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For Better Or Worse
For Better or Worse I was in the middle of a conversation the other evening with a friend of mine, and her better half. The conversation was about the kids. She has kids, he has kids. The conversation was going fairly well, problem was being worked out until, they started complaining about each others kids. Now everyone thinks their kids are perfect, they are angels, they are apart of us, so how could they not be, right? This couple has been married before, the my kids are better than yours argument broke out. I sat back and listened, now most people would excuse themselves and leave, but not me It isn't like I want to listen, and get a kick out of people having trouble, because I don't like it, especially when it is two people I really care about. I just wanted to see if it worked itself out, and when they asked me for advice (because they always do) I had all the right information and knew both sides. Mixing families is a very hard thing to do. I came from a family with half sisters and step siblings, and it was difficult for my mom and dad and for the man she is married to now. You take one family who already has set down rules and they have discussed the things which are expected and then you take the other family with their own rules and expectations. It is a difficult thing to try to blend together. The kids end up not knowing what to do, who is in charge, what rules count, their world is turned upside down, then the parents are stepping on each others toes trying to decide what to do.Everyone becomes divided, noone is happy and sides begin to form. I suggest to anyone thinking of bringing two families together like that, to sit down with everyone, kids and all. If you don't do this first I think you are asking for trouble. We all have fears, we all need support and reassurance that it is going to be okay, that everything will work out, it may be hard at times but it will be worked out as a family. The couple, my friend and her partner worked this situation out, they did do the family discussion to begin with, now if there is a problem , they first work it out between themselves and then bring the kids in to have their say. I am a firm believer in communication, if there isn't, then it will not work. Counseling can help for anyone who is already in that rut, with the mixing of families. But the key is open communication. Good luck and God bless.. Vaughn Pascal For God and Country To God and Jesus; Thank you. To Bub and Doc; I love you.
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Desirous Attachment , the Trap and the Solution I've seen a lot in my life. A lot of people suffering, fearful, temporarily joyous angry, hurt, resentful, longing, hopeful, and ecstatic too. Cheating Spouse: Is Spying an Invasion of Privacy? My, how the cheating spouse cries foul when he/she discovers you are spying. Victorias Secret Disclosed! SHHHHHH, don't tell anybody, but, I know the secret. What Is A Boundary In A Relationship? You might ask yourself, I have heard this word boundary, but I do not know what it means. Boundaries are often mentioned in terms of relationships. Boundaries are a simple concept, but they can vary from person to person. Boundaries essentially keep the good stuff on the inside and the bad stuff on the outside. In the book Making Dating Work Boundaries in Dating, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend discuss boundaries at length. It is a fabulous book to pick up if you are interested in how boundaries should apply in a relationship. Revenge ? Serve It Cold! Whether you caught him in bed with the local bimbo, dumped him for being an uncaring twat or he's run off with a woman he met online, you're probably feeling angry, resentful and wanting revenge. Flirting For A Long-Term Relationship Have you ever wondered why we flirt? I mean, we've all done it at some time but it's one of those things that we do without really giving any though to why or how. Five Tips for Breaking Free of The Drama Habit and Developing a Healthier Arguing Style We all feel angry from time to time, but feeling angry and acting like a raging, out-of-control child during moments of anger are two very different things. And when anger "crosses the line" in the context of an intimate relationship, it can cause extensive-and sometimes even irreparable-discord and damage. Because rage is such a primal emotion-indeed it is a feeling that we have all been familiar with almost all of our lives-most of us can tap into our reservoirs of anger in the blink of an eye, often without even reflecting on what we are doing, or why we are doing it. What is a Red Flag The focus of many of the last few articles has been on what is does a dangerous person look like, who you should avoid, but did you know that we all have personal red flags available if we just listen to them. Red Flags are signals that we all have, although they may differ just slightly. For some of us they are internal mental grumblings, for others of us it a sinking feeling you get inside, and for some when our bodies are really giving a message it is giving us a physical signs. Ulterior Motive Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 7, 2004 Playing the Part A revelation came to me at the most unsuspecting time. During one of the most mundane things I do in my structured and routine lifestyle, while reading my redeye on my daily commute home from the city. A seemingly average man sat next to me on the train and asked if this was the train to Lemont. I assured him it was and went back to my business. He was of acceptable appearance in my opinion, and honestly resembled most of my ex's, trouble I know, so I continued with my reading and kept my head phones on. Just as I suspected before our stop he struck up a conversation that lead to an invitation of a drink at one of the locals a block from the train station. Why Men Cheat "Big, little or short or tall, Wish I could have kept 'em all, I loved 'em every one" - T.G. Sheperd, I Loved 'Em Every One Love - Entrepreneur Style For many of us, love has become a distant ideal. Often, we don't don't even spend much time thinking about sharing our lives with anyone else. We are too busy, we say, working too hard to look for that special person. Maybe someday, but not now. Will They or Will They Not Cheat? Have you ever told your partner or spouse how you would feel if you found out they had been cheating? Maybe your spouse or partner will never cheat on you! Are would they? Nip Verbal Abuse in the Bud So often in a new relationship we learn the dynamic of the new relationship. This includes how you react together as a couple, with each other, and in group settlings. Backgrounds are very different and as our techniques in dealing and interacting with other people. One thing you need to be on the look out for is verbal abuse. Verbal abuse always takes place before physical abuse does. Knowing what the signs of verbal abuse are as well as being able to stop that treatment early on is key in a relationship. Cheating Wives and Cheating Husbands Give Different Reasons for Having Extramarital Affairs Infidelity studies indicate that the percentage of cheating wives is fast approaching the percentage of cheating husbands wives. But the studies also reveal that men and women who are cheating on their spouses give different reasons to justify their extramarital affairs. Engaged, In Love, and In Limbo Well, here I am very much in love and starting to plan my August wedding, when Murphy's Law sets in. 46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair Some of these signs of a cheating spouse are "tongue in cheek" while others are tell tale signs that commonly appear with a cheating husband or cheating wife. There is no copyright. Feel free to forward to those who might be interested. But please don't change anything. Are Women From Utopia And Men From Wal-Mart? It is surprising how many writers, psychologists, or scientists have made it their life's work focusing on the gender differences. In our male-dominated society it is no coincidence that men have undertaken the bulk of this work. They made an effort to help men and women get along, but deep down the sexes are much more alike than the world cares to admit. What?s Special About Abused Women? Before writing this article, I stopped and thought hard. By writing this, would I be putting potentially harmful information in the hands of abusive men? Would I be putting more women at risk? The answer kept coming back 'no' ? although the question did bring to mind another characteristic of abused women that I'll come back to. When Your Relationships Turn Abusive - What You Can Do Sometimes the people who are the closest to us, our friends and our mates, the ones who should be liking us the best, are the ones who hurt us the most. ![]() |
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