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How to start a home business.Patric Chan Do you know that it’s possible for a housewife or a ‘one-man-show’ around the world to start a home business for full time income It’s possible. And Im going to tell you what you need and how to do it. First you need to get an extra phone line, fax and a computer in your home. This should be different from your existing home phone line or computer. That was easy to get started, wasnt it The secret to start a home business quick and profitable is to be a ‘middle man’ between the prospects and the products or services they are looking for. It’s that simple! Of course you can create your own products or services to sell, but why go through the hassle in the early stages of getting started By being the ‘middle man’, you can get started immediately. Then, you have to determine whether you want to be a ‘middle man’ for a product or service oriented business. Both will give you the same benefits. Even if it’s product oriented, you are not be producing it. You are just merely getting it from someone and passing it to the customer. Therefore, you should not have any inventory. However, I’ll prefer to be involved in service oriented home business because it’s less ‘sticky’. Products may have more issues such as delivery, order fulfillment, product return and so on. Here are 3 ways you can immediately start a home business by being a ‘middle man’ for a service oriented home business: 1. Human Resource ‘Department’ Do you know that many companies are hiring and many people are looking for a job This is one of the best opportunities that you can get started immediately. It’s low cost, almost zero in cost. Go to all the offices and factories in your city and tell the human resource manager/department that you want to help them find reliable staff. They will have a list of vacancies. Get all the details. Compile it and start announcing to the public what vacancies you have to offer! You can make money from either the company or anyone who gets a job from your help. You decide how much commission you want. If the company already has their own commission scheme, you can just earn from there. 2. Real Estate Youd be surprised that many people are actually buying houses each day. And many people are selling houses as well! Dont believe me Go to your local real estate dealer’s office and youll see there are plenty of requests from people wanting to buy or sell houses. You can just be a ‘middle man’ to get the deal. In fact, all real estate agents are ‘middle men’ in reality. You can just tie up with a few real estate agents and negotiate for a commission from them if you help them to get the houses their customers are looking for, or to help their customers to sell off their house. A few deals a month will land you in big commission checks because houses price can vary from $50,000.00 to $5,000,000.00! However, you do want to set a certain criteria of amount that you will not participate. Example, you might not do any deals below $25,000.00 or whatever figure you choose because youll need to put in the same effort and yet the return is too minimal. 3. Seminar business Do you see seminars conducted in your city or state It can be any type of seminars. Doesnt matter what seminar it is. Pick up your phone and call the seminar organizers. Tell them youll find participants to fit in their room and ask them how much commission they are willing to pay you per head. If the company is smart, theyll pay you good commission because they no longer need to invest their money in advertising. And secondly, they cannot lose because they are paying you for results only. Once you have experience of it, you may even consider engaging your own speaker one day and organize it. This can be your quarter year project for quick, instant cash. There are so many other ways to start a successful home business. Ive not even covered on how to start a home business by using the internet If you want to learn that, go get a copy of ‘5-Step System To Make Money Online VCD Package at http://www.sellingonlinesecrets.com . So dont give excuses for yourself that it’s too much work, you need a lot of money to get started, and so on. Those are all excuses you create for yourself because of unconscious fear of failure. Or your own limiting beliefs. It’s your life. It’s your decision. Sit on it, and there is no way you can expect to start a home business. Start it today, and maybe youll start making money in a few months and generate a full time income in a year or 6 months. All the best. Patric Chan
Copyright 2004 Patric Chan
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