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Speech Training - Building Your Voice, Tips from a Professional
Having a clear and confident voice is an essential business skill to be an effective leader, manager and communicator. Whether you are presenting in front of a group, performing in the media or speaking on the phone a good voice can be a great asset. Here are 10 tips on developing a more confident and persuasive voice. 1. Build Clarity by Warming Up. The human face can pull more than 7,000 unique expressions with 44 different muscles! Get into a routine to warm up your most important muscles. Use specific exercises to loosen up your jaw, lips and tongue. Being physically prepared will give you confidence. 2. Practice Difficult Phrases. Once you've warmed-up do a couple of tongue twister exercises to put it all together. Examples include 'red leather, yellow leather' and a big black bug bit a big black bear'. Try saying these quickly them slowly. 3. My Voice Comes From My Belly. Now the juices are flowing, it's time to get some tone and timbre in your voice. This comes from your diaphragm. Practice breathing and fill your belly like it's a balloon. 4. Posture. Your posture is important for voice projection. Warm up your neck, shoulders and rib cage. Get in a comfortable stance with your feet firmly planted. Remember your stance when you feel most comfortable. Use hand gestures if this suits your style. 5. Relax and Smile. The more relaxed you are the more confident you will feel and appear. Remember most audiences want you to succeed. Smiling at the audience helps you relax. Harness your adrenaline in a positive way. 6. Be positive. A positive attitude is very important. Visualize how it felt when you last made a really successful presentation. Remember this moment. Feel and use this positive feeling. Be psychologically ready. 7. Speak from the Heart. Use emotion and feelings in your voice and words you choose. Eighty percent of voice tone is emotion and this will help you touch your audience. 8. Evaluate and Seek Feedback. Always evaluate your performance and seek to improve each time. Ask for feedback from others who you are comfortable with. 9. Take Care of Your Voice. Always take care of your voice. A healthy diet, adequate sleep and behaving in moderation are essential to protect your voice. 10. Be Yourself. Develop your own style and be yourself. Relax and enjoy the experience. Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting http://www.8mmedia.com. Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at http://www.8mmedia.blogspot.com
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Giving Your Audience Great Benefits What benefit do you provide the audience? 20 Tips to Becoming a Professional Speaker: How to be a Rising Star Entering the speaking industry can be both daunting and exciting. It is an excellent environment where you can make a real difference in the lives of your audience. It is a rewarding and challenging industry to be part of. If you are keen to become a professional speaker, try these tips: Find a buddy ? make a friend with another speaker who is at a similar stage to you in their speaking career to be able to share ideas, questions, frustrations and wins with them. How Well Do You Speak? The ability to speak well can enhance your career, clinch a sale, sell a point of view and increase your business productivity. Speech Making - Reasons Why People Dont Listen Making a speech seems simple. You speak, others listen. However this isn't always the case, in fact one of the biggest challenges for speakers is getting their audience listen. If you have to make a speech - you want it to be memorable and successful. If you understand why people don't listen, you will be more successful at getting them to listen! Executive Public Speaking for English as a Second Language (ESL) Public Speaking is a challenging skill. It is TOUGH! For some of you, it's probably the hardest thing you will ever do; and I can sympathize. Standing in front of the employees and coworkers that you want, (or need) to impress, all the while hoping that you remain clear, memorable, persuasive, entertaining and fun isn't a piece of cake. It is TOUGH, TOUGH, TOUGH!! Speech Tips - Ten Things to Remember When Accepting an Award Many people are recognised for their work, industry, sporting or community achievements. How to Build Respect with Your Audience: Positive Thinking and Outhouse Eyes Do you believe in natural laws? Laws like: Let Your Products Sell Your Name: For Public Speakers Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to be one long, giant commercial for yourself all the time? If maybe your products and your name did the promoting for you? When someone hires you to speak at a high profile event, they are taking a large gamble on your ability to engage an audience's interest, and the extent of your knowledge. That said, it is important to have some credibility to your name, or you'll be speaking at every pitiful engagement that comes along. How To Handle Audience Questions Effectively For some reason, the prospect of having to answer audience questions fills many presenters with dread and fear. Looking at it in a positive way however, it's an ideal opportunity for you to satisfy the audience further, and you can continue to drive your main points home adding emphasis to your talk. How to Give a Speech Without Dying Two of the top fears of most people are dying and giving a speech. In fact, there is so much fear of public speaking, you might think that people regularly die while giving speeches. Fortunately, that is not the case. Here are some tips that will help you overcome your fears and give a great speech. Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking Knocking knees, butterflies (who came up with that word?) in your stomach, sweaty palms, quavering voice. We've all been there ? some of us more than others. I'm going to share with you some of the tricks of the trade to help manage and reduce your anxiety before and during your presentation. These methods are tried and true and have helped many presenters. What is Toastmasters? Toastmasters.... Toastmasters....What is Toastmasters? Speech Coach?s Tips to Public Speaking Success It is inevitable that at times during our careers or personal lives; we will be required to provide a presentation or public speech to a group of people. Perhaps the group is a group of peers; perhaps the audience will be senior or top-level management; perhaps the group will be comprised of people who wish to learn something from you. This is an opportunity that can boost or hinder your career path. When the day comes to provide a public presentation, will you know what to do to create and present an effective speech? Will you put the audience to sleep? Or will you be able to hold the attention of most of the audience? While you may wish you had listened more during that speech coach's presentation last year, you still have to get ready to hold the interest of an audience for a specific period of time. Professional speech coaches will always stress that preparation is the key to success in public speaking. Speakers Learn How to Define Your Niche This is one of the hardest things speakers have to do - defining their niche, and in most cases, it can stop them dead in their tracks. Inexperienced speakers have a tendency to generalize themselves and that won't lead to those successful paid speaking engagements. You must be creative and innovative; find your own niche and become the most well known speaker in that niche. How to Polish Your Speaking Skills: Its Time for T.I.P.S. When requested to write an article about public speaking tips, I experienced an epiphany, of sorts. Now there's a word I've never written, let alone spoken! Many people will do just about anything to avoid public speaking. Or, you may have said "Who's got the time?" or "That's not good use of my time." Therein lies the epiphany; it's all about time! Internet Marketing and Public Speaking: Seven Steps to a Successful Murder Board I recently posted an article providing tips on public speaking for internet marketers, and was bombarded with Emails asking me to expand on one tip in particular-how to conduct a Murder Board, a realistic simulated practice. I did so in a follow-up article providing a more detailed explanation of this practice method, which has its origins in the US military. Now, below, I provide the seven step method to conduct this invaluable practice. This is excerpted from Chapter 14 of my book, The Shortcut to Persuasive Presentations. Is Information Delivery Instruction? Do you work for one of those organisations whose "training" invariably consists of someone standing up in front of a group and saying something? If you answered 'yes', you're not alone. It's a common practice which leads to a widely held perception among many that it's training. It's a perception that has annoyed me over many years. I'm not against information sessions ... they have their place. What I am against is calling them 'training sessions'. Performance Feedback: Why Were Scared and How Not to Be Effective communication is not a one-way street. It involves an interaction between the sender and the receiver. The responsibility for this interaction is assumed by both parties. The speaker can solicit feedback and adjust the message accordingly. The listener can summarize what was said for the speaker and continually practice the empathetic process. Lose Stagefright Over Your Lunch Hour While teaching a two-day Speaking Confidence program to a group of 25 government secretaries, I wanted to give them practice using their personal experience to help others. So I gave them a simple assignment to ponder over their lunch hour: Think of a lesson they'd learned in life and share that lesson with the group when they came back. Now Appearing: 9 Tips for a Well-Attended Event When I made the decision to do free workshops and book signings for my latest book, Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer, I thought it would be easy to draw an audience. I had, after all, done all the right things to prepare for this big event: I had a successful e-zine, AbsoluteWrite.com, sent weekly directly to my target market; I was a contributing editor at the most popular magazine for writers; had been interviewed all over writers e-zines; and had submitted articles to sites and magazines related to my primary audience (writers) and my secondary audience (those interested in working from home). ![]() |
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