentally, by persuading key outside people with the greatest impacts on your organization to your way of thinking, then moving them to take actions that help your unit succeed. ![]() |
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