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Soul Mates - Do They Really Exist?
Throughout centuries, story tellers, and people from different background and cultures always refer to their fascination in meeting one day their soul mates. Is Soul Mate a myth? Do they really exist? Or is Soul Mate a figment of our own imagination that can help keep our hope for a perfect relationship and keep our hope alive. Or is it an escape way for not handling or not looking at ourselves in such a way that we keep delaying our responsibilities and things can be fixed when we meet that perfect relationship with those Soul Mates. Everything is possible! It is up to you and me to decide the bottom line of this puzzle. If we talk in such metaphysics tone of words used, we will say we are all coming from the same source, one soul, branched out into different ventures or experiences to achieve and in reality we are all Soul Mate. Maybe that's true but I believe there is more into it than that!! How do we define Soul Mates? Soul Mates is another Soul that share the same exact similar way of understanding as the other Soul and in this lifetime so they decided to share their growth and understanding together. It does NOT mean Soul Mates have to be in a relationship to make it work. What do I mean by that? From the motion that a Soul integrate into life through a particular family, geography, religion, or situation for certain reasons. I do believe we choose our family, we choose our religion, and we choose where we want to be born for certain that the Soul itself will identify and in the same time you will be aware of it one day if you are well attuned within yourself. We will not dispute the reasons we go through that because we will have unlimited reasons here. Let's start with our choice of a family to be born with. If each one of us look deeper into our families there must be at least one person and many time there is more in our immediate family or cousin that we feel different with. That person can be your father, your sister, your niece, or your cousin. It really does not matter who that person but that person is your Soul Mate where you always enjoy being in their company, listening to them and mainly valued everything they say. Those experiences with Soul Mate we already started at young age. Then we grow up, how many of us we have one or two particular friends around us at school or where our parents moved to the new neighborhood. I bet you everyone can relate to someone. And that goes on until we are adult and the dating game started. We need to understand one thing when it comes to relationships, as long as we do not rush ourselves into a relationship for a wrong reason and what I mean by that? Well the look of the person, what they drive, who's his family, how rich they are, or how cute they are, what their education is, or just to be in a certain crowd. All of that will never bring you to Soul Mates. Why it never work because you are looking into the wrong substance. With Soul Mate there is no Karma to deal with or work at. All you have an enjoyment of being in each others company. The only thing you know about your Soul Mate is whenever you are in need they are always there for whatever or deep your troubles are. Look around you through the years, can you identify already someone that fit that equation. I bet you do. There are three levels of Soul Mates that I believe exist. I will look into that in my next articles. Until then! Copyright © Joseph Ghabi www.freespiritcentre.info. All rights reserved. About the Author: Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada. At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.
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