Real Estate Information

How Creditors Measure Your Credit Rating

Creditors will measure your credit rating based on the following three main things. Capacity Collateral Character

How Creditors Measure Your Credit Rating

Creditors will measure your credit rating based on the following three main things. Capacity Collateral Character

Credit Repair Companies and Credit Counseling

Lets be crystal clear, right up front. Paying someone to "fix" your credit is a waste of your time and money, since the negative issues that are temporarily removed from your file will only reappear again in a couple of months.

Getting Pre-Approved for a Home Loan Is One of the Best Ways to Get a Leg Up on the Competition When Shopping for a Home

The real estate market is soaring because of low interest rates that have brought home buying to average Americans. All over the country, more renters are buying and homeowners are upgrading their properties. In this hot seller�s market, a pre-approval letter from your mortgage lender can help you secure a winning bid on the home of your dreams.

At Home In Your Overseas Home

Homeownership, in any form, is a big step for most people. In fact, its often one of the biggest financial decisions of our lives. Despite that, sometimes a homeowner in one country will want to buy a second home in another country, whether for a vacation home or future retirement. Usually they make this decision after realizing they visit the same country every chance they get, but sometimes its because they have relatives or friends nearby too.

Disaster Decision - Do You Need Insurance

The expenses involved with owning a home can be overwhelming at times - routine maintenance, repairs, seasonal preparations, improvements. Not to mention taxes, fees, and all those monthly bills. Some homeowners, in trying to reduce their expenses, wonder if they really need disaster insurance.

Real Estate Auction Action - Buying A Home At Auction

Due in part to the popularity of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUDs home auction program, more potential homebuyers than ever are buying homes at auction. Homes for auction arent limited to just HUD, however. Many government entities auction homes for payment of back taxes, and some homeowners even auction their homes on!

Dealing With Dual Real Estate Agents

Historically, real estate agents have represented the seller of a property. The seller, after all, is usually the one who pays their commission, and agents therefore have a fiduciary relationship with the seller. This in no way means that agents may operate outside the bounds of the law and ethical conduct of course. It just means that the real estate agent is just that, an authorized agent of the seller for a particular transaction.

Mortgage Prepayment Penalties - Just Say No

One of the most common terms found in a new home loan is a prepayment penalty. This type of penalty says that if the borrower pays off the loan early, commonly during the first five years of the loan, then the borrower will be responsible for paying an additional amount of money, typically about six months interest on 80% of the mortgage balance. Sub-prime market loans will typically carry prepayment penalties more than standard mortgage loans.

Is Accumulating a Net Worth of $1,000,000 Easy Yes and No

After purchasing Anthony Robbins Get The Edge program, I was a bit skeptical that it would provide much value. I can honestly tell you that it has dramatically changed many areas in my life. Many of my new or old goals are finally in clear focus, Ive been taking action on a daily basis and more of my goals are now beginning to become a reality. Anthony Robbins exudes an abundance of energy and shows a sincere enthusiasm to help you get motivated and move towards your own path to success.

Is Accumulating a $1,000,000 Net Worth Easy Yes and NO

Is accumulating wealth as easy as following a 3-step plan Yes it is and no it isnt. As with many things in life, accomplishing a goal such as accumulating one million dollars or even $100,000 depends on your desire, your personal choices and your daily actions.

5 Magic Points: Should I BUY or RENT my HOME

Buying a Home is the American Dream. It is more than a place you put your hat at the end of the day. It defines you, protects you, and prospers with you. Yes, Home Ownership is a noble pursuit, but it always starts with this first, important question: Should I buy or Rent my Home The answer, surprisingly, is not so obvious.

5 Killer Steps to avoid Credit Card SCAMS!!!!!

In August, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission issued their findings of a recent study, which showed that nearly 25 million adults were victims of fraud.

How To Make Easy Money on the Internet -- But This Time Its Actually TRUE!


Flipping Fixers: Using Transformation Psychology for Top Dollar

Satisfying and lucrative real estate investment depends upon your correct assessment of profit potential, of course, but your ultimate success depends on your ability to transform a fixer into a dollhouse. The renovation process involves physical work and choosing the best supplies, in order to create maximum positive emotional effect and profits.

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