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Blondes Talking About Blondes!
What is it about blondes that both sexes find so appealing? We are drawn to them like we are drawn to gold or a great barbequed steak and a beer. Although there is no denying brunettes and red heads can be every bit as gorgeous, there is something about blonde colored hair that demands instant attention. It is an age-old question, "do blondes have more fun?" I say that's the wrong question! How about asking: "Who gets noticed first, the blonde or brunette?" If you had a less than beautiful blonde and beautiful brunette walking together, at a swift first glance I think it would be fair to say the blonde gets the first look. If you are a guy reading this you know it's true. But how did blondes get such a bad rep that an entire arsenal of dumb jokes has been devoted to them. Come to think of it, red heads and brunettes are not given this distinction so maybe that can be construed as a compliment. Yes! I think I'll take that. My all time favorite (smart) dumb blonde is Goldie Hawn! She is sharp as a whip and completely adorable and still looks fabulous today. Although, she is hooked up with Kurt Russell whom I would happily push Goldie in front of a truck to get a chance at. Ha ha, just kidding, maybe not. How about Christina Applegate in her years with the television show, "Married With Children". You couldn't watch that show without hearing screaming fans every single time she entered the set. She was an adored dumb blonde sexpot men couldn't get enough of and she played the role brilliantly. She is also by the way, very clever and still looks fabulous. Hmmm? another smart girl, coincidence? How about the classic, Marilyn Monroe. Another blonde adored by many. I think the smart, dumb blonde may be an irresistible combination. What do you think? Seriously though, there is something about the blonde that causes one to look and I want to explore some possibilities. 1) One theory I have is that everywhere on this planet anything that we have a shortage of is highly desired, such as diamonds, oil, gold, precious gems. We gravitate to the shiny things that are expensive and we want them but can't have too much of. All over the world the overwhelming hair color is that of the brunette. And I'm including in this category everything from light brown hair to black. The true blondes are in short supply. This could be why we gravitate to that color and why many women dye their hair. Look at Asia or Africa, you won't find anything but black hair. Tropical islands and most of north and South America have brown/black hair. I'm sure that when the Europeans first came to America, It must have been a shock to the natives to see blonde hair for the first time. 2) I also have the theory that people naturally gravitate to gold. It is the universal symbol of love. Most people wear gold wedding rings to symbolize a union of love and wear gold bracelets and necklaces in abundance. So if I am correct and gold is something we would naturally gravitate to, then would it not make sense that blonde hair, a gold color, would also be gravitated to? I may be completely off the wall here but it is something to look at. I'm not in any way saying that blonde is better than brunette and I know that there are those that prefer brunettes over blondes but what I really want to accomplish here is taking a different point of view and exploring some possibilities. I am a blonde talking about blondes, poking fun at myself. About the Author Willie Jones Willie is a freelance writer, researcher who enjoys sharing viewpoints with people.
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