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The Fine Art of Flirting
Did you know that it is not necessarily your looks or your bank account that will get you the Date of Your Dreams? Even those with average features and ordinary bank account funds can have the pleasure of being with someone they thought was unattainable. You think I'm kidding, right? I'm not! Want to know how? By learning the Fine Art of Flirting! Now guys, as explain in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" women will tell you that being approached with a "pick-up line" is one huge "turn off." Most women have heard them all hundreds of times. So, hearing an other one from you will just make you look unoriginal (at the very least) in her eyes. A better approach would be to start up a conversation with the woman of your dreams. About what? Well, how about your immediate surrounding, or a common condition. Do this in a witty statement that appears to be spontaneous. This form of flirting makes a woman feel as though you consider her special enough to start up a honest to goodness conversation with her. Definite brownie points for you. You know the old saying "Flattery will get you every where!" Well, in the world of dating flattery is a great form of flirting. We all like to be complimented. So when you give a woman an unexpected compliment this tends to be the most sincere form of flattery. The best and most useful compliments are given on something others would miss. Take a look at the person you want to meet or date, a real good look. What can you compliment her on that no one else would notice? This is what you need to find. Remember, if you are trying to get the attention of a beautiful woman, you can be assured other men are trying to as well. And so, I'm sure she has heard a thousand times how beautiful she is, how nice her hair is, eyes, lips, etc. And while I'm sure she appreciates the compliments, your goal is to stand out from the crowd. Be the one that she will remember by complimenting her on something different than the other's, something original. But here's the thing, you do not want to use the flattery line to often. Flatter to much and you will end up looking like a phony and she will lump you in with all the other losers who try to win her heart. The next time you see someone you would real like to meet try doing a Double Take. Simply, as you walk by her look at her, then take a second glance looking back much more intently the second time. The second glance will say to her "You have sooo caught my eye!" And, since people are naturally curious you'll have her wondering what is it about her that caught your eye. It's important when doing the double take that your glance does not turn into a stare. Gawking at any woman will only make her feel uncomfortable. So your glance should only last a few seconds, maybe with a slight smile before you turn away. Also, be aware of your grooming habits. You always want to look your best, be well groomed, smell nice, have fresh breath, and wear clothes that flatter you. Men always want their women to be nice looking and attractive. Well, women want the same thing in a man. If you smoke carry some gum with you. Always have a comb handy and even some cologne. Do you have a great sense of humor? Yes? Good, then make your date laugh. Use your great sense of humor as a form of flirting. It is said that if a man can make a woman laugh, he has the best chance to win her heart. Having said that, make sure you are witty. Don't behave like it is comedy night at the local pub. Be careful what you comment on, don't be critical or too wild, don't over do it. The idea here is to get her to warm up to you, and not make a nuisance of yourself. Everyone likes to hear their own name. Once you are introduced to someone repeat her name in your greeting. Something like "Hi Julie, Happy to meet you!" Then as you speak with her in a conversation where ever it is possible use her name again. There are two reasons for doing this. First, the more she hears her name from you, the more comfortable she'll get with you. And second, it will help you to remember her name. Like everything else don't over do this. Just insert her name into the conversation where ever it feels right. While this article can not tell you every thing about flirting, it does give you some ideas to get you started. Flirting like all Fine Arts require practice. The more you do it the more comfortable you will be and therefore the better you will be at it. Good Luck! Marie Clare specializes in writing about Dating, Relationships and Romance. Check out her lastest Best Selling eBook "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" plus reviews of the Best Online Dating Sites, FREE Articles, Tips and Advice at http://www.lifematesnow.com
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